

Fine Reservoir Description of Gao6 Block

【作者】 李雪

【导师】 张金亮; 于孝玉;

【作者基本信息】 中国海洋大学 , 地质工程, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 高6断块是高集油田的主体,位于江苏省金湖县陈桥乡-金北乡境内,构造上位于金湖凹陷西斜坡中段,是在斜坡构造背景上被断层切割所形成的断鼻构造。高6断块含油面积2.4 Km2,地质储量533×104t。高集油田属于复杂小断块油田,油层受构造、断层、岩性、物性等多种因素影响,油层厚度薄,呈薄互层状,面积小,多呈条带状沿断层分布,油水界面参差不齐,叠合程度低,储层属于中等孔隙度、低渗透类型,层间、平面非均质性严重。在注水开发过程多也存在着诸多问题,油井见水井增多,含水上升加快,油田稳产形势变差,层间矛盾较大,另外主力砂体与非主力砂体之间也存在着一定的层间矛盾。针对出现的这些问题,本文以石油地质学、地质统计学和储层沉积相作为理论指导,综合利用地质、地球物理、分析化验资料开展小层对比研究,在精细研究沉积相与储层性质基础上,进行高6断块的精细油藏描述,为油田的稳产增产和可持续发展提供理论指导和决策依据。以高分辨率层序地层学为指导原理,通过基准面旋回对比,建立了高分辨率层序地层格架。在骨架对比的基础上,完成了研究区块小层的划分与对比。以前人研究的内容为参考,通过岩心观察、沉积环境及沉积特征的分析,高6断块阜一段发育的沉积微相类型主要有分流河道、近河道漫溢、远河道漫溢、泥相(泥滩和远端盆地)。阜二段有河道发育,发育的沉积微相类型主要有砂滩、沙坝、河道和泥相(滨浅湖和深湖)。通过对高6断块的储层流动单元的研究,把该研究区划分为四种流动单元类型。在这些研究的基础之上,利用petrel建模软件建立了高6断块的断层模型、构造模型,利用序贯指示模拟建立了本区的沉积相模型,运用序贯高斯模拟建立了本区的物性模型(孔隙度模型和渗透率模型),在拟合地质储量之前建立了研究区的NTG模型和含油饱和度模型,通过对高6断块地质储量拟合,拟合储量接近原始地质储量,拟合误差较小,拟合精度较高。

【Abstract】 Gao6 block which lies in the north of chenqiao rural–jinbei rural with the position on the western slope of Jinhu depression is the subject of Gaoji oilfield, its construction formed by faults cutting off is a nose structure. The oil-bearing area of Gao6 block is 2.4 Km2, the geological reserves is 533×104t and all of them is in use. Gaoji oilfield is a small complex block oilfield. Reservoir thickness and area which mostly distributes along the fault in band is small, due to the affact of the structure、fault、lithology、physical property and other factors. Besides, the oil-water interface of each layer is differernt and reservior porosity is low. Heterogeneity in layers and between layers is serious. Nowadays, many probloms has risen in water injection and development, such as the munber of oil-well turning to water-well is increasing, the speed of water invasion is increasing. The situation of oilfield stable development becomes worse and the contradiction of interlayers is expanding including the contradiction between the main sand body and other sand bodys. In order to resolve these rising poberloms, we integrate the utilization of geology, geophysics and analtsis assay data to apply the comparison of layers based on the study of facies and reservior property, with the guidance of petroleum, geological statistics and reservior sedimentary. The fine description of Gao6 block undoutbly provide theoretical guidance and decision making for production increasion and oilfield sustainable development.During the whole study course, we build the framework of high-resolution sequence stratigraphic based on datum cyclic bedding. The division and correlation between layers also completes based on the comparison of skeleton. According to core observation, sedimentory environment and depositional characteristics anslysis as well as previous studies, we think that the main facies in Fuyi segment of Gao6 block includes channel distributary,recent river flood, far river flood and mud(mudflat and distal basin). Sandy beach、sand dam、channel and mud(waterfront shallow lake and deep lake) is the dominant sedimentaoy facies of Fuer segment of Gao6 block. The study area is divided into four kinds of flow unit after the detailed study of reservior flow property of Gao6 block. Followed by these is the three-dimensional geological modeling, at the first stage, we established the fault model and stucture model, then the facies model is built with the application of suquential indicator simulation, also, the property midel(porosity model and permeability model) is established with sequential gaussian simulation based on facies-controlled theory. Finally, NTG model and oil saturation model of Gao6 block is defined. The calculated reserves which indicates that the models are of high accuracy is close to primary reserves.


