

The Study of Fisherman Group Differentiation under the Marine Environment Changes

【作者】 杨海燕

【导师】 崔凤;

【作者基本信息】 中国海洋大学 , 社会学, 2011, 硕士


【摘要】 本研究主要从系统论的角度出发,将海洋环境系统、渔民群体系统、渔业经济系统放入一个相互作用的整体系统之中来进行分析,这三个系统是相互联系、密不可分的,这三个系统中任何一个系统的改变都会引起另外两个系统的变化。海洋环境变迁必然会引起渔业经济活动的变化,渔业经济活动的变化会进一步引起渔民群体横向和纵向两个方面的变化,本研究主要探讨海洋环境变迁对渔民群体职业分化的影响,以及海洋环境变迁是通过什么样的路径、要素来影响渔民群体分化的。本研究主要采用问卷调查法、访谈法和文献资料法三种资料搜集方法、并采用了空间和时间相结合进行比较研究的基本思路,数据统计和分析的软件主要包括EXCEL表格和SPSS统计软件,对问卷及文献资料搜集的数据进行统计、描述、比较及相关性分析。本文主要包括六部分内容:第一部分是前言,内容包括研究背景、研究目的和意义、研究过程、研究的方法、研究的创新之处等方面;第二部分是海洋环境变迁的介绍,这一章主要概述了黄海、渤海及长岛县海洋环境变迁状况。其中主要介绍了几个不同历史时期长岛县海洋环境特征及环境变迁历程。第三部分主要研究海洋环境变迁所引起的渔民群体分化。这一章首先概括海洋环境变迁与渔民群体分化之间的辩证关系,进而探讨海洋环境变迁与渔民群体分化的相关关系,并对长岛县海洋环境变迁不同阶段的渔民群体分化状况进行了详细描述,最后探讨了海洋环境变迁对渔民群体职业分化、收入分化的影响。第四部分是渔民群体分化的现状,这一章主要介绍了长岛县渔民群体职业分化的现状:近海捕捞、远洋捕捞、海洋运输、水产养殖、休闲渔业、水产加工、是海渔民等几个群体;第五部分是渔民群体分化的原因及路径解析,这一章主要分析在海洋环境变迁的基础上社会政策因素与个人因素是如何对渔民群体产生分化影响的,并研究各因素对渔民群体的作用程度如何,从而使得对渔民群体分化原因的剖析研究更加全面客观;第六部分是结论,结论部分主要阐述了在前几章研究的基础上所建立起的海洋环境变迁对渔民群体分化影响的理论模型,即,海洋环境(包括海洋环境和海洋生态)的变迁是渔民社会变化及渔民群体内部产生分化的基础,在此基础之上各种社会及个人因素(包括政策、家庭因素、个人年龄、性别、受教育程度、权力因素)共同作用之下,使得渔民群体内部最终产生分化。而越拥有能够适应海洋环境变迁的社会和个人因素的渔民群体越容易在群体分化中胜出,而不能够适应海洋环境变迁的个体则在渔民群体分化中处于比较劣势的地位。

【Abstract】 This study is from the perspective of system theory: the marine environment system, fishermen groups, economy system. The three systems are related, any one system of the three changing will cause the changes of other two systems. Changes in the marine environment will inevitably lead to changes in fisheries economic activity. Changes in economic activity will lead to further groups of fishermen both horizontal and vertical changes. This study investigates the influence from marine environment changes to fishermen occupational differentiation, and the situation of marine environment changes, the path by which different elements influence the differentiation of fishermen groups. They analysis methods is history and space compare. The analysis software includes: EXCEL, SPSS. The conclusion is based on the description, comparison, correlation analysis of the data from questionnaire and literature collection.The contents of this paper includes six chapters: the first chapter is introduction, including research background, research purpose, research significance, research methods, the feasibility of study and the innovations of study; the second chapter This chapter outlines the history and current situation of marine environment changing of Country and Long Island County. the third chapter is about the impaction of marine environment changing on fishermen communities. We try to do a correlation analysis between changes in marine environment and lifestyle in fishermen groups. And provide a realistic and theoretical premise to further study of marine environment changing to fishermen groups differentiation; the forth chapter is about the differentiation status of fishermen communities. This chapter introduces the occupational differentiation status of fishermen groups in Long Island County: coastal fishing, ocean fishing, marine transportation, aquaculture, recreational fisheries, aquatic processing fishermen and so on. The fifth chapter is about the reason and the path of fishermen division. This chapter analyses how do marine environment changes affect the differentiation of fishermen groups and the degree of impact. And to make research more comprehensive and objective, this chapter also analyses how dose other factors based on marine environment changes affect onto the differentiation of fishermen groups. The sixth chapter is the conclusion of this research. This chapter explains the main theoretical model of the conclusions on the basis of the previous chapters about the impact of marine environment changing (including the marine environment and marine ecology) onto fishermen group differentiation. On the foundation of marine environment changes, how do other variety social and personal factors (including policy, family factors, individual age, sex, educational level, power factor) lead to the division of fishermen groups. However, the social and personal factors have to adapt to the changes in the marine environment in order to win in the competition of fishermen group division and get into a higher income level. And individuals whose factors dose not adapt to the changes of marine environment changes will have a comparative disadvantage status and is in a low income level relatively.


