

The Study of the Monitoring System of the Ming Dynasty Military Officer

【作者】 张鑫

【导师】 晁中辰;

【作者基本信息】 山东大学 , 中国古代史, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 明代的武官集团既庞大又复杂。所谓庞大,是指明代的武官因世袭、武举、军功、恩荫、传奉等途径而急剧膨胀,时至明中叶即已高达10万之众,较明初武官数量翻了两番;所谓复杂,是指明代武官与前代相比,内部种类分支繁多,按任职期限来看可分有世官与流官,按出仕时间来看可分有新官与旧官,按职权归属来看可分有见任官与带俸官,按民族成分来看可分有汉官、土官与达官(“鞑官”)。庞大的人员数量、复杂的人员构成,导致明代武官集团自身的弊病日益暴露且尖锐,如侵吞军屯、私役兵士、杀良冒功、谎报军情、败坏军纪、勾结外患等等。加之,自古以来专制君主因军事领导权的最终归属问题,始终与武官集团难以达成真正互信的内置性冲突,进一步激化了两者之间的矛盾。故而,为了维护统治阶级内部的稳定以达到长治久安的终极目标,明代武官集团监控体系应运而生。毫无疑问,明代的武官监控体系集前代之大成,充分调动了明廷内部一切资源及各方政治势力,甚至包括本朝武官集团自身的力量。具体言之,专制君主通过封赠奖赏、军法律令、武学武举等政治手段,年俸、田庄、仆役等经济手段,天子守边、皇子领兵、军职军功等军事手段,强化对武官集团的笼络、羁縻,乃至镇压。这些措施不仅具有极强的政策指导性,对后世影响深远,而且颇具实效。此外,明代君主还以文官集团与宦官集团,充当本朝钳制武官集团最为得力的两股政治势力,坚决贯彻实施“以文制武,以内驭外,文武相济,内外相维”的统治方针,将本该配置给武官集团的军事决策权、人事权、指挥权、训练权及后勤管理权瓜分殆尽,最终促使明代武官集团监控体系环环相扣、严丝合缝。当然,这种严密的监控体系随着时间的推移逐渐矫枉过正,走向其初衷的反面,导致明代武官的政治势力、社会地位不断趋于沉沦。为了争夺有限的政治舞台和经济利益,武官与君主、文官、宦官等诸种势力之间展开了激烈的角逐,极大地消耗了明当局的统治实力。而且,面对超物质的压制,中叶而后的明代武官集团几乎丧失了开国初期建功立业、保家卫国的战斗激情,多数武将埋首于钻营攫利、醉生梦死,奔走于权贵门庭,蛰伏于文官乃至宦官的淫威之下,致使明朝中晚期政局内外糜烂,益发不可收拾。至南明朝廷再建,拥兵自重的军阀起底反弹,反噬皇权,以反讽的方式宣告了明代武官集团监控体系的彻底瓦解。

【Abstract】 The Ming Dynasty military officer groups both large and complex. The so-called large is that the amount of military officers has increased dramatically,because of the hereditary, WuJu, military exploit overcharging sealing and so on. To mid Ming dynasty, that has been as high as 100 thousand people, and th number is more than four times that of the early Ming. The so-called complex is that compared with previous generations, The Ming Dynasty military officer groups can be divided into several kinds, for example, the hereditary officer and the flow official, the new official and the old officer, the officer with postiond and the officer only with salary, han officer, local officer and Da officer. Huge personnel quantity, complex personnel structure has resulted in the groups itself illnesses and problems increasingly exposed and sharp,such as corruption, enslaving soldiers, killing civilians, reporting false imformations destroying disciplines, treason and so on. Additionally, since ancient times because of the military leadership of autocratic monarchy ultimate ownership, the monarch has always been difficult to achieve with the military officer real mutual trust, which further intensified the conflict between the two. Therefore, in order to maintain the stability of within the ruling classes to achieve long-term ruling the ultimate goal of Ming dynasty, Monitoring System of the Ming Dynasty military officer for shipment is born.No doubt, the system surpassed the previous generations of achievement, and fully mobilize the imperial internal all resources and parties political forces, even including the military officer group’s internal force. For example, the imperial groups are going to buying,netting and crackdowning the military officer group through political, economic, military and other means. These measures not only has a strong policy guidance, and far-reaching impact on future generations, but also quite realistic effect. Supreme ruler of the Ming Dynasty also uses the civil groups and the eunuch groups to suppress the military officer group as well as splits its various military power. These measures culminate in the formation of the military officer monitoring system.Of course, this tight control system gradually over time too far toward the opposite of its original intention, leading to the political forcesd and social status tends of the Ming Dynasty military officer to sink. In order to compete for limited political arena and economic interests, there are breaking out bloody war between the military officer group and various political forces.It consumes a great strength of the rule of the empire. Moreover, with metamaterials pressing, the group lost bygone combat passion and fighting capacity. Most generals yied to power, wealth and enjoyment. This trend has accelerated the collapse of the Empire’s military.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 山东大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 04期

