

On the Function of Leisure for Social Harmony from the Perspective of Conflict Theory

【作者】 肖卿

【导师】 吴文新;

【作者基本信息】 山东大学 , 马克思主义中国化研究, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 休闲作为通向人类福祉与社会和谐之路,是化解社会冲突、促进人的全面发展、构建和谐社会的有效路径。休闲就是人们在闲暇时间里做自己所喜爱的,对自身、他人及社会有益的事情,通过休闲可以实现人自身、人与社会以及人与自然的和谐。休闲具有自由性、文化性、教育性、和谐性的特点,以其特有的人本特质、社会价值和生态价值与社会主义和谐社会具有了内在的一致性,成为促进社会和谐、顺畅发展的一个和谐因子。社会冲突论者对社会冲突的原因、类型、性质及解决办法进行了论述,这对分析我国转型期的社会冲突有重要的指导和借鉴意义。通过对我国经济、政治、社会、文化和生态等各领域的冲突分析发现,我国社会转型期的社会冲突主要是由物质性原因引起的,属于合法性的、非对抗性的利益冲突。只要我们有效地采取各种措施和手段就会最大限度的减少社会的不和谐因素,从而增加社会的和谐因素,促进社会和谐发展,其中休闲便是有效缓解社会冲突、促进社会和谐的重要路径之一。休闲的社会和谐功能主要是通过利益调节机制、诉求表达机制、思想保障机制、公共服务机制和利益规避机制等五种机制来实现,并体现在经济、政治、文化、社会、生态五个领域,具体表现为:调节物质利益,缓解经济冲突;鼓励休闲参与,优化政治环境;培育休闲文明,完善大众人格;畅通邻里社群,共建和谐社会;绿化休闲消费,建设生态文明等。

【Abstract】 As the route to human welfare and social harmony. Leisure is an effective path which will mitigate social conflicts, promote the comprehensive development of human and build a harmonious society. Leisure is that people do their favorite things in free time, which also will be beneficial to ourselves, others and society. Then man will be in harmony with himself, society as well as nature by leisure. Leisure is characteristic of freedom, culture, education and harmony. Because of leisure’s unique humanism, social and ecological value, it possesses inherent consistency with the socialist harmonious society. So leisure becomes a harmonious factor that can promote harmonious and smooth development of society.Social conflict theorists have discussed causes, types, properties and solutions of social conflicts, which helps us to analyze our country’s social conflicts in transition. Through analysis of conflicts in all. fields such as economy, politics, community, culture and ecology, we finds that our country’s social conflicts in transition mainly belong to valid and nonantagonistic interest conflicts caused by material reasons. So long as we take all kinds of measures and means effectively, will reduce social inharmonious elements to the full, and thus increase social harmonious factors to promote social development concordantly. In above all kinds of measures and means, leisure is the important way that it can alleviate social conflicts to advantage and further social harmonious development. Social harmony’s function of leisure is achieved by main five mechanisms as well as benefit-adjusting, demand-expressing, ideological security, public services and benefit-circumventing. These mechanisms are also embodied on economy, politics, culture, community and ecology etc. Firstly, leisure can adjust material interests and then alleviate economic conflicts. Secondly, it can encourage people from all walks of life to participate leisure and then optimize political environment. Thirdly, it also can cultivate leisure civilization and perfect populace personality. Fourthly, it also can promote relations of the neighborhood and community to development smoothly, and then unite with all the forces that we can get to build a harmonious society. Finally, it can help us to develop a habit of green leisure consumption and build our ecological civilizations etc.

【关键词】 休闲冲突论社会冲突社会和谐
【Key words】 LeisureSocial Conflict TheorySocial ConflictSocial Harmony
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 山东大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 04期

