

Evolution of Qingshuigou Channel Lobe in Yellow River Delta

【作者】 魏晓燕

【导师】 李广雪;

【作者基本信息】 中国海洋大学 , 海洋地质, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 本文利用多年的遥感影像、水深数据等资料,通过分析研究清水沟流路及叶瓣陆上三角洲和水下三角洲的演化过程,进而综合研究黄河三角洲清水沟叶瓣的演化规律,从而完善对三角洲及叶瓣演化规律的认识,并为清水沟流路下一步治理方向、胜利油田和黄河三角洲的进一步开发提供必要的参考。自1855年以来,黄河尾闾进行了10次改道,1976年改道清水沟然后1996年清8出汊,形成目前的清水沟流路。本文从遥感图像MSS754, TM432假彩色合成影像上,目视解译提取21年(22个时期)的清水沟主河道、高潮线与低潮线。根据河型、河长和人类控制下的来水来沙情况,可将清水沟流路主河道1976-2009年的演变划分6个时段: 1976—1981年河口湾充填阶段; 1981—1985年,自然状态下的单一归股阶段;1985-1991年,人工状态下的单一顺直阶段;1991-1996年清8未出汊前,人工干预下的出汊摆动阶段;1996—2004年,人工控制下的单一顺直阶段;2004-2009年,人工控制下的出汊摆动阶段。由于陆上三角洲和水下三角洲的分界线为低潮线,故采用低潮线为清水沟叶瓣岸线来进行统计分析,可得到:清水沟叶瓣岸线大体为逐步增长趋势,其中从1976-1992年是延伸较快时期,在1993年少许下降外,又开始攀升,其后在很小范围内波状起伏。从叶瓣岸线几经旋回中可看出,一般出汊当年岸线长度因河口快速淤积而增加,而下年因口门不稳定,来水来沙供应不充足受侵蚀导致岸线长度减少。对清水沟叶瓣陆上三角洲的演变过程,通过计算造陆及侵蚀面积来得到净造陆面积及净造陆速率、每亿吨泥沙造陆面积等并综合分析,可将其划分为四个阶段:1976-1992年;1992-1996年;1996-2004;2004-2009年。每个阶段均大致呈开口向上的不对称抛物线,每个阶段都是因河道出汊摆动开始,此时年均造陆面积和泥沙造陆率最高,后期随着河道稳定方向延伸泥沙供应口门局部充足,而三角洲其他地区因缺乏泥沙供应而导致侵蚀,导致造陆面积和泥沙造陆率降低。而四个阶段相比,呈下降趋势。收集黄河三角洲从1976-2005年的实测水深数据资料,对水深数据进行surfer克里金插值,然后根据已绘出的历年高低潮线,结合已知莱州湾黄海零点与高低潮位之间的比例关系,绘出各年的黄海零米线。然后将研究区各年水深数据中零米线以上水深数据全部归零。通过利用多年水深资料,运用室内处理软件对黄河清水沟叶瓣水下三角洲冲淤量进行计算(泥沙干容重近似取1.1t/m3),对研究区1976-2005年不同时段水下三角洲演变过程进行分析、绘图将研究区水下三角洲演化阶段划分为: 1976-1980年多淤积中心阶段; 1980-1991单一稳定淤积阶段;1991-1996年缓慢淤积阶段;1996年至今淤积、侵蚀同步阶段,水下三角洲堆积体有一个位于新河口的堆积中心和老河口的冲刷中心。通过对清水沟流路、清水沟叶瓣陆上三角洲岸线、於蚀面积及水下三角洲的演变过程分析,综合起来可将清水沟叶瓣划分为4个阶段:①1976~1980年为第一阶段。黄河改道清水沟初期,水流散乱,多股入海,无稳定流路,此时形成的水下三角洲形态狭长,且有多个淤积中心;②1980~1991年为第二阶段。分流河道基本稳定,形成单一入海流路,河道延伸,清水沟流路较为稳定前进,在沿岸潮流及科氏力作用下,主河道继续向东南方向偏移。此期间所形成的水下三角洲堆积砂体形态呈不规则椭圆形,长轴平行于岸线;③1991~1996年清8未出汊前为第三阶段,叶瓣发育进入晚期,造陆速率减缓,形态较为稳定。④1996年黄河清8出汊后以来,沙嘴延伸退缩,河道数次摆动,新河口的水下三角洲堆积体和老河口的水下侵蚀体均呈椭圆形。对叶瓣演化具有重要影响的因素有:河口来水来沙量、人工干预与控制、潮流、波浪等。并对来水来沙量进行了回归分析。

