

A Study of the Construction Technology of Application of the Subgrade Treatment Vehicle to Treat Subgrade Defect

【作者】 蒋红晖

【导师】 王平; 谷叶民;

【作者基本信息】 西南交通大学 , 道路与铁道工程, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 铁路路基承受从道床传递下来的列车荷载,减缓列车动应力,并将列车荷载和部分动应力传递给路堤或地基,路基需要保持一定的强度、稳定性以及几何状态,及时将地表降水排出至路基本体范围,保持路基本体干燥。但是,路基存在的基床翻浆冒泥、基床下沉和外挤变形等病害将弱化路基的功能,必须及时消除,才能确保线路状态良好,从而确保列车安全、平稳、舒适、不间断地按规定的时速运行。近年来随着我国铁路重载技术的发展,提速线路里程的增加和行车密度的加大,铁路路基负荷发生了较大的变化,路基内应力水平、分布状态和作用方式发生了显著变化,新的路基基床病害大量出现,而原有的因填料、结构设计技术标准低和施工质量问题导致的各种路基基床病害更加严重,铁路既有线超过总数8%的线路存在各种路基基床病害,铁路路基病害整治的任务非常艰巨。我国传统的铁路路基病害整治基本靠人力,机械化程度低,作业质量较难保证;受施工天窗及作业场地限制,基床处理的深度有限,一般只能换填0.3m左右;作业效率较低,人力成本越来越高;施工安全风险大,安全控制难度较大。本文总结了我国铁路路基常见病害——翻浆冒泥、路基下沉、外挤变形、路基陷穴、冻害的分类、形成原因和整治病害的方法。本文介绍了路基处理车结构、作业原理、作业条件、性能特点和作业效果,结合我国首次路基处理车路基病害整治施工实践的施工作业流程和施工组织,研究路基处理车整治铁路路基病害的施工技术,总结出路基处理车整治路基病害施工的主要技术要求、质量标准、施工天窗、限速条件和包含施工方案、施工列车及宿营车编组、施工主要机械及劳力组织、施工作业流程计划、施工单位分工、施工安全措施、应急处理预案的施工组织方案。探索施工前期工作、施工准备工作、施工计划安排、作业方法、设备设计缺陷和封锁天窗时间等方面与提高路基处理车作业效率的关系,探讨提高路基处理车施工质量的途径,以求在我国铁路运输条件下,根据我国铁路运输和工务施工的特点,充分发挥路基处理车在路基病害整治施工中的作用,使其作业效率和施工质量满足甚至超过设计要求,更好地发挥其在整治铁路路基病害施工中的作用。

【Abstract】 The railway subgrade can resist train loads passed by roadbed, weaken the dynamic stress of trains and transfer train loads and partial dynamic stress to ground or embankment. Sbugrade must keep enough strength, stability, track geometry, and good drainage so as to keep the subgrade drier. But the function of subgrade is weaken by the subgrade defect such as mud-pumping, subgrade subsidence, the crowded deformation and so on. Subgrade defect must be eliminate in time to make sure that the railway is in good condition and the train is safe, steady, comfortable and punctual.In recent years, with the development of heavy haul railway technology, the increment of mileage with speed up, and the improvement of traffic density, there is a significant change in railway subgrade load, involving distribution and the way of action of the internal stress, meanwhile, new subgrade disease is spring up, and the original disease becomes more terrible because of the filler and low structural design standards and construction quality, it is reported that more than 8 percent of railway exists a variety of subgrade disease.Our traditional treatment of subgrade defect in railway basically depends on manual labour, leading to low mechanization and being difficult to guarantee the quality of construction work. With the restrictions on track window time and yard, the depth of the subgrade bed is limited, usually only about 0.3m; operation efficiency is low and the manpower cost is higher; moreover, because of higher construction safety risk, difficulty in safety control becomes larger.The thesis summarizes the classification, reasons and treatment of common subgrade defect in our country such as mud-pumping, subgrade subsidence, the crowded deformation, frost injury and so on.The structure of the subgrad treatment vehicle, operation principle, operating condition, performance characteristic and the effect are elaborated in this thesis.Take the procedure and construction scheme of the application of the subgrad treatment vehicle to treat subgrade defect for the first time in our country for example, the main technical requirement, the quality standard, the track window time and the conditions of speed restriction while treating subgrad defects by the subgrad treatment vehicle are summarized. The thesis also summarizes the construction scheme included the operating trains and train crew cars marshalling, the main machines, the labor organization, the scheme of operating process, the division of work of different departments, the safety measures and the prediction scheme of emergency treatment.The construction technology of treating subgrade defect by the subgrad treatment vehicle, the preparation work of construction,the plan and method of construction,the defect of vehicle and the track window time are studied in the thesis. It is also explored how to increase operation efficiency and improve the construction quality in the thesis. According to the features of railway transportation and construction in our country, the effect of the subgrad treatment vehicle should be exerted by the greatest extent in order to make sure that the design requirements of operation efficiency and construction quality are fulfilled.


