

Research on the Planning of Railway Layout in Guizhou Province

【作者】 雷蕾

【导师】 杜文;

【作者基本信息】 西南交通大学 , 交通运输规划与管理, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 贵州是我国大西南通向华南地区、东南亚地区的出海出境重要通道和陆路交通枢纽,是中国西部通向东盟自由贸易区的南下通道和次前沿地区,也是四川、重庆南下出海的必经之地,其交通区位在全国具有重要的战略地位。贵州省铁路在新中国成立后,经过三次建设高潮,形成了目前以贵阳为中心的十字形枢纽格局。为了适应西部大开发战略规划,实现贵州省全面建设小康社会的发展目标,贵州省产业结构将进一步优化,矿产品、能源、旅游等特色产业将需要得到进一步的发展;同时,结合铁路跨越式发展的要求,尽快完善贵州省铁路网布局,形成功能齐全、设备完善的铁路运输网络,使贵州省铁路建设能尽快适应地方经济的发展需求。本文根据调查资料及征求意见开展规划研究工作,在对贵州省社会经济及铁路现状分析的基础上,以研究工作策划为指导,分析贵州省既有铁路的现状及发展趋势,按科学合理的近远期分布发展年限,就客货运运输需求进行了分析研究,提出了贵州省铁路发展规划的目标。

【Abstract】 After the new China was founded and three construction boom, the railway of Guizhou Province has formated a cross as the center of Guiyang hub pattern. In order to adapting for the strategy of west-great-development and converting Guizhou Province into a science-based area, and comprehensively constructing well-off society, Guizhou Province will further optimize the industrial structure, and minerals, energy, tourism and other special industries will need to be further developed. At the same time, it’s necessary to improve the layout of the railway network in Guizhou Province with the requirements of accomplishing railroad span-development, then form a full-featured, well-equipped railway network. So that railway construction in Guizhou Province can make to adapt to local economic development needs.Based on survey data and carry out planning and research work for comments, this paper first analyzed the socio-economic and the railway status of Guizhou Province. Then predicted passenger and cargo traffic and passenger turnover by analyzing the distribution of scientific and rational development of short and long term period. Finally, this paper propsed plan of railway development in Guizhou Province goals.

【关键词】 贵州铁路布局规划
【Key words】 Guizhou ProvinceRailwayPlanning and Layout

