

The Experimental Study on Furrow Irrigation Pattern of Corn in Semi-Arid Region of Western Heilongjiang Province

【作者】 赵玉宇

【导师】 魏永霞;

【作者基本信息】 东北农业大学 , 农业水土工程, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 黑龙江西部半干旱区为我国主要的粮食生产基地,该区年均降水量少,水资源紧缺问题十分严重。然而,由于经济欠发达,我国农田灌溉仍以传统的畦、沟地面灌溉技术为主,水资源浪费现象还比较严重。近年来,有专家和学者提出了交替隔沟灌溉这种新的节水灌溉技术,这一技术的研究在西北地区已经较为成熟,但在黑龙江省乃至东北地区的研究还很少,为了探知交替隔沟灌溉在黑龙江地区的适宜情况,本文针对黑龙江西部半干旱区多风少雨,春旱严重,粮食产量及作物水分利用效率低等实际问题,在黑龙江省杜蒙县进行了常规灌溉、交替隔沟灌溉和固定隔沟灌溉3种节水灌溉方式下的不同灌水水平组合试验,研究不同灌溉方式不同灌水水平对玉米生长、产量和水分利用效率的影响,以期为当地节水农业的发展提供必要的理论与技术支撑。主要结论如下:(1)比较土壤深层的含水率,常规灌溉在80~100cm土层处仍有缓慢增加现象,固定隔沟灌溉变化不明显,交替隔沟灌溉基本保持不变。常规灌溉水分主要在土壤垂直方向上运动。交替隔沟灌溉和固定隔沟灌溉处理的水分在垂向下渗的同时还有侧向运动,减少了水分在土壤中的深层渗漏。(2)相同灌水水平下,不同沟灌方式的耗水量有差异但相差不大。相同灌溉方式不同灌水水平下,作物的耗水量和日耗水强度随着灌水量的增加有逐渐增大的趋势。整个生育期常规灌溉处理玉米的日耗水强度大于其它两种处理方式。(3)交替隔沟灌溉和固定隔沟灌溉处理使灌水一侧根系处于湿润状态,另一侧根系处于较干燥状态,控制不同区域根系的干湿情况,使根系经受一定程度的干旱锻炼,在适量的水分亏缺下,可以促进地上部分干物质的积累。试验结果表明,隔沟灌溉的作物的叶面积、株高、茎周长、干物质积累量以及根系生长都与常规灌溉相差不大,在轻度水分亏缺下,交替隔沟灌溉甚至还有优于常规灌溉的情况。在水分胁迫较严重时,固定隔沟灌溉玉米的长势较其它处理差。(4)相同灌水水平下,生育前期交替灌溉和固定灌溉的光合速率都比常规灌溉有所降低;生育后期,固定灌溉仍有一定程度的降低,但交替灌溉的光合速率接近甚至超过常规灌溉。与光合速率相比,交替灌溉和固定灌溉蒸腾速率的降低幅度较常规灌溉大。相同灌溉方式下,玉米生育期叶片的光合速率和蒸腾速率随着灌水量的下降而有明显的降低,尤其水分胁迫较严重时下降更显著。叶片水分利用效率的值取决于光合速率和蒸腾速率变化的相对快慢。(5)单穗粒数随着灌水量的下降而减少;在相同灌水水平下,交替灌溉的单穗粒数表现出一定的优势,固定灌溉的处于劣势。不同灌溉方式玉米增产效应主要是通过玉米的百粒重的增加实现的。相同灌溉方式在不同灌水水平下的籽粒产量差异显著,尤其重度缺水时下降较多。研究表明,适度水分亏缺时,各处理的水分利用效率相对较高,尤其交替隔沟灌溉的最高,在灌水量比正常灌水时的常规灌溉减少29%的同时,产量亦提高了4.93%,同时水分利用效率提高了29.9%。说明在适当降低灌水量下,交替隔沟灌溉既可保证籽粒产量,又可提高水分利用效率。(6)本文采用基于实码加速遗传算法的投影寻踪模型、基于熵权的灰色关联法两种评价方法对玉米沟灌模式进行分析评价,得到最优的灌溉模式为适度水分亏缺下的交替隔沟灌溉,该方式在灌水量降低29%的前提下,水分利用效率在所有处理中最优,并且获得了最高的产量和最大净收益。

