

Research on Transport Operation of Sunset-Departure and Sunrise-Arrival Trains on Dedicated Passenger Lines

【作者】 朱文亭

【导师】 彭其渊;

【作者基本信息】 西南交通大学 , 交通运输规划与管理, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 为了提高铁路运输的竞争能力,加快铁路的发展步伐和减轻既有路网的压力,我国正在大力发展高速铁路。根据《中长期铁路网规划(2008年调整)》,到2020年前我国将建成客运专线1.6万公里以上,规划建设新线约4.1万公里,形成以客运专线为骨干,以新建高速铁路和既有提速线路为辅的快速客运网。随着快速客运服务网络的发展,大量列车跨线运行,部分长途跨线列车在夜间将按照夕发朝至的方式运行,使夕发朝至列车的开行范围得到进一步延伸,因此研究夕发朝至跨线列车的运输组织问题具有重要的意义。本文根据既有研究成果,结合实验室的相关高速铁路研究课题,首先分析了跨线客流的输送方式和夕发朝至跨线列车合理的开行范围,并以京沪高铁为例研究了夕发朝至跨线列车与综合维修天窗的协调,最后在此基础上建立了夕发朝至跨线列车衔接站的选择模型。具体内容如下:(1)通过分析我国高速铁路的客流特点,研究了我国跨线客流基本的输送方式。(2)分析了我国高速铁路开行夕发朝至跨线列车的必要性,重点对其开行距离范围和运行时间范围进行了研究,并建立了相应的计算方法。(3)讨论了不同天窗开设方式对夕发朝至跨线列车的影响,以京沪高铁为例研究了夕发朝至跨线列车与综合维修天窗的协调,着重分析了天窗的开设对夕发朝至跨线列车通过能力的影响。(4)建立了夕发朝至跨线列车衔接站的选择模型,并根据模型的特点,提出了使用遗传算法对其求解,最后以自构造的路网进行了实际的求解。

【Abstract】 In order to develop the railway, enhance the competitive compentence of the railway and relieve the existing railway network, our country is devoleping the dedicated passenger railway. According to the long-term rail network planning (2008), China will be built by 2020 passenger dedicated line (PDL) 16,000 km above, the new line around 41,000 kilometers, form for the backbone to PDL, construction of railway and fast speed of auxiliary circuit as fast passenger nets.with the development of fast passenger nets, some long distance cross-line trains run in "sunset-departure and sunrise-arrival mode", which extend the area of sunset-departure and sunrise-arrival trains. So study of the transport organization of sunset-departure and sunrise-arrival trains running crossing PDLs and existing railways have a reasonable opening line, The paper bases on the existing research results, consults domestic and international relevant materials extensively, combines the relevant subject about dedicated passenger railway of the laboratory, first analyses the transport mode of cross-line passenger and the operation range of sunset-departure and sunrise-arrival trains running crossing PDLs and existing railways. Taking the Beijing-Shanghai PDL as an example, the coordination between comprehensive skylight maintenance and sunset-departure and sunrise-arrival trains is analyzed. on this basis to study Optimization model of Organization of sunset-departure and sunrise-arrival trains running crossing PDLs and existing railways. Details are as follows:(1) By analyzing China’s passenger flow characteristics, generalized the basic transport mode of cross-line passenger.(2) This paper analyses the necessity of sunset-departure and sunrise-arrival trains running crossing PDLs and existing railways, focusing on analysis of the operation range and running time scope of such trains, and establish the corresponding method of calculation and analysis.(3) The paper analyse the influence on sunset-departure and sunrise-arrival trains running crossing PDLs and existing railways under different skylight mode of PDL, Taking the Beijing-Shanghai PDL as an example, the coordination between comprehensive skylight maintenance and sunset-departure and sunrise-arrival trains is analyzed, focusing on analysis of the influence on he railway passway capacity’s utilize under different skyligh.(4) Study optimization model of organization of sunset-departure and sunrise-arrival trains running crossing PDLs and existing railways. According to the characteristic of the model, it proposes solving with the genetic algorithm in the heuristic algotithm. Last, it studies the case that is constructed by oneself.


