

Design and Research of Intelligent Control System for Paper-Making Reconstituted Tobacco

【作者】 乔旭兴

【导师】 马思乐;

【作者基本信息】 山东大学 , 控制科学与工程, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 吸烟有害健康;但是香烟与大众生活密切相关,对国民经济的发展有着不可估量的影响。烟草薄片学名再造烟叶,它是指在烟片的生产进程中,掺兑烟梗、烟末、香草等原料,人为地改变卷烟的理化特性;可以有效地降低烟丝中的焦油含量,改善香烟抽吸口感,控制卷烟燃烧速率,从源头上减小吸烟对人体的危害。造纸法再造烟叶是目前最先进的生产再造烟叶方法,它既可以提取出烟叶、烟梗中的有效成分,又可以根据工艺要求改善原料配比,生产出不同香气的卷烟产品,是一项绿色环保的高新技术,具有重大的社会与经济效益。随着工业大生产的发展,传统的生产方式已经满足不了日益膨胀的市场需求;本文以实际工程项目为技术依托,充分考虑烟草行业的总体状况,根据“集中管理,分散控制,全局监控”的设计原则,综合运用了当前工业控制领域的多种先进技术,对造纸法再造烟叶生产线的智能控制系统进行了设计研究,以达到保障安全生产,提高生产效率的目的。笔者在充分了解造纸法再造烟叶生产工艺的前提下,提出了以现场总线技术为系统基本架构的总体设计思想,构建SCADA系统。选用美国罗克韦尔公司的自动化控制器,在NetLinx开放式网络的基础上,运用DeviceNet将分布式设备高速连接至控制器,控制器之间通过ControlNet完成高效重复的信息传送,最后以Ethernet/IP的形式完成对整个系统的集成管理。利用编程软件RSLogix 5000编写完善的控制程序;RSLinx完成智能设备与上位机的通信;RSNetWorx对网络系统作出了统一的规划;上位机采用iFIX组态软件作为OPC的客户机与服务器,利用其强大的脚本编辑能力,调用COM组件,创建人性化的操作界面。电子皮带秤在生产线中应用场合较多,为了更好地完成称量,保证原料配比正确、成品足量封箱,运用传统PID技术与当代模糊自适应理论相结合的控制策略,对皮带秤控制系统进行综合设计。PID控制系统鲁棒性好,可靠性高,被广泛应用各种工业场合;模糊技术很好克服了被控对象无法建立精确模型的弱点,实现了PID控制参数的在线自适应调整。整条生产线是现场总线控制系统,各关节环环相扣各司其职,相互配合协调:以可编程控制器作为整个系统的大脑,动力电缆作为血液循环系统,现场传感器作为感知系统,各种执行器、电机充当运动系统;现场总线技术构建系统神经网络,编程软件、通信软件、网络组态软件赋予系统灵魂支撑,上位机画面、仓储管理系统架起生产线与管理者的桥梁,完成与用户的交互。本系统投入使用以来,运行状态良好,达到了生产工艺要求。目前该生产线日产成吨再造烟叶,这些烟草薄片被运往全国各地甚至远销海外。已经有越来越多的卷烟产品开始掺兑再造烟叶,希望国产造纸法再造烟叶之路能够愈走愈宽。

【Abstract】 Smoking is harmful to health. But tobacco is closely related to public life, it has an immeasurable impact to the development of the national economy. Tobacco sheet, which is called reconstituted tabacco in academic, refers to employing tobacco stems, debris and spices, in order to change the physical and chemical properties of cigarettes, in the process of cigarette production. In this way, we can effectively reduce the tar content in tobacco leaves, improve the taste of cigarettes, control the combustion rate. And the most important is that we can enjoy better life with the technology. Current best manufacturing methods for reconstituted tobacco is the way of through papermaking. This method can not only extract the active ingredients from the tabacco leaves and stems, but also be able to change the ratio of raw materials according to the technical requirements, to produce cigarette products with various aroma. It is a green high-tech, accompanied by major economic and social benefits.With the great development of the industry, traditional modes of production has been unable to meet the expanding market demand. The article, based on practical projects, considering the whole condition of the business, according to the design principle which says "centralized control, decentralized management and global monitoring", making comprehensive use of current advanced control skills, designs and researches the intelligent control system of the production line for the paper-making reconstituted tobacco. By doing this, we want to guarantee safety and improve efficiency in the production process.With the fully learning of the process for paper-making reconstitued tobacco, fieldbus technology is proposed to the basic structure for the system’s overall design concept. We use Rockwell’s automatic controller to build the whole system in the NetLinx open network. Distributed devices are connected to the controllers, using devicenet. Effective message is running with a high speed between controlles, benefitting from controlnet. And the whole information is transported to the manager’s office through ethernet. We write comprehensive control program under the software named RSLogix 5000. RSLink software realizes the communication between devices and host computers. RSNetWorx works for the whole unified network planning. We use iFIX, as the configuration software for OPC server and client in the industrial computer to create the beautiful, humanized, moniotring control pictures in iFIX by exploting VBA script and COM components. Above all, we build a SCADA system using all these means.The are many applications for electronic belt scales in the production line. A good electonic belt scale system can ensure the right ratio of the raw materials and the quantity of products. In order to measure more accurately, we use the control strategy, which combines the traditional PID control technology with the modern fuzzy control theory, to design the system. The PID control system has good robustness, and it’s used in many control occasions, fuzzy technology overcomes the weakness of some object cannot be able to build an accurent model. And now, we use Fuzzy adaptive PID to control the electronic belt scales system online.The acpects of the production line coordinate with each other. The system takes the programmable controller as the brain of system, cables as the blood circulation system, field sensors as perceptual system, various implementing agencies, motors as motion system. Neural network system is built by fieldbus technology. Programming software, communication software and network configuration software give the soul to the production system. Configuration operating pictures set up a bridge between the devices and the managers.Since the system has been put into used, it works well to meet the requirements of the production process. And now, tons of the tobocco sheets are daily produced, to be sold throughout the country and even to foreign countries. There is a growing number of cigarettes, mixing against reconstituted tobacco prouducts. We sincerely hope the future of the domestic paper-making reconstituted tobacco to be much better.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 山东大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 04期

