

Storm’s Dominant Role on the Depostition and Erosion Evolution in the Yellow River Delta

【作者】 杨忠年

【导师】 单红仙;

【作者基本信息】 中国海洋大学 , 环境工程, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 黄河三角洲地区地理环境特殊,沿岸极易发生风暴潮,是中国风暴潮重灾区之一,同时也是世界上少数的温带风暴潮频发区,风暴潮给黄河三角洲带来了巨大的损失。本文在国家自然科学基金项目“黄河口沉积物固结后再悬浮及输运过程研究(No.40876042)”、国家863计划项目“风暴过程中沉积物再悬浮通量原位监测技术(No.2008AA09Z109)”的资助下,开展了下列研究:?(1)研究了风暴潮对黄河三角洲北部废弃叶瓣蚀积演变的影响。利用10余次岸滩现场调查数据,使用GIS和Matlab等软件分别对常规因素(波浪、潮流等)和风暴潮的影响进行比较,并通过定量指标和地貌动力学理论分析风暴潮的影响程度。(2)研究了风暴潮对黄河水下三角洲蚀积演变的影响。利用黄河口水文水资源勘测局对黄河三角洲海域20个年份14条测线的水深观测数据及风暴潮资料,结合EOF&ANN模型对风暴潮年份黄河水下三角洲的蚀积变化量进行计算,将计算结果与实测值进行相比,提取了风暴潮对黄河水下三角洲蚀积演变的影响;然后就风暴潮对黄河水下三角洲的蚀积机制进行初步分析。经过研究,本文得出的结论主要有以下几个方面:(1)风暴潮对黄河三角洲北部废弃叶瓣岸滩作用显著,从车子沟渔村岸滩调查中捕获的风暴潮结果分析得出,一次风暴潮的作用超过了常规因素对黄河三角洲北部废弃叶瓣一年的全侵蚀或全淤积的改变量,这就证明了风暴潮对黄河三角洲北部废弃叶瓣的演变起到了控制作用。(2)对黄河水下三角洲水深资料进行处理后,提取了黄河水下三角洲在风暴潮年份的蚀积变化量,与实测值进行比对,发现风暴潮在黄河水下三角洲的蚀积演变中同样扮演了非常重要的角色,尤其是在离岸15km左右的范围内。但是风暴潮对黄河水下三角洲的影响结果并不确定,通过对三次风暴潮的作用效果分析后发现,有可能是表现为强烈侵蚀,也有可能是强烈淤积,也有可能作用不显著。因此对黄河水下三角洲的蚀积演变而言,不能简单的定义风暴潮的影响。(3)风暴潮对黄河水下三角洲的侵蚀机制与其他学者的观点一致,主要是风暴输沙所致,但是风暴潮对黄河三角洲的淤积机制尚不明确,因此本文提出了一种假设,风暴潮这样的高能事件,如果为向岸风,能够将携带有大量泥沙的高密度水体向近岸方向输送,然而近底回流流速若不足以提供足够的动力将泥沙全部输送走,这样就会导致淤积的发生。(4)对“北侵南淤”的现象,本文认为主要是由于风暴作用对渤海环流的加强,使得黄河三角洲北部侵蚀下来的泥沙和河口新近沉积的泥沙向南输送所致。而对“近侵远淤”现象则主要是风暴潮的横向输沙所致。

【Abstract】 The Yellow River Delta is under unique geographic environment that storm surges frequently happen there. It’s one of the worst storm hazard areas in China and also in the world’s. The storm surges happened in the Yellow River Delta have brought huge losses. Funded by the National High Technology Research and Development Program of China, this paper carried out the following research.(1) Researched the storm surge effects on evolution of erosion and deposition on the northern part of the abandoned lobe in Yellow River Delta. More than 10 field survey data were used to compare the impact of conventional factors (wave, tidal, etc.) and compare storm surges, using software such as GIS and Matlab. The effect levels were introduced with quantitative indicators and geomorphological dynamics theory.(2) The subaqueous delta evolution of erosion and deposition deduced by storm surge on the Yellow River was researched. Using the 14 surveying lines data in 20 years, observed by the Yellow River Water Resources Survey Bureau of the Yellow River Delta data, and combined EOF & ANN model, the erosion and deposition amount were recalculated in the years with storms. The results were compared with the measured values to extract the effect of storm surges on the Yellow River subaqueous delta; and then related mechanisms were discussed.After the study, conclusions are as follows:(1) storm surges have significant effect on the northern beaches of the Yellow River Delta abandoned lobe. From the data measured in Chezigou, the role of one storm surge is more than the whole year’s erosion and deposition changes caused by conventional factors, which proved that storm surges on the northern abandoned lobe of the Yellow River Delta plays a controlling role in its evolution.(2)Processing the data of water depth on the yellow river delta, the variation of erosion and deposition in the storm tide years was obtained. Comparing with the measured value, it was found that the storm tide played a great role in the erosion and deposition evolution of the yellow river delta especially in the area which is 15km away from the shore. Although the role we found was great, the result it caused which is erosion or deposition is not certain. According to the analyze to the three storm tide, the influence can be intense erosion or intense deposition or even indistinctive. So it cant’t give an quick answer that what kind of influence is the storm tide on the yellow river delta.(3) The mechanism of erosion on the yellow river deta caused by storm tide which is obtain in this article is consistency with other scolar’s idea that it is the sediment transport caused by the storm that make the yellow river delta erode. But the mechanism of dispositon on the yellow rive delta is not very clear. So a hypothesis is proposed in this article that if the direction of the storm tide which is belong to a high-energe incident is shoreward, it can take lots of seawater which contains a high sand density which can’t be taken away by the bottom flux to the shore, the dispositon happens.(4) The phenomenon that erosion in north and deposition in south, this may be mainly because circumfluence caused by storm is strengthened, which makes the sands that eroded from the northern Yellow River Delta or newly deposited in the estuarine are transported to the southern of Yellow River Delta. Whereas the phenomenon that erosion in shore and deposition off shore is mainly due to transport sands alongshore caused by storm.


