

Based on Labwindows/CVI Train Aerodynamic Software Design of the Test and Data Processing

【作者】 李庆伟

【导师】 苏燕辰;

【作者基本信息】 西南交通大学 , 测试计量技术及仪器, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 随着国内几大铁路客运专线的陆续开通,列车运行的速度越来越高。相应地,列车行车安全成为日益关注的重要问题,尤其是空气动力学问题越来越引起人们的重视。在列车以高速行驶、隧道运行、暴露于较强的侧风情况下可能产生明显的空气动力加载。车体气密性差的车辆在高速运行时车内空气压力将随车外压力波的变化而变化。倘若车内压力变化速率超过200Pa/S,则会使乘客耳膜疼痛甚至破裂。为了避免压力变化对旅客的不利影响,必须对车辆采取某些结构上的改进措施,因此国内外开始展开相关研究。列车气动阻力和空气压力波对行车安全、车体结构和旅客舒适度产生影响。列车与地面之间的空气介质由于列车的运动造成流场变化,产生持续作用的气动载荷,此外还会大量吸入车外灰尘。通过对列车设备舱的气动波动测试,掌握设备舱在高速运行时的气动载荷特征,分析不同线路条件、不同运行工况对设备舱气动载荷的影响,验证设备舱气动载荷设计标准。目前国内多应用车体表面开孔测压方法进行检测,由于线路环境复杂,沙尘多容易引起气孔的堵塞。针对传统数据采集系统通信接口缺乏灵活性的问题,本文提出一种基于LabWindows/CVI的高速数据采集系统,搭建基于TCP/IP协议的测控系统网络。采用十二个NS-I1型压力变送器和以NI公司M系列的USB6255作为硬件采集设备,笔记本电脑作为通信设备,选择LabWindows/CVI语言搭建数据采集系统的软件平台,采用调用DAQmx任务的方法设计上位机和数据采集系统的通信软件来实现对列车设备舱气压波动的采集;同时利用LabWindows/CVI高级数据分析函数库对数据进行巴特沃斯低通滤波处理,还调用Matlab函数引擎进行曲线拟合和复杂的函数库文件应用,实现数据的显示和处理结果。实验表明,该系统结构简单,运行速度快,抗干扰性强,具有较高的可靠度,完全满足设计和使用需求。

【Abstract】 With several major domestic rail passenger line after another opened, increasing the speed of trains. Accordingly, the train traffic safety becoming an increasingly important issue of concern, particularly in aerodynamics problem gets more attention. To high-speed train, tunnel operation, exposed to strong crosswind conditions may produce significant aerodynamic load. Poor body tightness when running at high speed of vehicles inside the air pressure outside the vehicle and change the pressure wave. If the pressure changes inside the vehicle speed exceeds 200Pa/S, the cause of pain or even ruptured eardrums passengers. In order to avoid pressure on the adverse effects of passengers, the vehicle must take certain structural improvements, therefore commenced studies at home and abroad.Train aerodynamic drag and air pressure wave on traffic safety, body structure and the impact on passenger comfort. Between trains and ground movement of air caused by the media as the train changes the flow field, resulting in the continuing role of the aerodynamic loads, the vehicle will also be a lot of dust inhalation. Equipment cabin on the train’s pneumatic wave test, control equipment cabin at high speed when the aerodynamic load characteristics of the different line conditions, different operating conditions on the aerodynamic loads of equipment cabin, verification equipment cabin aerodynamic loading design standards.At present, many applications external surface of the hole pressure measurement methods for detection, due to line environment is complex, and more prone to dust clogging pores. Traditional data acquisition system for the lack of communication interface flexibility, this paper proposed based on LabWindows/ CVI high-speed data acquisition system, built based on TCP/IP protocol of the control system network. NS-I1 by twelve pressure transmitters and the NI M Series USB6255 company as a communication and control chip, select LabWindows/CVI language to build data acquisition system software platform, called DAQmx task and designed PC data acquisition system of communication software to enable the train to collect equipment cabin pressure fluctuations; while using LabWindows/CVI library of advanced data analysis of the data Butterworth low-pass filtering, also called curve fitting engine Matlab functions and complex library file applications, data display and processing results.Experiments show that the system is simple, fast, strong anti-interference, high reliability, fully meet the design and use requirements.


