

Re-comparison of Trade Competitive Advantages of China, Japan and South Korea

【作者】 欧阳洋

【导师】 戴桂林;

【作者基本信息】 中国海洋大学 , 国际贸易学, 2011, 硕士


【摘要】 随着中日韩自由贸易区建立呼声的高涨以及自由贸易区建设进程的加快,中国、日本、韩国作为亚洲重要经济体的经贸关系越来越紧密,对中日韩贸易竞争关系的研究也得到更加广泛的关注。低碳概念的提出以及对温室气体排放会带来环境问题的普遍认同使各国纷纷开始发展低碳经济,着手设立减排目标以减少温室气体排放对环境造成的压力。与此同时对贸易领域中贸易品碳排放问题的关注也日渐深入,贸易品碳排放将为重新审视贸易竞争优势提供了一个新的角度。在发展贸易的同时,不能忽视贸易品所含的碳排放量,我们追求的贸易优势不仅反映在量上,更要建立在贸易产品低碳化的基础之上。在此背景下,通过贸易品碳含量的估算,再分析中日韩贸易的竞争优势,为今后中日韩贸易的发展以及中国如何认识和提升与日韩贸易的竞争优势,巩固在中日韩间贸易优势地位提供依据。这也是本文研究的意义和目的所在。本文首先对比较优势和竞争优势等相关理论进行回顾和综述,然后分析了当前中日韩的贸易现状,接着用竞争力指数对中日韩贸易竞争优势进行分析,认为整体上中国的初级产品和劳动密集型产品更具竞争优势,但在某些劳动密集型产品上中国产品的竞争优势正逐渐缩小、而日韩产品的竞争优势正逐渐凸显;日本和韩国在资本密集型产品上更具竞争优势,但在一些资本密集型产品上日韩的竞争优势有缩小的趋势,中国产品的竞争状态正得以改善,甚至在一些产品上显示出较强的竞争优势,与日韩资本密集产品的竞争差距正慢慢缩小。在此分析的基础上,基于贸易品碳排放视角对中日韩的贸易竞争优势进行了再评估,并以钢铁行业为例估算了中日韩主要钢铁产品的碳排放量,发现中国每年通过贸易形式向日韩出口大量的能源,并且与日韩的钢铁贸易使大量的碳排放净转入到中国,这对中国的能源和环境造成严重的负担。对于中国一些原本具有竞争优势,且优势呈扩大趋势的产品来说,如果考虑到贸易品的内涵能源和通过贸易形式转移进来的碳排放量及排放成本,并将其计入产品价格,那么中国该类产品在日韩市场表现出来的竞争优势将会缩小,与日韩之间已缩小的竞争差距就会再次拉大。最后在低碳背景下对中国提升与日韩贸易竞争优势进行了SWOT分析之后,对中国如何提高与日韩贸易竞争优势提出了建议,包括:树立低碳经济和贸易发展观、调整贸易结构、发展绿色贸易、增强企业科技创新等等。

【Abstract】 With the accelerated establishment of China Japan and South Korea Free Trade Zoo, China Japan and South Korea as the important economic entities of Asia have an increasingly close relationship in economy and trade. The analysis of the trade relationship among China Japan and South Korea is being concerned.With the arrival of low-carbon concept, more and more people realize that the emission of greenhouse gases will cause serious damage to the environment .Many countries in the world are going to develop low-carbon economy and set carbon emission reduction targets to reduce the environmental stress caused by greenhouse gas emission. The carbon emission of trade goods are increasingly concerned, which provides a new perspective to review the competitive advantage of trade goods. While the trade scale is expending, carbon emissions of trade goods should not be ignored. What we seek is not only the volume of trade but also low-carbon trade products. In such a context, the estimation of carbon contained in trade goods to analyze the trade competitive advantages of China Japan and South Korea will give a support to develop trade among China Japan and South Korea. It also makes for china to realize and increase trade competitiveness when trading with Japan and South Korea. That’s the meaning and purpose of the analysis of this paper. Firstly, comparative advantage theories are reviewed and summarized in this paper and then the current trade situation of China Japan and South Korea are analyzed. Next, we use a series of competitive indexes to compare the competitive advantages of China Japan and South Korea. It shows that generally speaking chineseprimary products and labor-intensive products have more competitive advantages. But in some labor-intensive goods, the comparative advantage of chinese products is shrinking while the comparative advantages of japanese products and korean products are increasing. Japan and South Korea have more competitive advantages in capital-intensive products. But the advantages are decreasing. By contrast, the competition of chinese products is bettering. Even some capital-intensive products are of strong competition. Competitive gap existed between Japan (South Korea) and china continues to be narrowed. On such basis, we take iron and Steel Industry for example to estimate the amount of carbon emissions of major steel products of China Japan and South Korea. We find that through trade China exports a large mount of energy to Japan and South Korea and a lot of carbon emissions transfer to china in the form of iron and steel trade every year , which causes huge energy and environmental burden to china. For those chinese products which have increasing advantages in Japan and South Korea’s markets, such competitive advantage will be greatly reduced if we take the costs of energy and carbon emissions into consideration and add the costs into the price of products. The narrowed competitive gap between china and Japan (South Korea) will be enlarged again. And then we use SWOT method to make a conditional analysis about china enhancing trade competitiveness in Japan or South Korea market under low-carbon development situation. At the end of paper, some recommendations about China how to improve the competitive advantage when trading with Japan and South Korea are putted forward. The recommendations include: establishing low-carbon outlook on development and trade; bettering the trade structure; developing green trade and enhancing enterprises’ability of technological innovation etc.

  • 【分类号】F752.61;F426.31;F205
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】562
  • 攻读期成果

