

The Application Research of the Ground Penetrating Radar in Advanced Geological Prediction of Tunnels and Testing of Lining

【作者】 秦承彬

【导师】 刘争平;

【作者基本信息】 西南交通大学 , 地球探测与信息技术, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 为适应经济高速发展的需要,进入二十一世纪以来,我国进一步加大了对基础建设的投入,推动了我国高速铁路的快速发展。为满足高速铁路的技术要求,在地形复杂地区,需大量修建隧道工程。在隧道开挖过程中,需要提前了解掌子面前方的地质变化情况,为隧道施工提供较为准确地质资料,以便及时合理地调整开挖进尺、修正施工方案、加强安全防护措施,避免事故发生。另外,在隧道施工过程中的质量评价和竣工验收时的质量检测,都需要快速、准确、全面掌握隧道施工有无质量缺陷。探地雷达是采用高频电磁脉冲来探测地下介质分布规律的一种地球物理勘探方法,因其具有分辨率高、操作方便、无损检测、图像直观等优点,在隧道超前地质预报和衬砌检测得到了广泛的应用。探地雷达是在电磁场理论基础上发展起来的,电磁场理论和电磁波传播规律是探地雷达技术的理论基础。本文从电磁场基本理论麦克斯韦方程组切入,介绍了平面电磁波的传播特性和在介质中的传播规律以及介质的电磁特性;在学习国内外探地雷达技术研究资料的基础上,通过在湘桂线、贵广线和兰渝线进行隧道超前地质预报和衬砌检测的广泛实践,积累了应用探雷达技术的丰富经验。(1)系统总结了应用探地雷达进行数据采集的工作方法和资料解释方法,详细说明了数据采集过程中的注意事项、资料处理流程和目标体的识别方法。(2)总结了在隧道超前地质预报中经常遇到的溶洞、破碎带、软弱夹层、富水岩体等不良地质体的预报方法及其他们在雷达剖面图上的波形特征。(3)总结了在隧道衬砌检测中经常遇到的空洞、混凝土不密实带等质量缺陷的检测方法及他们在雷达剖面图上波形特征。目前,探地雷达已广泛应用于土木工程、环境检测、考古研究、基础地质调查、矿产勘查等领域,已成为一种常规的探测技术。随着科学技术的不断发展,探地雷达的应用领域将越来越广泛,其在工程领域的应用研究也将更加深入,分辨率和准确性也将不断提高。

【Abstract】 Into the twenty-first century, in order to meet the needs of rapid economic development,China has further increased its investment in infrastructure, promoted the rapid development of high-speed railway in China. To meet the technical requirements of high-speed railway in complex terrain areas, require a lot of the construction of tunnels. In the tunnel excavation process, we need to know in advance the geological changes in Front of Face for the tunnel to provide a more accurate geological data in order to rationalize excavation of footage in time and amend the construction plan, to strengthen security measures to avoid accidents. In addition, the process of tunnel construction and completion of quality assessment of quality acceptance testing, we need fast, accurate, and complete control of tunnel construction with or without quality defects. Ground Penetrating Radar is the use of high-frequency electromagnetic pulse to probe the subsurface media of a geophysical exploration methods, because of its high resolution ratio, easy operation, nondestructive testing, image visual advantages, such as tunnel geological prediction and the lining of detection are a wide range of applications.Ground Penetrating Radar in electromagnetic theory developed on the basis of, Electromagnetic field theory and the propagation of electromagnetic waves is the theoretical basis of ground penetrating radar technology. From the basic theory of electromagnetic fields Maxwell’s equations cuts introduced plane wave propagation characteristics and propagation in the medium and the electromagnetic properties of the medium; in learning at home and abroad radar technology on the basis of research data, through the Xiang Gui Railway, Gui Guang Railway,Lan Yu Railway and your line lining tunnel geological prediction and detection of a wide range of practice, theory and application of radar technology and accumulated experience.(1) summarized the application of the working methods in collecting GPR data and data interpretation methods, expatiated on notes in the data collection process, data processing procedures and methods of target identification.(2) summarized the tunnel geological prediction often encountered in the cave, broken belt, soft interlayer, water-rich rock and other adverse geological forecasting methods and their profile on the radar waveform characteristics.(3) summarizes the detection of tunnel lining the hole often encountered, the quality of concrete is not dense with other defect detection methods and their profile on the radar waveform characteristics.Currently, ground penetrating radar has been widely used in civil engineering, environmental monitoring, archaeological research, basic geological survey, mineral exploration and other fields, has become a routine detection technology. With the continuous development of science and technology, ground penetrating radar applications will become more widespread, its application in the engineering field will also be more in-depth, resolution ratio and accuracy will also continue to increase.

  • 【分类号】U452.11
  • 【被引频次】10
  • 【下载频次】396

