

Representative Coastal Erosion Processes and Controlling Factors

【作者】 衣伟虹

【导师】 韩宗珠; 印萍;

【作者基本信息】 中国海洋大学 , 海洋地质, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 海岸侵蚀是长期以来严重威胁我国沿海地区社会生产活动和人民生命财产安全的海洋灾害,在淤泥质海岸和砂质海岸地区侵蚀尤为明显。海岸侵蚀是自然因素和人为因素共同作用下的结果。本文以黄河三角洲淤泥质海岸和鲁南砂质海岸为例,综合前人的研究,采用定量的研究方法对已有观测数据进行深入分析,探讨海岸侵蚀的控制因素。并通过对卫片、航片等的对比,直观展示海岸带的变化过程。本文分析了影响海岸侵蚀发生的主要因素,认为影响海岸侵蚀的的因素是多样的。自然因素包括:全球性海平面上升、台风、风暴潮等海洋动力的侵蚀、自然因素下的地面沉降以及陆源泥沙供应自然减少等;人为因素包括:海岸采砂、河道上游建造水库和沿岸工程设施等。这些因素之间相互促进和相互制约,海岸线的变化是这些因素共同作用的综合结果。任何可能导致海岸带物质收支失衡的因素都可能是导致海岸侵蚀或淤积变化的潜在因素。沿岸地区泥沙供应的变化是影响海岸变化的主要原因。海平面上升对海岸变化的影响是缓慢、长效的,随着海平面上升速率的加大,海平面变化产生的影响也逐渐加强。而人类活动会导致局部海岸短期快速变化,对海岸变化的影响往往是决定性的。黄河三角洲地区受黄河水砂量变化的影响,岸线变化明显。在全球气候变化影响下的降雨量减少和在河流上游修建水库拦蓄泥沙等导致的河流输沙量锐减是该区海岸发生侵蚀的根本原因。2000年以来黄河三角洲沿岸人工设施的修建在一定程度上抵御了海岸的进一步侵蚀。分析不同时间段黄河三角洲岸线的变化,探讨其影响因素是本文研究的目的。鲁南砂质海岸自70年代以来发生侵蚀,80年代末岸线发生急剧后退。河流泥沙供应下降和严重的海岸采砂是该区海岸发生侵蚀的主要原因。海洋动力因素是实现海岸侵蚀的直接动力,河流输沙变化、海平面变化和海岸挖沙提供了海岸变化的物质基础和动力潜势。根据历史资料和实测资料,本文分析了该岸段海岸变化的过程和影响因素。基于对不同类型海岸侵蚀的研究,分析和讨论不同因素对海岸侵蚀的影响,以现在海岸带侵蚀状况为依据,提出防治海岸侵蚀的方法和对策,对今后海岸保护、开发以及海岸带地区的经济发展和建设有重大意义。对于淤泥质海岸地区可以采取修建防波堤、丁坝等硬质海岸工程和生物护滩等方法来保护海岸。砂质海岸地区除了可以采取各种硬质海岸工程防护外,还可以采用填沙护滩等人工方法保护岸滩。各种防护方法可以相互结合以便达到最佳防护效果。

【Abstract】 Coastal erosion is one of the marine disasters threatening the social activities, properties and safety of people in the coastal zone, especially at muddy coast and sandy coast. Coastal erosion is the result of natural factors and human activities in the coastal zone.Taking muddy coast of Yellow River delta and sandy coast of South Shangdong for examples, the author discusses the controlling factors of coastal erosion and analyzes the existing data with quantitative methods, basing on the researches of predecessors.Various factors are included in the coastal erosion processes, any factors causing unbalance of coastal material budgets have a potential impact on the coastal erosion. Natural factors include such as global sea-level rise, storm waves, land subsidence and decrease of sand supply from land. Human activities impact include sand mining from coastal zone, river daming and coastal engineering. These natural and anthropic factors mutually enforce and constraint each other, jointly cause coast erosion. Decrease of sediment supplies from rivers is the main source of coastal budget unbalance and coastal erosion. Sea-level rise causes the shoreline recession slowly and continuously, and its effect will increase with the acceleration of sea-level rise in the future. The effect of human activities acts dominantly and rapidly on a regional scale.The coastline of Yellow River Delta has changed remarkably. Decrease in sediments discharge from the Yellow River due to decrease of rainfall and daming on the rivers is a direct cause of coastal erosion over the study period. The slowing-down of delta erosion after year 2000 is attributed to the coastal defense enforcement, such as dikes along the vast coastline. The purpose of this thesis is to discuss the controlling factors impact on shoreline change of Yellow River Delta. The sandy coast of the South Shangdong were under erosion since 1970s and shoreline retreated sharply since 1980s. Decrease in sediment supplies from the rivers and sand dredging in the foreshore are the main reasons for coastal erosion. Coastal erosion is intensified by ocean dynamic, whilst decrease in sediment supply from rivers, sea-level rise and sand dredging on the foreshore provide the material potentials. The purpose of this study is to analyes the processes and the factors according to historical measured data.According to the current coastline erosion state, analysis and discussion on the effects of different factors and suggestion to the solution and strategy to prevent the coast from erosion are making great sense on coastal development and protection.For muddy coast, we can protect them by building coastal engineering such as breakwater and dikes, and taking biological means. The sandy coast could be protected by sand nourishment, one of the nature-friendly methods besides coastal hard defense engineering. Various methods can be combined together to make the best outputs.


