
桥上CRTS Ⅲ型板式无砟轨道动力学性能分析

Dynamic Performance Analysis of CRTS Ⅲ Slab Track on Bridge

【作者】 张丽平

【导师】 杨荣山;

【作者基本信息】 西南交通大学 , 交通运输工程, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 CRTSⅢ型板式无砟轨道是一种新型无砟轨道结构,这种无砟轨道结构桥梁地段为单元板式轨道,取消了CA砂浆而用自密实混凝土作为板下填充层,轨道板与自密实混凝土间设置U型连接钢筋,加强两者之间的连接。底座上设置两个凸台传递水平力及限位。此CRTSⅢ型无砟轨道结构在国内应用尚少,没有可以借鉴的经验,所以对其进行动力学性能分析有着非常重要的意义。本文在收集、分析、吸收国内外研究的基础上,运用车辆—轨道垂向耦合动力学,借助于通用大型有限元动力学分析软件ANSYS/LS-DYNA建立车辆—轨道—桥梁垂向耦合模型,对桥上CRTSⅢ型板式无砟轨道结构动力特性进行研究和探讨。主要包括以下内容:收集、整理了国内外有关板式无砟轨道的应用现状,并介绍CRTSⅢ型板式无砟轨道的结构特点。叙述了轨道不平顺的种类,美国、德国和我国轨道不平顺谱;局部轨道不平顺波形特征参数及常见局部轨道不平顺波形。通过对客运专线的简支梁和连续梁桥上的CRTSⅢ型板式无砟轨道的动力学计算及其比较可得出车体、转向架、轮对的垂向加速度都相差不大,因此,对于乘车舒适性而言,无论是简支梁还是连续梁,区别不大;简支梁上的钢轨、轨道板、桥梁的垂向加速度及位移比连续梁上的大,对于轨道本身的动力特性而言,连续梁上的CRTSⅢ型板式无砟轨道的动力性能明显好于简支梁上的CRTSⅠⅡ型板式无砟轨道。针对长昆线、成贵线和成灌线上的32米简支梁上的桥端和跨中处CRTSⅢ型板式无砟轨道进行了动力学对比分析,可知:桥上CRTSⅢ型板式无砟轨道,桥端处轨道板振动及其位移变化都比跨中处大,在设计桥上CRTSⅢ型板式无砟轨道时,应加强桥端处轨道板结构,具体加固措施应根据具体线路和桥梁和及其耐久性的进一步研究而定。将长昆线、成贵线和成灌线上的32米简支梁上的CRTSⅢ型板式无砟轨道的动力特性进行比较分析,可知:抗弯刚度大的桥梁,轨道动力特性好。本文选取0.60 m、0.63 m、0.65 m、0.68 m、0.70 m五种扣件间距,并分别在50kN/mm、25kN/mm两种扣件刚度下进行动力学对比计算,根据计算结果建议桥上CRTSⅢ型板式无砟轨道的扣件间距取0.63m-0.65m。

【Abstract】 CRTS III slab track is a new non-ballasted track structure, This ballastless track structure set as unit on bridges, using self-compacting concrete instead of CA mortar as the fill layer under the plate. Meanwhile, in order to strengthen the connection between the slab and self-compacting concrete, U-section steel bar is set between them. Two convex plates are set on the base plate to transfer lateral and longitudinal force, and movements of the slab are limited. Since it is the first time for the ballastless tracks used in our country, nothing to learn from experience. Therefore, deep study of orbital dynamics, optimizing the kinetic parameters of ballastless track structure is very important.On the basis of the collection, analysis, absorbing domestic and foreign studies, this article researches in and discusses with dynamic performance of bi-block ballastless track on earth roadbed using vehicles-track vertical coupling dynamics, with the aid in general large-scale finite element dynamics analysis software ANSYS/LS-DYNA establishment bridge-vehicles-track vertical coupling model. Mainly include the following:Collect, collate the relevant domestic and international research of slab track the status quo, and introduced the CRTS III slab ballastless track structure characteristics. Describes the type of track irregularity, the United States, Germany and China the spectrum of track irregularity;local track irregularity waveform parameters and common local track irregularity waveform.Take the Passenger-line’s simple beam and continuous beam of the CRTS III slab ballastless track for dynamics calculation and comparison, obtain the results of body, bogie, wheel vertical acceleration is little difference, Therefore, in terms of comfort, both simple beam and continuous beam, not much different;The simple beam’s vertical acceleration and displacement of rails, track panels and bridge than continuous beam’s, The CRTS III slab ballastless track’s dynamic performance of continuous beam is better.Take the CRTS III slab ballastless track of Changkun-line、Chenggui-line and Chengguan-line’s 32m simple beam to comparative analysis of dynamic,The CRTS III slab ballastless track at the side of the bridg’s vibration and displacement is relatively large. So in design, reinforcement measures should be taken. Also known the better bending stiffness of the bridge, the better dynamic characteristics of track.This paper selects 0.60 m,0.63 m,0.65 m,0.68 m,0.70 m five fastener spacing take to dynamic calculate and compare, The results suggest that the CRTS III slab ballastless track of the fastener spacing to take 0.63m-0.65m.


