

Study on the Actuality and Ameliorative Countermeasure of Law Enforcement of Ocean Disposal

【作者】 苟英英

【导师】 吕建华;

【作者基本信息】 中国海洋大学 , 行政管理, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 随着人类迈入二十一世纪,海洋在人类生活中的地位越来越重要。然而近200多年来大量有毒有害物质倾倒于海洋,远远超过了海洋自身的净化能力,使海洋环境及海洋资源受到严重污染,海洋倾废管理成为海洋管理的一项重要内容。面对越来越多的生活垃圾及工业废料倒入海洋,我国海洋倾废管理工作面临着越来越沉重的压力。本文试图通过对海洋倾废执法现状的系统研究,找出我国海洋倾废执法方面存在的不足并提出一些应对之策,以期能对我国海洋倾废执法工作的研究和完善尽一份微薄之力。我国现行的海洋倾废执法体制是计划经济的产物,是一种分散型执法体制,这种体制下,海洋倾废执法权分别属于中国海监和地方海监。这种执法体制也有其弊端:中央与地方各自为政,协调配合不力、职权分散、权责不明、效率低下等,严重影响我国海洋经济的进一步发展,我国海洋倾废执法体制的改革已迫在眉睫。专家学者之前提出多种改革海洋倾废执法体制的方案,诸如整合海上执法力量,建立综合执法队伍等。在这种背景下,完善海洋倾废行政执法体制,重组海上执法机构,建立海上综合执法队伍,有利于明确海上执法职权,提高执法效率,加强执法责任承担,能进一步促进我国海洋经济的发展。本文主要探讨海洋倾废执法体制的完善,基于集权与分权理论和海洋综合管理理论提出建立海上综合执法队伍的方案:分离海洋倾废管理权和海洋倾废执法权,最终形成国家集中管理为主地方分权为辅的管理体制,建立由国家海洋局领导的统一集中的海洋倾废执法机构——海岸警卫队;或者成立独立的第三方协调机构——海洋倾废事务协调委员会。本文的结构如下:首先分析我国海洋倾废执法体制的弊端,其次借鉴国外海洋执法体制运行模式的经验,最后提出我国海洋倾废执法体制改进的建议。

【Abstract】 The ocean is playing more and more important role in human life, especially in the recent 21st century. However, the ocean cannot purify by itself because many poisons and injurants were poured into ocean in recent years. The management of dumping wastes into the ocean is an important part of the marine administration, but in China, the government was faced with a complicated situation to coordinate the mechanism of ocean dumping law-executing. In this paper, after analyzing the disadvantage of the management of ocean dumping law-executing in the China Sea, some suggestions are proposed.The current ocean dumping law-executing system in China is the product of planned economy,which is a decentralized enforcement system. In this system, the ocean dumping law-executing is shared by the national Marine Surveillane and local Marine Surveillane. There are many defects under this system, such as: fragmenting responsibilities, abusing power, overlapping of administrative areas, the inefficient enforcement and so on. The ocean dumping law-executing system has a serious impact on the further development of Chinese marine economy. Therefore,it is urgent to reorganize the ocean dumping law-executing system.Many experts and scholars have put forward various advices for the reorganization of the ocean dumping law-executing system,the integration of maritime law enforcement forces,and the establishment of an integrated law enforcement team. In this situation,the marine economy can be improved by reforming the ocean dumping law-executing system separating the powers of marine management, marine supervision and coordination and the ocean dumping law-executing to different departments,establishing integrated marine enforcement agencies,as they improves the efficiency .This article focuses on the discussions about the reconstruction of ocean dumping law-executing system and provides some proposals about the establishment of an integrated ocean law-executing program team, the separation of the powers during ocean dumping management and ocean dumping law-executing, the reconstruction of the present ocean dumping law-executing teams, and the establishment of Chinese Coast Guards. Finally, the following conclusions are given: the primary ocean dumping management should be attributed to the national Marine Surveillane, and the local Marine Surveillane is an effective subsidiary to the national Marine Surveillane; the Chinese Coast Guard has the only right of ocean dumping law-executing; Supervision Coordination Committee of Ocean Dumping should be established.


