

Study of Zhou Wen’s Theory of Popularization of Literature and Art

【作者】 冯维

【导师】 苏志宏;

【作者基本信息】 西南交通大学 , 中国现当代文学, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 文艺大众化是中国现代文学史上一场重要的思想启蒙和文化救亡运动。在文艺大众化运动中,周文是一位杰出的大众化文艺理论家和实践者。自90年代以来,周文研究逐渐开始受到文学界的关注和重视。在许多的研究中,很多学者已充分肯定了周文小说中所具有的“鲜明的地域特色”、讽刺意识.本论文将不在重述对周文这些笼统的认识和评价,而从文本出发,力图通过对周文文艺大众化思想的分析和探讨,发现周文文学世界所独具的魅力,以及周文大众化思想及其创作在中国现代文学史发展进程中所具有的重要价值和意义。了解周文的生平与创作,探讨周文的文艺大众化思想,分析周文作品中大众化因素,构成了本论文的主要内容。周文的文学创作和大众化文艺理论的初衷始终立足于大众,人民群众成了他启蒙和救亡的对象。周文是一个富有强烈时代使命感的优秀作家,他的文艺大众化思想及其相关作品在当时具有“启蒙”和“救亡”的重要历史作用和意义。大众化理论是周文文艺理论的重要组成部分,周文在文艺大众化理论建设中提出了许多极富建设性的思想主张,如为大众、大众语、民族主义的倡导和实践,以及提倡通俗文学等。我将周文文艺大众化思想作为本论文的主要研究对象之一,旨在我们能够更全面、深刻的认识和评价周文大众化思想所具有的史学价值和文学价值,也希望通过对其文艺大众化思想的分析和探讨来拓宽周文研究的视野。

【Abstract】 Popularization of arts is one important movement in the history of modern Chinese literature.Zhou wen is is one of the outstanding popularization theorist and practitioner in the movement of arts.Since 1990,zhou wen’s study has been-and-in the literature area.In the lots of study,many of people gave a "vivid local colour"、the sence of irony. The counter seeks mainly to detect the artistic glamour peculiar to the theory of literature and art from zhou wen’s novels which does not simply repeat present general conclusions of zhou wen identity. And zhou wen’s writing has important value and significance in the history of Chinese modern literature.Knowing of Zhou wen’s life and creation,discussing the theory of literature and art from zhou wen, analyse the masses from the zhou wen’s novels constitute the mainly content of the thesis. Zhou wen’s literary creation and theory based on the masses, and he makes the masses as the the enlighten and save’s objects.Zhou wen is an excellent writers with strong sense of era mission, and his novel takes on the same with "Enlightenment" and a "rescue" the importment historical role and significance at the time. The popular theory is one important part of Zhou wen’s art theory.Zhou wen has put forward many constructive views,for example,the raise of masses,vernacular,nationalism,and he’s advocate popular literature. Aim on has comprehensivly and deeply acquaintance and evaluate in the history and literature of zhou wen’s popularization,I will enlarges the zhou wen’s research study. And expect to broden the research on the Zhou wen’s study by analysis and discuss to his works.

【关键词】 周文文艺大众化大众
【Key words】 zhou wenthe popularization of literature and artthe masses