【Abstract】 In this paper, many years of remote sensing, bathymetric data and other information, through the analysis of water flow path、channel lobe on land and evolution of underwater delta comprehensive study of the Yellow River water and then ditch the evolution of lobe, which lobe of the delta and improve the evolution of awareness and communication flow path for the water control the direction of the next step, Shengli Oilfield, and the further development of the Yellow River Delta to provide the necessary information.Since 1855 has carried out 10 times Yellow Tail diversion, water diversion ditch in 1976 and 1996, the Qing 8 Branch, the formation of the present water channel flow path. Through remote sensing image MSS754, TM432 false color composite images, visual interpretation extraction 21 years (22 periods) in the main river channel of water, high tide line and low line.According to river type, length and human control of river water and sediment under the circumstances, may be the main channel water flow path groove on the evolution of 1976-2009 period by 6: 1976-1981 estuary filling stage; 1981-1985, natural state owned shares of a single stage; 1985-1991, the artificial state of the single straight stage; 1991-1996 is not a branch of the Qing 8 before human intervention under the swing phase of the branch; 1996-2004, manual control under a single straight stage; 2004-2009, under the control of a branch of artificial swing phase.Delta land and underwater as the dividing line for the low-water line, so the use of low-water line as shoreline Qingshuigou lobe to the statistical analysis can be obtained: water ditch lobe for the gradual growth of the general trend of shoreline, including from the In the period 1976-1992 is the extension of fast, small downward trend in 1993, and began to climb, then within a very small wavy. After several cycles of shoreline from the lobes can be seen, the general length of the branch current shoreline siltation due to rapid increase in mouth, mouth and the next year due to instability, inadequate supply of water and sediment caused by erosion of shoreline length decreased.Qingshuigou lobe of the evolution of land-based Delta, made by calculating the erosion of land and the net area to be created land area and net land reclamation rate, making every million tons of sediment and comprehensive analysis of land area, etc., can be divided into four stages :1976-1992 years; 1992-1996; 1996-2004; 2004-2009. Each stage of opening up roughly the asymmetric parabola, each stage is a braided river swing due to start, the average annual sediment created land area and the highest rate of land made after the direction of extension of time in the channel stability, sediment supply port Local adequate door, while other parts of the land due to lack of delta sediment supply caused by erosion and therefore sediment created land area and land reclamation rate decreased, and then branch out swinging when the river again, the two once again increased.Collection of the Yellow River water depth measured from the 1976-2005 data year, data on the depth of Kriging interpolation surfer, and then draw the calendar year under the high-low lines, combined with the known high and low tide Laizhou Bay Yellow zero and the ratio between the Yellow Sea each year zero-drawn noodle. Then the study area data for each year of zero water depth above the depth of all the data noodle zero.Depth information through the use of many years, the use of indoor water channel processing software on the Yellow River subaqueous delta lobes calculated scour (sediment dry bulk density approximation to take 1.1t/m3), the study area in different time underwater Triangle 1976-2005 analysis of the evolution of continents, mapping the study area was divided into the underwater delta evolution stages: 1976-1980 multi-center phase deposition; 1980-1991 single stable phase deposition;1991-1996,slow sedimentation period; since 1996, deposition, erosion synchronization phase, there is a subaqueous delta deposits in the body of the accumulation of new centers and the old mouth of the estuary erosion center.Flow of water through the ditch, ditch water delta lobe land coastline, in the erosion area and the evolution of underwater delta analysis, together Qingshuigou lobe can be divided into four stages:①1976 ~ 1980 years the first stage. Yellow River water diversion ditch early, water scattered, multi-strand into the sea, no steady flow path, when the formation of long and narrow shape of underwater delta, and a number of deposition centers;②1980 ~ 1991year second phase. Stable distributary channel, forming a single into the sea road, river extension, more stable water channel flow path forward, the trend of the coast and the Coriolis force, the main channel continued to shift to southeast. The subaqueous delta formed during the accumulation of sand irregular oval shape, long axis parallel to the shoreline;③1991 ~ 1996, the Qing 8 is not a branch before the third stage, late into the lobe development, land reclamation rate slow down, form more stable.④1996 after Qing 8 Branch , since the sand spit extending back down river several times a swing, a new underwater delta estuary Accumulation and erosion of the old mouth of the water body showed oval.The important factors of lobe evolution are: the amount of estuarine water and sediment, human intervention and control, flow, wave and so on. And the amount of water and sediment carried out regression analysis.


