

Computer Aided Design for Railway Yard Signal Layout

【作者】 安春兰

【导师】 杨扬;

【作者基本信息】 西南交通大学 , 交通运输工程, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 铁路站场图主要是反映站场线路的布置情况和接发车方向;信号楼位置的确定和集中联锁区的范围;并且表明了信号机、道岔的名称编号和设置位置,划分了轨道电路区段,车站信号平面布置图是设置车站联锁电路的基础,是进行车站信号工程设计与施工的重要依据,同时也是编制联锁表的依据。而联锁表是通过表格形式对整个车站内的道岔、进路和信号机之间全部联锁关系的表达。它是设计电路的依据,在设备施工完毕交付使用之前,也根据联锁表的内容逐项进行联锁试验。随着铁路的高速发展,信号设计业务量随之迅速增长,因此对车站信号平面布置图的绘制提出了更高的要求,传统的绘制模式是通过人工手动绘制来实现,近来虽然也用到了一些CAD软件,但是对于每一个站场都要重新搭建,设计效率没有得到根本性的提高,因此有必要开发一套站场设计软件,来满足站场设计要求,并提高工作效率。本文通过介绍车站信号平面布置图中的信号设备布置情况、设备命名及编号和联锁表各栏的编制内容,运用Visual C++的MFC技术进行站场计算机辅助设计。本文分三大模块来完成,首先是对站场基本设备图元的设计与实现,通过分析各信号设备的特征,将信号机、道岔等基本图形设计成图元的形式:其次是实现对图元的编辑和窗口处理功能,包括对图元的选取、移动、删除操作和对窗口滚动和重绘等功能的实现,并绘制站场;然后将绘制的站场图抽象成计算机图,根据绘制站场提供的数据识别进路信息,主要是对轨道区段信息、列车进路信息、调车进路信息和敌对信号信息的识别,然后将识别的信息填写入进路表中,构成总进路表。

【Abstract】 Railway signal yard is a reflection of the layout, pickup direction and start direction of yard.It determines the location of signal buliding and the scope of the concentrated interlocking area, and also indicates signal name,switch name and their position, divides sections for track circuit,the computer interlocking circuit is designed basing on it, the signal engineering design and construction is in the light of Railway signal yard which is the important basis of compiling interlocking table. Interlocking table is expressing the interlocking relationship for switch,track and signal in the whole yard.It is the basis of the circuit design,interlocking test is also based on it before using.Signal design portfolio is growing because of the rapid development of railway,so we put forward higher request for the drawing of signal yard.The traditional drawing mode is through the CAD software or input data manually to realize.But every software is independent and information is not sharing,so the yard is modified frequently leading to the increased a lot of repetition of work, and not improving the design efficiency fundamentally. therefore, it is necessary to develop a set of design system, for enhancing work efficiency and meeting yard design requirements.The article introduces the signal equipments layout, equipment naming,numbers and each column content of the interlock table,and using MFC technology of Visual C++ for computer aided design.This paper points three modules to complete.Firstly is to design and implement basic equipments of yard,through the analysis for the characteristics of each signal equipment, the signal, switch and other signal equipment are designed to basic graphic form.Secondly is to realize the graph editor and windows processing functions,Including the selection, mobile,delete operation and window scrolling and redrawing,and then draw yard.Finally,according the data provided by drawing yard,the yard is abstracted into computer figure and recognize track information Including the rail section information, the train route information, shunting into road information and hostile signal recognition, and then information of identification is filled in the path of a table, generating interlocking table.