【Abstract】 The semiarid region of western Heilongjiang province is an important grain production base in China. However, in the area, average annual rainfall is few and the shortage of water resources is very serious. Due to the underdevelopment of economy, traditional surface irrigations such as border and furrow irrigation are still taken as the dominant way in farmland irrigation, which leads to the great waste of water resources. In recent years, some specialists and scholars proposed a new irrigation technology of alternate interval furrow irrigation. The study of this new water一svaing irrigation technology in the northwest of China is mature but very few in Heilongjiang province even in the Northeast. In order to explore the suitable of alternate interval furrow irrigation in Heilongjiang province, aiming at some practical problems including more wind, less rain, lower food production and crop water use efficiency, etc, in semi-arid region of western Heilongjiang province, the experiments of the effects of different water levels under the three irrigation methods which were conventional irrigation, alternate interval furrow irrigation and fixed interval furrow irrigation were conducted in DuMeng county, Heilongjiang province to study the influences of the different irrigation methods with different water levels on the corn’s growth, yield and water use efficiency, which could provide the necessary theoretical technological supports for local development of water-saving agriculture. The main conclusions were as follows:(1)Comparing the deep soil water content, conventional irrigation raised slowly between 80 to 100 ground, fixed interval furrow irrigation changed not obviously, and alternate interval furrow irrigation kept steady basically. Water of conventional irrigation moved vertically, alternate interval furrow irrigation and fixed interval furrow irrigation had vertical and side mocement which could reduce the deep seepage of soil water.(2)Under the same water supply, water consumption of different irrigation methods had difference but not marked. Under the same irrigation method and different water levels, water consumption and diurnal water consumption increased in the wake of raising water supply. At the whole growth stage, diurnal water consumption of conventional irrigation was higher than others.(3)Watering-side roots of alternate interval furrow irrigation and fixed interval furrow irrigation were in wet environment, another side was in dry environment. Controlling roots’moisture condition of different areas, roots undergo drought hardening of certain extent. Appropriate water lack could promote dry matter accumulation of above-ground. The results showed that situation of corn’s leaf area, plant height, stem perimeter, dry matter accumulation and root growth under interval furrow irrigation was similar compared with conventional irrigation, even better under appropriate water lack. Under serious water lack, the growth of corn was worse than others.(4)Photosynthetic rate of alternate interval furrow irrigation and fixed interval furrow irrigation were lower than conventional irrigation in the earlier growth stage under the same water lever. In the later stage, fixed interval furrow irrigation was still lower, but photosynthetic rate of alternate interval furrow irrigation approached even exceeded that under conventional irrigation. Compared with photosynthetic rate, the reduction range of transpiration rate of alternate interval furrow irrigation and fixed interval furrow irrigation were higher than conventional irrigation. In the same irrigation method, corn’s photosynthetic rate and transpiration rate of different stages reduced evidently along with the water volume’s reduction, especially water stress was serious. Water use efficiency rested with Pn and Tr’s relative change.(5)Along with water supply’s reduction, the grain number per ear decreased. In the same water level, alternate interval furrow irrigation had an advantage in the grain number, and fixed interval furrow irrigation had the inferiority. Yield-increasing effect of different irrigation treatments mainly depended on the increase of corn’s 100-seed weight. The grain yeild difference under the same irrigation treatment and different water levels was marked, especially declined under serious water lack. The results showed that WUE under appropriate water lack was highest, especially treatment of alternate interval furrow irrigation. It’s water supply reduced 29 pecent combined with conventional irrigation, meanwhile, the yield raised 4.93 pecent and WUE increased 29.9 pecent. Alternate interval furrow irrigation could also ensure grain yeild and improve WUE when reducing water supply properly.(6)The article used two evaluate methods which were projection pursuit classification model based on RAGA and the grey correlation analysis based on the entropy to analyse the corn’s furrow irrigation models, finally gained the best irrigation model which was alternate interval furrow irrigation under appropriate water lack. This model’s water supply reduced 29 pecent, but it’s WUE was highest among all the treatments, meanwhile obtained highest yield and net income.


