

Study on Legal Issues for International Protection of Industrial Heritage

【作者】 于胜男

【导师】 李道刚;

【作者基本信息】 山东大学 , 法律, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 自工业革命开始,科技一直是推动经济发展的主要力量,城市的发展也是伴随着工业的进步而不断打上工业文化的烙印。作为地域精神的重要载体和时代发展与社会风貌的独特历史见证,工业遗产所蕴含的时代意义以及自身所蕴含的价值不可估量,理应作为人类宝贵的遗产资源纳入人类文明传承的保护工作中。而且工业遗产的鉴定识别和保护性利用是一项复杂和浩大的工程,因而国际间的合作与援助是非常必要的。工业遗产的保护已经成为世界各国共同关注的重要问题。但工业遗产国际保护运动时间较短,该领域的研究和实践并不成熟,各国的经济、文化发展程度均不相同,对工业遗产的认识和研究广度和深度也各不相同,如何在现有制度和框架下更好地促进世界各国对工业遗产的重视和保护,加强国际间的交流与协作是值得深入研究的问题。在追溯工业遗产概念演变的前提下,本文以概念分析为切入点,阐明了工业遗产的内涵、分类、价值以及与相关概念之间的联系和区别。分析了工业遗产国际保护的法律理念、法律基础。并采用归纳的方法,以《世界文化遗产与自然遗产公约》和《下塔尔宪章》为中心,联系其他相关国际法律文件,着重对多个国际法律文件结合起来所形成的工业遗产国际保护路径进行了总体的分析和说明。通过对现存国际公约和条约所形成的工业遗产国际法律保护路径的整合分析,阐明了对工业遗产国际法律保护的理念、基础和路径的思考。最后列举和评析了世界各国的工业遗产保护实践,对比国内外工业遗产保护的现状,对我国工业遗产的保护提出了改进建议,以期为工业遗产保护研究提供新思路和新方法。本文包括四个方面:第一部分是对工业遗产的概述。阐明了工业遗产概念的演变历程、工业遗产的定义、分类并重点分析了工业遗产的概念的内涵、价值构成、以及工业遗产与相关类型文化遗产的关系问题。第二部分是对工业遗产国际保护法律基础问题的概述。阐明了工业遗产国际保护的法律理念。重点从国家主权、国际人权和国际环境三个视角分析了工业遗产国际保护的法律基础和依据。第三部分主要是对工业遗产国际保护法律路径的归纳分析。根据相关国际法律文件的规定,工业国际保护的法律路径主要是:国际环境法保护、国际人道主义法保护、和国际人权法保护。国际环境法保护模式是目前最成熟、应用最广泛的模式,其核心是世界遗产名录制度。名录制度提高了工业遗产的知名度,增加了世界各国的关注度,在工业遗产的保护中发挥了重要作用。第四部分是对主权国家工业遗产保护实践的评析。评述了他国工业遗产保护的成功经验及优秀实例,对比了国内外实践状况,提出了中国的工业遗产保护的改进建议。

【Abstract】 Since the industrial revolution begins, scientific improvement has been the promotion of economic development. The cultural of city is also industrialized along with the development of industry. As the important carrier of regional spirit and the unique historical testimony of social feature industrial heritage is so valuable and immeasurable that it should be protected as our precious heritage resource. Considering the identification, the protection and utilization of industrial heritage is highly complex and vast. Thus, it is necessary to protect industrial heritage by means of international cooperation and assistance. Industrial heritage protection has become an important issue all over the world. While, due to less time to practice, the research on this field is not mature. As the level of national economy and cultural is various, and the breadth and depth of research is different, how to promote the recognition and protection of industrial heritage and strengthens the international communication and cooperation in the existing system and framework is worth researching.Tracing the evolution of the concept of industrial heritage, this paper clarifies the meaning, value, and classification of industrial heritage, including the similarities and differences between concepts, which is based on the conceptual analysis. Then the paper analyzes the international legal ideas and basis of the industrial heritage conservation. Using the inductive method, this paper analyzes and describes the path of international protection of industrial heritage which contains a number of international legal documents, by studying"the world cultural heritage and natural heritage convention","the Nizhny Tails charter"and other relevant international legal documents. With analyzing and integrating the international legal protective path of industrial heritage which is based on the existing international conventions and treaties, many issues has been expounded, such as the protection concept, international legal basis and the path of international legal protection. At last, this paper lists and comments the practice of worldwide protection of industrial heritage, compares the status of domestic and foreign industrial heritage protection and proposes suggestions for improving protection of industrial heritage in China. The purpose of this paper is to provide new ideas and methods to theoretical research of industrial heritage protection.This paper contains four apartments:The first part is the summary of industrial heritage. And clarifying the development of conception, the definition and the classification. The connotation, the value and the issue on the relationship between industrial heritage and other types of heritage is mainly analyzed.The second part is the summary of legal basis on the international protection of industrial heritage. And clarifying the legal ideas for the international protection of industrial heritage. Then analyzes the legal basis and foundation of international protection of industrial heritage, from three perspective:state sovereignty, international human rights and international environment.The third part mainly generalizes and analyzes the path of international legal protection, considering the current international documents. Due to those aspects: international environmental laws, international humanitarian laws and international human rights laws. The international environmental protection is relatively mature and perfect path, which rely on the World Heritage List System and World Intangible Heritage List System. List System which increased the visibility of industrial heritage and made industrial heritage gain more international attention, has played a significant role in the protection of industrial heritage.The fourth part analyzes the practice of sovereign states. The paper evaluates the foreign successful experience and examples of industrial heritage protection, compares the current situation at home and abroad, and proposes suggestions for the protection of industrial heritage in China.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 山东大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 05期
  • 【分类号】D997.1
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】181

