

The Research on the Government Coordinated Mechanism of Marine Environment Emergency Management

【作者】 王学智

【导师】 王琪;

【作者基本信息】 中国海洋大学 , 行政管理, 2011, 硕士


【摘要】 随着全球海洋开发活动向深度和广度发展,特别是《联合国海洋法公约》生效以来,海洋事务面临着新问题和新形势的挑战。对于正处在社会转型时期的中国政府来说,各种危机因素与日俱增,尤其是进入20世纪90年代以来,我国进入了一个危机事件的高频率发生期,海洋环境突发事件的发生频率和影响范围也日渐增大。由于海洋环境突发事件的特殊性,海洋环境应急管理过程中政府协调机制的重要性和紧迫性也日益凸显。在21世纪,这一人类全面开发利用海洋的新世纪到来的时刻,我国政府如何在应急管理工作中重新定位自己的角色,明确行政边界,提高行政效能,由政府单一领导向多元主体联动的应急管理协调模式转变,成为目前我国政府亟待解决的问题。在此背景下,本论文以海洋环境应急管理过程中的政府协调机制为研究对象,运用应急管理等相关理论成果,借鉴国内外理论和实践经验,结合08年青岛海域浒苔事件应急管理案例,对当前政府应急管理体制机制进行了深入分析,并指出,08年青岛海域浒苔事件应急管理成功案例的基本经验包括四个方面:敏锐的应急管理思想意识、综合治理的思维方式、明确的应急决策权责关系和专门的应急管理机构,这充分体现了政府协调机制在海洋环境应急管理体系中的重要性。最后,本文就当前海洋环境应急管理过程中的政府协调机制存在的不足提出相应的建议,以期为构建和完善我国海洋环境突发事件应急管理体系提供基础和依据。

【Abstract】 Along with the progress of the society and the improvement of people’s life and health level, with the development of global ocean exploitation in breadth and depth, and particularly since the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea was executed, mankind is faced with new opportunities for development and new challenges. Being in a transitional period, our country has taken profound changes in society. Since 90s, 20th century, emergencies of Marine Environment have increased in frequency and influence, China has entered a time of crisis. Because of the particularity of Marine Environment emergencies, the government coordinated mechanism of marine environment emergency management is becoming more and more significant. Administrative leaders should be good at finding inevitability from occasionality, grasping the rule of emergences, and knowing methods dealing with them, including bringing the situation under immediate control, finding its main problem, and giving a decisive solution, thus improving administrative efficiency and to the greatest extend, avoiding harm and loss caused by emergencies.Under the circumstances, this dissertation mainly research on the government coordinated mechanism of marine environment emergency management. From the contingency management in the perspective of emergency, this paper combines with marine emergency management case of Enteromorpha events in 2008, to carry out an in-depth analysis about the government of the current government coordinated mechanism of marine environment emergency management, which has made it as object of study, used relevant theoretical results in emergency management, and learned theory and practical experience at home and abroad. Then it points out the advantages and disadvantages of the contingency management in the Enteromorpha events. Finally, the author detailed analyzed the insufficiency about our country’s government coordinated mechanism of marine environment emergency management, and proposed some sentiment, reasonably, feasible suggestions which are all based on the outstanding experience of the Enteromorpha events and our country’s concrete national condition.


