

A Study on the Landscape Design of Primary and Middle School in Reconstruction

【作者】 黄艳琼

【导师】 徐伯初;

【作者基本信息】 西南交通大学 , 设计艺术学, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 我国的512汶川大地震和玉树地震给教育系统带来了毁灭性的伤害,中小学生是这次灾难的最大受害者,据统计,此次地震造成四川省大约13779间学校受损,受损建筑面积达到约2489.96万m2,遇难学生达到19065名。’教育设施遭受重创,学校需要大规模的重建。如此惨痛的教训,值得我们深思,天灾我们无力抗争,但我们是否能够将学校建造的更安全、更牢固呢?于是,如何建造一个更安全更坚固,更适合孩子们学习生活的新校园,成为我们灾后重建工作的重要任务。本文以5.12汶川地震与4.14玉树地震后灾区中小学校重建为背景,提出对重建校园景观设计研究的课题。并结合日本、台湾两地震后校园重建对我国的启示,首先简要阐明了重建中小学校园景观的基本涵义;通过分析灾区环境景观的影响因素和人的需要,即中小学师生的心理、生理及行为需要;从而提出适合于灾后重建中小学校的景观设计原则:安全性原则,注重对残障学生的无障碍设计,以及景观所表达的校园文化精神应该在灾后重建的校园中有更好的体现;并以此为依据,从总体设计、空间规划、交通组织、绿化、铺装,照明以及景观建筑、环境雕塑及小品设施等方面系统地探讨了灾后重建中小学校园景观的设计方法和流程。

【Abstract】 Wenchuan earthquake happened on 12th May,2008, which attracted worldwide attention, is the most devastating and the biggest disaster since the establishment of the People’s Republic of China. When the earthquake happened, it was just the time for school, thus students were the biggest victims. According to statistics, it caused approximately 13,779 schools damaged in Sichuan Province, approximately 24,889,600 square meters of the building area damaged, and the student victims reached 19,065. Hence, educational facilities suffered great losses, and the schools need a very large-scale reconstruction. Such a painful lesson is worthy for us to think about as we are not able to fight against the nature. However, can we build schools safer and firmer? Thus, how to construct a safer and firmer new school which fits students’school life becomes an important task of reconstruction.This thesis with reconstructions of the primary and middle schools in Wenchuan and Yushu, proposes the study on the design of school landscape in reconstruction, combining the enlightenment from the reconstruction after the earthquake in Taiwan. Firstly, this thesis illustrates the definition of landscape of primary and middle schools in reconstruction, by analyzing the factors that affect landscape in disaster area and human needs, namely, the psychological, physical and behavior needs of students and teachers. Then this thesis proposes the principle for designing the landscape for the reconstruction of primary and middle schools:the principle of safety focusing on the accessibility for disable students and the spiritual culture represented by school landscape that should be better represented in reconstruction. On which, this thesis explores the ways and procedures of landscape design in reconstruction from the perspective of overall design, space planning, traffic organization, pavement, lighting, landscape architecture, environmental sculpture and facilities, etc.


