

Effect of Different Fertilization on the Yield and Quality of Schisandra Chinensis

【作者】 金阳

【导师】 周连仁;

【作者基本信息】 东北农业大学 , 土壤学, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 北五味子具有食用保健价值、药用价值、经济价值及生态价值,北五味子种植成本低,回报高,已有大量农户种植五味子,栽培过程中如何施肥,何时采摘较科学仍没有明确的方法,本试验通过位于黑龙江省尚志市,东北药材所五味子园内,选用地势平坦的园地。通过A:不施肥(对照),B:配方施肥,C:配方施肥+草炭,D:配方施肥+草炭+锌肥(叶面喷施),E:配方施肥+锌肥(叶面喷施)处理对五味子土壤理化性质、产量、五味子醇甲含量的影响进行研究,详细论述各处理对土壤相关肥力指标及北五味子产量和品质的影响。具有重要意义。试验结果表明:配方施肥+草炭的处理使土壤水分稳中上升,使碱解氮、速效磷、速效钾、有机质等土壤肥力因素的含量高于不施草炭的处理,使土壤容重降低,可知草炭有较强的改良土壤理化性质的能力。各处理碱解氮从5月到7月迅速增加到最大,其中草炭处理的土壤碱解氮含量最高达到143mg/kg。速效磷在5月到6月呈缓慢上升趋势,在6月到7月上升幅度变大。速效钾含量在5月到6月逐渐减少,6月到8月土壤速效钾含量先升后降。在北五味子第一生长高峰期提供充足氮肥、钾肥,在果实膨大期前提高充足氮肥、磷肥尤为重要。土壤中脲酶活性,各个处理之间均达到了差异显著。土壤中过氧化氢酶活性,只有草炭处理与对照处理达到了差异显著。配方施肥+草炭可以提高土壤脲酶和过氧化氢酶的活性。配方施肥+草炭处理的土壤有机质总含量与对照处理差异显著,配方施肥与对照处理差异显著;配方施肥+草炭处理的土壤活性有机质含量与对照处理差异显著,配方施肥与对照处理差异显著。配方施肥+草炭可以提高土壤有机质总量和活性有机质,以及碳库管理指数。施用草炭和锌肥可以提高五味子的产量,配方施肥+草炭+锌肥处理(D)与对照相比可提高北五味子产量71.31%,与单施化肥即配方施肥(B)处理相比产量提高25.70%。在品质上,配方施肥处理的五味子醇甲含量最高,为最佳处理方式,其次为配方施肥+草炭。北五味子果实中五味子醇甲含量逐渐变小,而籽粒中的五味子醇甲含量逐渐提高,草炭对北五味子籽粒中五味子醇甲含量影响较大,施用草炭可以显著提高北五味子中五味子醇甲含量,其次是配方施肥+草炭处理的北五味子。根据五味子醇甲含量和北五味子产量结合所获得的最大值,确定黑龙江省尚志市北五味子的最佳采收期为8月21日,最佳施肥处理为配方施肥+草炭+锌肥。在数据的相关性处理中,土壤脲酶、活性有机质与五味子产量达到正相关;土壤脲酶与土壤有机质呈现正相关;土壤容重与土壤有机质呈现出负相关。

【Abstract】 The research of Schisandra chinensis was conducted on the dark brown forest soil surrounding hillsides in Shangzhi, Heilongjiang Province. No fertilizer (CK) was set as the control, the formula fertilization (B), formula fertilization + peat (C), formula fertilization + peat + Zn(D), formula fertilization + Zn (E), respectively. Through analysis of soil physical and chemical properties and schizandrol A, the effects of fertilization and harvest time on the yield and quality of schisandra chinensis were carefully discussed.Experimental results showed that peat could promote soil water, bulk density, nitrogen, available phosphorus, potassium and other factors such as soil fertility. Peat had a strong ability to improve soil physical and chemical properties.It was especially important to dress enough N and K at the first growth peak period and N and P at the stage of fruit swelling. Soil urease activity reached significant difference among all treatments. Soil peroxidase activity only of the peat treatment reached significant difference between the control treatments.The content of soil organic matter of formula fertilization + peat (C) treatment reached a significantly difference with the blank treatment, and so did formula fertilization (B) treatment The enzyme activity of formula fertilization + peat (C) treatment reached a significantly difference with the blank treatment, and so did formula fertilization (B) treatmentBoth fertilization of peat and Zn could raise the yield and quality of schisandra chinensis, especially peat + Zn. The yield of the treatment of formula fertilizer + peat + Zn(D) increased by 71.3% to the control, and by 25.70% to the treatment of formula fertilization (B).According to the schisandra chinensis yield and Schizandrol A content, the best harvest time of schisandra chinensis in Shangzhi, Heilongjiang Province was determined on August 21.According to correlation analysis of data, soil urease activity, highly active organic matter and schisandra chinensis production reached a significant positive correlation. Urease activity showed a positive correlation with soil organic matter significantly. Soil bulk density and soil organic matter had shown a negative correlation significantly.

【关键词】 北五味子施肥产量品质
【Key words】 schisandra chinensisfertilizationyieldSchizandrol A

