

Research on the Countermeasures in Establishing the Property Declaration System

【作者】 解薇薇

【导师】 吕建华;

【作者基本信息】 中国海洋大学 , 行政管理, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 财产申报制度在世界上许多国家得到广泛应用,经实践论证,因其有效的打击腐败而被称为“阳光法案”。2011年3月14日,在十一届全国人大四次会议的中外记者见面会上,温家宝总理答记者问时提出:“当前最大的危险在于腐败。而消除腐败的土壤还在于改革制度和体制。我深知国之命在人心,解决人民的怨气,实现人民的愿望就必须创造条件,让人民批评和监督政府。”在去年的政府工作报告中提到:“要把反腐倡廉建设摆在重要位置,这直接关系政权的巩固。各级领导干部特别是高级干部要坚决执行中央关于报告个人经济和财产,包括收入、住房、投资,以及配偶子女从业等重大事项的规定,并自觉接受纪检部门的监督。”这都表明党和政府对反腐倡廉与公务员财产申报制度建设的重视。自上世纪80年代末我国已经对于财产申报有立法动议,但至今该制度仍发展滞后,而目前我国腐败现象有愈发严重的趋势,已引起公众的极度不满。可以说,当前中国的防腐反腐工作已经面临一个非常重要的关键时期,必须采取有效的措施从源头上遏制腐败,在公务员行为的各个环节上预防腐败,扭转社会风气,为建立服务型政府清除障碍。本文将从这一背景出发,探讨我国公务员财产申报制度建设中的相关问题并提出相关的对策建议。首先在对简单梳理财产申报制度相关理论的基础上,探讨其建立的理论依据;通过对我国该制度体系建设与地方试点实践情况现状的分析,归纳其中的利弊得失和经验教训;通过对其他国家和地区财产申报制度建设经验的研究和比较,对比总结探索构建我国公务员财产申报制度的路径和方法,并以此为基础提出相关对策建议。在理论分析的基础上,结合实际,为建设与完善我国公务员财产申报制度提供理论支持与论证。本文将分三个部分来探讨我国公务员财产申报制度的相关问题。第一部分主要介绍财产申报制度的基本概念以及构成要素,并探索该制度能够在世界范围内得以建立并广泛执行的理论依据;第二部分则主要从我国财产申报的制度建设和地方试点实践两个层次,系统梳理并分析我国财产申报制度建设方面存在的问题、障碍因素;第三部分主要通过分析其他国家和地区财产申报制度的基本内容与制度构建的过程,归纳其对我国公务员财产申报制度建设的启示;在此基础上围绕我国公务员财产申报制度构建中遇到的问题与障碍因素,结合我国实际情况,探讨如何促进我国公务员财产申报制度的建立。

【Abstract】 As an effective measure to prevent corruption,Property Declaration System,which is called "Sunshine Act",has been built up all over the world. Premier Wen Jiabao ever proposed that currently "Eliminating the corruption,which is the most danger, lies in the reform of the system and the structure. I know profoundly that the will of the people is critical to a country. We must create conditions for the people to criticize and supervise the government,in order to satisfy the people and realize their hopes."It was proposed in the work report of the government last year that anti-corruption must be valued because it is related to the consolidation of the regime directly.Every leading cadres,especially the senior cadres,must comply with the rules of reporting the property resolutely,and also accept the supervision of the disciplinary inspection department.All of the above indicated the attention the party and the government pay on the anti-corruption and the construction of the property declaration system.There is a legislative motion in China Since the 1980s,which is now still in its ancy.The corruption is more and more serious that it has aroused the dissatisfaction of the people. So effective measures must be taken to curb the corruption,which means that property declaration must be established urgently.So this paper will begin with the fact above to discuss the related issues of the construction of the property declaration system. Firstly,in this paper,we will explore theoretical foundation for the establishent of the property declaration.Secondly we will focus on analysis of experience and lessons from the system practice in China.Thirdly,through researching and complaring related national or regional property declaration,we will explore the route and measures to set up the property declaration system in China.I hope that I could raise some specific,methodological, and operable advice.This paper consists of three parts.PartⅠmainly present the basic conception and the components of the property declaration system and explore the theoretical foundation to set up the property declaration system all over the world;In partⅡ,we will sort out and analyze the problems and reasons in the construction of the property declaration system in China;In PartⅢ,we will explore how to construct and improve the property declaration system of Public servants in China.


