

The Comparison of Vietnam, Laos, North Korea and Cuba’s Religious Policies

【作者】 王媛媛

【导师】 徐艳玲;

【作者基本信息】 山东大学 , 马克思主义基本原理, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 如何根据世纪形势的新变化,对宗教政策进行调整和变革,从而为社会主义政治制度的巩固和经济建设创造一个良好稳定的内外环境,是当代社会主义国家执政党面临的重大课题之一。正因为如此,对社会主义国家宗教政策的研究和探讨不仅在理论上十分必要,而且具有较强的现实意义。越南、老挝、朝鲜、古巴四国在宗教政策的制定和实施方面不乏一些优秀的经验值得我们学习,不足之处也值得我们借鉴。全球化是研究当代社会主义国家的宗教政策无可回避的语境。本文正是立足于日益加剧的全球化这一宏大时代背景,结合越、老、朝、古四国政治、经济、文化等方面的社会主义现实,对四国的宗教政策进行一个大尺度的比较分析,并期许能为这一课题的研究提供一些理论参考;在对四国宗教政策的一般规律和特殊规律进行把握的同时,以总结经验教训为落脚点,从而达到为我国宗教政策和宗教工作提供借鉴和指导的目的。由于获取的资料有限,且因当代社会主义各国宗教政策演变和调整的情况比较复杂,所以对越、老、朝、古四国宗教政策进行横向比较的难度比较大。本文采取了国别分述和综合概括的比较方法。本着这样的逻辑线条和框架设计,本文主要对四国宗教政策的背景要素、宗教政策和立法实践、实施效果三个方面进行比较分析。具体说来,本文包括的主要内容如下:导论部分。主要就本文的选题缘由、研究价值、研究现状、创新点和不足等进行简单的介绍,并引出本文论述的主题。第一章为四国宗教政策的背景要素透视。主要是就四国的宗教信仰状况、宗教方面存在的热点问题、民族宗教问题背后的美国因素进行分析,对影响四国宗教政策形成和演变的地理、文化、政治、经济等国内国际因素进行分析和梳理,为后文的比较研究提供必要的时代和历史背景:四国的宗教状况复杂多元,民族宗教问题不容忽视;民族关系、政教关系方面还存在一些不和谐因素;以美国为首的西方国家不时拿人权、宗教问题做文章;影响宗教政策的因素多维交织,宗教所扮演的角色不只局限于自身,国家安全、政治、经济、文化、历史等要素往往充斥其中,四国在周边环境与国际环境、国内改革和发展现实、苏东经验总结等方面既有相同点,又各有不同。第二章为四国的宗教政策和立法实践解读。主要对四国处理宗教问题的理论和政策、宗教政策的历史演变以及宗教政策的立法状况进行比较研究,探讨存在其中的共同规律和不同点:四国的政教关系大致经历了从紧张到缓和的变化;四国宗教政策“同中有异,异中有同”,管理宗教事务的原则和措施体现了原则性与灵活性的统一,并与社会主义、国家的大政方针相适应;宗教事务管理正逐步走上法制化轨道。第三章为四国宗教政策的效果评价。通过分析比较四国在宗教政策上取得的成就和面临的挑战,综合思考各国宗教政策的共性和个性,对这四个国家在宗教政策方面取得的经验和教训进行总结:四国的宗教政策各自取得了一定的理论成果和实践成效,体现了宗教政策的时代化、民族化;民族宗教问题对四国来说仍然是一个比较棘手和敏感的问题,四国在政教关系、保持国内宗教的独立自主性、化解西方的和平演变、依法管理宗教事务等方面还面临着很多困难和挑战;四国在共产党处理宗教问题的基本原则、天主教领导权问题上有很多经验值得我们借鉴;四国一方面注意贯彻宗教信仰自由政策,另一方面还注意进行多种方式的意识形态教育和思想宣传,其思想理论建设方面取得的成效也值得我们思考和借鉴。第四章为四国宗教政策比较后的理论反思及对中国的启示。在总结四国值得我国借鉴的经验教训的基础上,对我国宗教工作的重要性进行理论上的反思,从社会主义建设的全局和社会主义意识形态的建设方面对我国宗教工作的开展进行深层的思考。四国宗教政策的比较研究给我们以理论反思和实践启示。其理论反思包括:(1)宗教与社会主义——一个关系社会主义国家工作全局的战略性问题。(2)宗教与社会主义国家的执政党——一个关系社会主义国家执政党执政前途命运的重大问题。(3)宗教与世界和平——一个全球化时代国际社会关注的热点问题。四国宗教政策比较对中国的启示有:(1)看待中国宗教的当代发展要基于“问题意识”。(2)不断完善“适应论”和“引导论”,以宗教和谐促进社会和谐。(3)维护信仰的多样性,制定弘扬中华文化和兼容并包的“大文化战略”。(4)坚持信仰取向的多样化和指导思想的一元化,以中国特色社会主义价值观引领各种社会思潮。(5)宣传贯彻社会主义核心价值体系,增强社会主义意识形态的吸引力和凝聚力。重点是学生信教问题与高校的政治信仰教育、党员信教问题与党员的先进性教育、农民信教问题和农民宗教信仰的重建。

