

The Historical Review and Contemporary Thought of Running Trust as an Experiment in the 1960s

【作者】 唐月云

【导师】 何薇;

【作者基本信息】 西南交通大学 , 专门史, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 二十世纪六十年代我国进行国民经济调整,为配合调整任务,对经济体制进行了探索性的改革。针对在建国以来相当长的一段时间里工业管理体制存在的问题,在刘少奇的主持下,试办工业、交通托拉斯,这是我国工业经济管理体制改革史上具有创新意义的一次探索。本文将对试办托拉斯的历史背景、历史过程、成效进行系统的探究,并思考试办托拉斯对我国工业化和建立独立的比较完整的工业体系和国民经济体系所起的作用,为对今后的国有企业改革和中央企业战略重组提供一些有益启示。本文正文分为四个部分:第一部分为绪论,主要介绍课题的提出、研究意义、国内对试办托拉斯的研究现状及相关概念的解释。第二部分主要叙述试办托拉斯的历史背景:建国后我国工业经济管理体制存在弊病、1957年和1958~1960年“大跃进”时期两次对工业经济管理体制改革的失败、工业经济的发展为试办托拉斯创造了经济条件、中央对试办托拉斯的政策支持。第三部分主要考察了试办托拉斯的历史过程,可分为酝酿规划、试办、调整与终结四个历史阶段。第四部分思考试办托拉对我国工业化进程及建立独立的比较完整的工业体系和国民经济体系所发挥的作用,最后提出几点对国有企业改革和央企重组有益启示。

【Abstract】 In the 1960s, our country has gone on the adjustment of national economy. We exploratively carried out the reform of economy system in harmony with the task. Aimming at some problems in the industrial arrangement system for a fairly long period of time since the founding of the People’s Republic of China in 1949, we ran industry and transportion Trust as experiments in charge of Liu Shaoqi. It is an innovative exploration in the history of the reform of our country industrial economy arrangement system. This paper will make a thorough inquiry into the historical background and process, as well as its effectiveness of running a pilot scheme of Trust. And it think deeply that running a pilot scheme of Trust play a supporting role in our country industrialization and building up an independent and relatively integrated industry system and national economy. Thus, it can provide some useful advice for the reform of state-owned enterprise and reorganization of the central enterprises in the future.This paper is divided into four parts.The first part is a preface. It mainly introduce the topic for discussion, significance of the study, domestic current status of the research on running Trust as an experiment and explain the related concepts.The second part focuses on the historical background of running Trust as an experiment. It includes the malady existed in the industrial economy arrangement system after the founding of the PRC, the failure of the reform of the industrial economy arrangement system in 1957 and during the period of Great Leap Forward from 1958 to 1960, economic condition created by the development of the industrial economy and the support by central policies.The third part investigates the historical process of running Trust as an experiment. It can be regarded as four stages:brewing and planning, running Trust as an experiment, adjusting and ending.The fourth part considers that running Trust as an experiment have an effect on the course of our country industrialization and the establishment of an independent and relatively integrated industry system. Finally it will put forward a few tips to the reform of state-owned enterprises and reorganization of the central enterprise.


