

Stability Evaluation of Bank Rock Slope on a Key Rail Way Bridge in Yunnan Province

【作者】 杨博

【导师】 吴光;

【作者基本信息】 西南交通大学 , 岩土工程, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 云南某铁路是我国规划并正在建设中的重、大、难重点工程,其中的A市至B县段将穿越世界瞩目的青藏高原东南缘与云贵高原的过渡带。在这里,由于地壳形变构成的地形地貌,新构造活动造成的区域地质,断裂活动形成的地质灾害都是我们也是全球工程地质领域面临的新问题。因此,对云南某特大桥等高墩大跨桥梁和线路高陡斜坡稳定性进行专项地质勘探与评价是十分必要的。通过对云南某特大桥桥址区的工程地质条件进行勘察,对已有的滑坡和潜在的滑坡进行推测研究。经过对桥址区的钻孔研究,推测出滑坡的潜在滑动面,确定其地质模型,运用极限平衡法中的sarma法对预测滑动面的稳定性进行计算和分析,得出其在各种疏干率下的安全系数。进而通过有限元法,计算边坡在自然,加载,地震,水库蓄水等情况下的岸坡应力应变情况,分析边坡的破坏情况。再而运用离散元软件UDEC对两岸的边坡进行位移计算和稳定性分析。通过这三种方法的比较,得出此桥位的岸坡稳定性的评价结果。

【Abstract】 One railway in YunNan is one of the heavy, big, difficult key projects which China is planning and constructing. The line section between A city and B city will cross over the transitional zone in south-eastern tibetan plateau and yunnan-guizhou plateau. Here, the topography composed by crustal deformation, the regional geology caused by neotectonic activity and the geological disasters formed by fault activities, are all new problems faced with global engineering geology fields. Therefore, it is very necessary to carry out specific geological exploration and evaluation on the hing pier and long-span Bridges as well as the stability of high steep slope.Based on the investigation of engineering geological conditions of the bridge site area, this paper carries out the prediction research on the existing and potential landslide. Through the research on the drilling core in the bridge site area, this paper gives the potential sliding surface of landslide and determines the geological mode, then this paper carries out calculation and analysis on the stability of the potential sliding surface with the limit equilibrium method-Sarma and obtains the safety factors under each dewatering rate. With FEM, this paper calculates the stress and strain of the slope in such conditions as natural, loaded, earthquake and reservoir impoundment and judges the condition of slope failure. With discrete element software-UDEC, this paper gives the displacement calculation and analysis of bank stability. In the end, this paper comes to a conclusion of the bank slope stability through the comparison of the above three methods.