【Abstract】 According to the century situation’s new change, how to adjust and transform the religious policy, which can create a good and stable environment inside and outside for the consolidation of socialism political system and the economic development, is an important issue of the proletariat party. So it is necessary to study and explore socialist countries’religious policies in theory, which also has practical significance. As far as the formulation and implementation of the four countries’religious policies, there are many outstanding experiences that can be shared in China’s ethnic and religious work, and the deficiency is also worth us using for reference.Globalization is an unavoidable context to study the religious policies of the contemporary socialist countries. So this paper is based on the grand background of increasing globalization, and combines the four countries’socialist realism such as political, economic, cultural and other aspects. I will make a large-scale comparison of the four countries’religious policies, hoping that this research can provide some theoretical information to this topic; So as to provide reference and guidance for our country’s religious policy, I will make experience summary as the end in addition to grasp the general and special laws in the four countries’religious policies. Because the information obtained is limited, and the evolution of socialist countries’religious policies is quite complex, there is a difficulty in comparing the four countries’religious policies from a horizontal perspective. My article will narrate separately according to the nationality and summarize at end.With the logic thinking and frame design above, this paper will do comparison from three aspects:the background of the four countries’religious policies, the religious policies and legislative practices, and the results of the four countries’religious policies. Specifically speaking, the main points this paper contains are as follows:Introduction section:to give a brief introduction of the main reasons and values of this study, the current situation of this topic, the innovation and deficiency, and raise the theme of this paper.The first chapter is a perspective of the background of the four countries’religious policies. It mainly introduces the four countries’religious beliefs, hot religious issues, and the American element behind ethnic and religious issues. It also analyzes the geographical, cultural, political, economic and other factors home and abroad that affect the formation and evolution of the four countries’religious policies. This chapter will provide the necessary historical background for the later comparative study:the four countries’religions are complex and diverse, and the ethnic and religious issues can not be ignored; there are still some discordant factors in the ethnic relations and church-state relations,; the US-led western countries pick faults in human rights from time to time; factors behind the religious policies are multi-dimensional, the role of religion is not only confined to its own, the national security, political, economic, cultural, historical and other factors are often included in it, the four countries have both the similarities and differences on the surrounding environment and the international environment, the domestic reform and development reality, and the summary of lessons to Soviet Union and Eastern counties.The second chapter is the interpretation of the four counties’religious policies and legislative practices. To study the common laws and differences in this area, I mainly introduce the four counties’theories and policies to deal with religious issues, the historical evolution and the legislative status of religious policies:the four countries’ church-state relations has changed from tension to relaxation; the four countries’ religious policies have "difference involved in the similarity, and similarity involved in the difference", the principles and measures to manage religious affairs reflected the unity of principle and flexibility, and adaption to the major policies of the four countries; the four countries’management of religious affairs is gradually legalized.The third chapter is the evaluation of the effects of the four countries’religious policies. After the analysis and comparison of the achievements and challenges of the four countries’religious policies, I will make a comprehensive thinking of the generalities and individualities of the four countries’religious policies and summarize their experiences:the four countries’religious policies obtain their own theoretical achievements and practical results, which reflects the nationalization and modernization of religious policy; ethnic and religious issues are still a difficult and sensitive problem for the four countries, and there are still many difficulties and challenges in the four countries’church-state relations, the maintenance of religion independence, the treatment of West’s peaceful evolution, and the management of religion according to law; there are a lot of experiences we can learn about the basic principles in dealing with religious issues and the Catholic leadership from the four countries; the four countries implement the policies of religious freedom, and pay attention to ideological education at the same time, the results achieved from the four countries’ideological construction are worth our consideration and reference.The forth chapter is the theoretical reflection after the comparison of the four countries’religious policies and the implications for China. On the basis of experience summary, I will make a theoretical reflection on the importance of china’s religious work, and make a deep thinking about the implementations of our country’s religious work from the perspective of the construction of socialism and socialist ideology. The comparison of the four counties’religious policies provides us with theory reflections and practice revelations. Reflections on the theory include:(1)Religion and socialism-a strategic issue of the overall situation of socialist countries.(2)Religion and the ruling party of socialist countries-a major issue related to the destiny of Proletarian parties.(3)Religion and the world peace-a hot issue concerned by international society in the era of globalization. The implications for China include:(1)Regard the contemporary development of Chinese religions based on the "question consciousness".(2)Perfect the "adaptation theory" and the "guidance theory" unceasingly, and promote society harmony by the religion harmony.(3)Maintain the multiple beliefs, and formulate the"big cultural strategy" which brings honor to the Chinese culture and diverse culture included.(4)Insist the multiply orientation of believes and the unification of guiding principle, guide each kind of ethos by socialism values with Chinese characteristics.(5)Implement the socialism core value system, and increase the appeal and cohesive power of Socialist ideology. It mainly contains:the issue of university students’religious beliefs and political belief education, the issue of Party members’ religious beliefs and Advanced Education, the issue of farmers’religious beliefs and religion reconstruction.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 山东大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 04期

