

On the Legal Protection of Migrant Workers Research on Labor Rights

【作者】 张冰杰

【导师】 王冶英;

【作者基本信息】 中国海洋大学 , 法律, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 伴随着中国改革开放,新的社会群体——农民工产生了,他们是中国社会中的弱势群体,在传统的城乡二元体制结构下虽然被定为农民,但他们却早已从农民中分化出来,不同程度地融入城市社会,并为城市的建设和经济的发展做出巨大贡献,但由于其自身法律意识的淡薄和我国相关法律制度的不完善,致使当前拖欠农民工工资及各种侵害农民工资及各种侵害农民工合法劳动权益问题十分突出,严重困扰着社会的和谐发展。农民工是我国社会主义市场经济条件下出现的特殊主体,农民工问题是社会长期关注的一个热点问题。如何依法维护农民工的合法劳动权益,是值得我们深思的。为了更好的维护农民工的合法劳动权益,本文通过对农民工就业现状的深入分析,并究其深层次原因,进而提出农民工劳动权益保护的对策:应该完善相关立法,重视执法;简化劳动争议处理程序;注重对农民工开展职业培训,提高职业技能和法律意识,增强其组织性;健全社会保障体系。

【Abstract】 With China’s reform and opening up, new social groups - migrant workers emerge, they are the vulnerable groups in society, in the traditional urban-rural dual structure, although the system as farmers, but they had split off from the peasants different degrees of integration into urban society and urban constrution and economic development make a significant contribution, but because of the weak legal consciousness of its own laws and our system is imperfect, resulting in Dangqian owed wages for migrant workers and all kinds of abuse farmers against migrant workers wages and a variety of legitimate labor rights problems are acute, serious problems with social harmony and development. Migrant workers of China’s socialist market economy appears the special subject of long-term social problem of migrant workers is a hot topic of concern. How to safeguard the legitimate labor rights of migrant workers is worthy of our careful consideration. In order to better safeguard the legitimate labor rights of migrant workers, the paper on the employment status of migrant workers in-depth analysis and study of its deep-seated reasons, and then make the protection of labor rights of migrant workers measures: It should improve the relevant legislation, attention to law enforcement; simplify the work dispute handling procedures; focus on vocational training for migrant workers, improve their professional skills and legal awareness, strengthen its organization; a sound social security system.

  • 【分类号】D922.5
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】331

