

Optical Design for Dynamic Star Simulator Base on LCOS

【作者】 朴聪

【导师】 张国玉;

【作者基本信息】 长春理工大学 , 仪器科学与技术, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 星模拟器是星敏感器的地面标定的试验设备,星模拟器标定精度受其光学系统成像质量的制约。论文针对星模拟器的技术指标要求,设计一种高成像质量的星模拟器光学系统。论述了一种以高分辨率、高对比度LCOS作为星图显示器件的动态星模拟器,介绍了动态星模拟器的组成、工作原理和基本功能,根据指标要求设计了一种焦距为103.877mm、视场为10°×10°、工作波长为0.47μm-0.76μm、通光口径为36mm、出瞳距为55mm、平行度误差≤10”、畸变小于0.1%的光学系统。经过像差校正后的光学系统成像质量良好,最大畸变仅为-0.037734%,在空间频率601p/mm时,全视场MTF≥0.69,最大平行度误差为1.93”。最后对光学系统进行公差分析,在所提出的公差下,分析结果表明光学系统设计良好。

【Abstract】 The star simulator is a kind of laboratory equipment for ground calibration of the star sensor.Along with fast developing of star sensor,higher and higher accuracy of the star simulator calibration is reqired.For the development of the core display restrict the development of star simulator,to improve the accuracy of the star simulator calibration, it is neccessary to find a kind of star map display with high resolution、high contrast and small pixel.Aiming at the requirement of high calibration accuracy about star simulator, this paper discusses a star simulator which use LCOS as core display,the LCOS with high resolution and high contrast. Introduce the structure,work principle and basic founction of the star simulator,and design optical system which of 103.877mm focal length,10°×10°field of view,0.4μm~0.76μm wavelength,36mm light pass aperture,55mm pupil distance. parallelism error≤10",distortion<0.1%.According to the index requirement choose distortionless eyepiece as initial structure,and optimize the initial structure by ZEMAX software,the structure has six sphere lens,the image quality of the optical system is good after aberrational correction. At last,analyze tolerance of the system,the result shows that this optical system meet the requierment.


