

Quantitaive Analysis of Words in Oral Chinese Textbook

【作者】 李慧

【导师】 盛玉麒;

【作者基本信息】 山东大学 , 语言学及应用语言学, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 在对外汉语口语教学中,词汇是教学的重点和难点部分之一。学生对词汇的掌握程度直接影响到其汉语的应用能力。因此,对外汉语口语教材中词汇的编写质量对口语教学有着重要的影响。随着科学技术的进步,计算机、语料库等现代化的方法在语言研究中得到更加广泛的应用。本文在此基础上以对外汉语口语教材为研究对象,建立了对外汉语口语教材语料库,利用语料库语言学的方法对该语料库进行词汇的定量分析。文章中对口语教材所用词语的进行抽样统计分析,目的是了解不同等级口语教材中的词汇与《汉语水平词汇与汉字等级大纲》的吻合情况。本文试图利用大规模语料库结合基于规则的方法,对对外汉语口语教材词汇进行定量与定性分析,从语料库中发现问题,用语料库所提供的数据分析问题。第一章绪论本章首先阐述选题依据,进一步论述关于对外汉语口语教材以及《汉语水平词汇与汉字等级大纲》研究现状,给出了本文的研究目的和意义、研究方法、研究难点重点以及研究的理论依据,从宏观上对研究对象进行概括的把握。第二章对外汉语口语语料库的设计和建立运用“语料库”的科学方法研究语言在当今已经成为语言研究必然的趋势和必要的手段。本章在语料库和语料库语言学的理论的指导下建立了为本研究服务的对外汉语口语教材的语料库,对于本语料库做出以下介绍:对外汉语口语教材语料库的目的、语料选取原则、语料库自动分词与标注的基本情况以及校对和整理的情况。第三章初级口语教材中词汇定量分析本章在初级语料库的基础上,重点从音节、词类以及初级口语语料库中的词汇与《词汇大纲》中等级词汇的交集词、集外词等级分布情况等方面分析了对外汉语初级口语教材中词汇第四章中级口语教材中词汇定量分析本章通过中级口语语料库,重点分析了对外汉语中级口语教材中词汇的音节,词类以及该语料库中词汇与《词汇大纲》中的等级词汇的交集词和集外词。第五章高级口语教材中词汇定量分析本章通过高级口语语料库分析了高级口语语料库中词汇的音节、词类以及高级口语语料库中的词汇与《词汇大纲》中交集词和集外词。第六章余论该部分对本研究加以总体概括,并指出了研究中存在的不足之处,同时提出了进一步研究的设想。对初级、中级、高级对外汉语口语教材语料库进行分析时,选用了同样的研究方式,即从音节、词类、与《词汇大纲》的交集词和集外词这四个方面进行研究,这是为了更好的体现出从初级、中级到高级的变化,而且有利于三者之间的对比分析。

【Abstract】 In oral Chinese teaching of TCSL, vocabulary is one of the important and difficult part. How the students master the vocabulary directly affects their Chinese application ability.so,the writing quality of vocabulary in the oral Chinese textbook has an important influence to oral Chinese teaching. Along with the development of science and technology, computer, corpus and other modern methods are widely used in the study of language.This paper chose oral Chinese textbook as the research object, establishing corpus of oral Chinese textbook, using the method of corpus linguistics to analysis the vocabulary in the corpus, to realize the anastomosis of vocabulary in oral Chinese textbook in different grades and<HSK level outline of vocabulary and characters >.this study will find and analysis the problem in the corpus.Chaper 1 introductionThis chaper introduces the basis of the topic and states the research status, purpose, significance,method and the focal point.Chaper 2 design and build the corpusThis chaper designs and builds the corpus in the guidance of corpus and corpus linguistics theory, stating the purpose,the selecting principle,the automatic word segmentation and the tagging and proofreading of the corpus.Chapter 3 Quantitative analysis of words in primary oral chinese textbook This chapter analysis the words of primary oral chinese textbook from syllable,parts of speech, vocabulary of primary oral chinese corpus,the distributing of in-of-vocabulary words and out-of-vocabulary words and ect.Chapter 4 Quantitative analysis of words in intermediate oral chinese textbook This chapter analysis the words of intermediate oral chinese textbook from syllable,parts of speech,vocabulary of the corpus and the distributing of in-of-vocabulary words and out-of-vocabulary words.Chapter 5 Quantitative analysis of words in senior chinese textbook This chapter analysis the syllable,parts of speech,vocabulary of the corpus and the distributing of in-of-vocabulary words and out-of-vocabulary words in senior oral chinese corpus.Chapter 6 EpilogueThis part make a general summary of the study, pointed out the inadequacies, and proposed the idea of further study.This paper analysises the primary, intermediate and senior oral chinese corpus using the same research methods, studies the words from syllable,parts of speech.vocabulary of the corpus and the distributing of in-of-vocabulary words and out-of-vocabulary words.This method better reflects the changes from junior,intermediate to senior.It is propitious to comparative analysis between the three.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 山东大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 04期
  • 【分类号】H195
  • 【被引频次】9
  • 【下载频次】629

