

Effects of Water and Fertilizer Optimization under Different Densities on Lodging Resistance of Rice in Cold Area

【作者】 王丹

【导师】 刘元英;

【作者基本信息】 东北农业大学 , 植物营养学, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 试验采用田间小区方法,在25和30穴/m~2两种密度下,研究肥水优化对寒地水稻抗倒伏能力的影响。测试了基部茎秆形态、基部第二节间茎和鞘的显微结构、化学组成以及茎秆力学特性等指标。主要结果如下:低密度条件下,肥水优化管理使抽穗期茎粗、壁厚和横截实面积分别提高了6.0%、16.2% (P<0.01)和21.0% (P<0.01);抽穗后40天分别提高了8.7% (P<0.05)、19.4% (P<0.01)和26.9% (P<0.01);高密度条件下,肥水优化也显著提高了茎粗和茎壁厚度。相同肥水管理措施条件下,低密度处理的10-cm茎和鞘干重大于高密度处理,其他指标无显著差异。低密度条件下,肥水优化使水稻基部第二节间扁平率降低了5.6%;高密度条件下,扁平率降低了8.4%,均达到1%的显著水平。低密度条件下,肥水优化使水稻抽穗期基部第二节间茎可溶性糖和糖氮比分别增加了12.5% (P<0.05)和4.1%,抽穗后40天分别增加9.1% (P<0.05)和6.2%;同时含钾量也有增加趋势。高密度条件下,肥水优化也提高了可溶性糖含量,基部第二节间鞘的可溶性糖含量、糖氮比和含钾量均有不同程度增加。相同密度条件下,抽穗期,肥水优化使抽穗期茎基部第二节间大、小维管束平均增加2-3个,大、小维管束面积、机械组织和薄壁细胞厚度均显著增加;抽穗后40天,大维管束面积增加了36.2%-41.6% (P<0.01),小维管束面积和薄壁细胞厚度均显著增加;大维管束的横截面都比较圆,薄壁细胞内淀粉粒充实较多。这样的显微结构能明显增强茎秆的抗倒能力。在低密度条件下,肥水优化使茎秆抗折力提高了46.8% (P<0.01),倒伏指数降低了15.4% (P<0.05);在高密度条件下,抗折力提高了44.6% (P<0.01),倒伏指数降低了21.1% (P<0.05)。低密度条件下,肥水优化使每穗粒数增加4.4粒,结实率增加2.4% (P<0.01),产量提高8.5% (P<0.05),在高密度条件下,每穗粒数增加3.0粒,千粒重增加0.49g,结实率增加1.8% (P<0.01),产量增加9.8% (P<0.05)。相同密度条件下,通过控水灌溉,降低氮肥用量和前氮后移,增加钾肥用量等管理措施,提高了茎秆的含糖量,增加了灌浆期水稻基部第二节间茎粗、茎壁厚度和10-cm茎和鞘的干重,促进了水稻基部节间充实,显著提高了茎秆的抗折力,降低了水稻的倒伏指数,显著增加了水稻产量和抗倒伏能力。相同肥水管理条件下,随着密度的增加,产量增加不显著,提高密度的同时,优化肥水管理能显著增加水稻产量,同时还能提高水稻的抗倒伏能力。

【Abstract】 A plot experiment was conducted to investigate the relationship between the water and fertilizer optimization under controlled irrigation (OPT-25, OPT -30) and lodging resistance of rice in cold area of northeastern China under different density (25 and 30 per square meter). We measured the morphological index, microstructure, chemical compositions and mechanical features of the second basal internodes. The main results are as follows:Under low density conditions, OPT respectively increased stem diameter, wall thickness and area of cross section by 6.0%、16.2% (P<0.01) and 21.0% (P<0.01) at heading; by 8.7% (P<0.05)、19.4% (P<0.01)and 26.9% (P<0.01) at 40 days after heading. Under high density conditions, stem diameter, wall thickness and area of cross section were also increased. Under the same water and fertilizer optimization conditions, the low density treatments significantly improved internodes and sheath weihgt per 10cm. Under low density conditions, OPT reduced the flattening of stem by 5.6%; Under high density conditions, OPT reduced the flattening of stem by 5.6% (P<0.01).Under low density conditions, OPT respectively increased the soluble sugar content and sugar rato to N of the second internode stem by 12.5% (P<0.05) and 4.1% at heading stage, by 9.1% (P<0.05) and 6.2%; at 40 days after heading, at the same time, the K content was also increased. Under high density conditions, the soluble sugar content, sugar rato to N and K content of the second internode of the basal sheath of OPT were aso improved.Under the same density, at heading the number of great and small vascular bundle the second internode of the basal stem of OPT was larger than FFP, the area of great and small vascular bundle and mechanical tissue thickness were all significantly improved; at 40 days after heading, the area of great and small vascular bundle was increased by 36.2%-41.6% (P<0.01), the area of small vascular bundle and the thickness of mechanical tissue were also significantly improved. The the great and small vascular bundle appeared of OPT approximate circles in microstructure photos, and the number starch grain in tine-walledcell was increased. The microstructure like this would improved the snapping resistance of rice. Under low density conditions, OPT improved the snapping resistance by 46.8% (P<0.01), and the index of lodging resistance was reduced by 15.4% (P<0.05); under high density conditions, OPT improved the snapping resistance by 44.6% (P<0.01), and the index of lodging resistance was reduced by 21.1% (P<0.05).Under low density conditions, the grains per panicle of OTP was increased 4.4, filled grain rate 2.4% (P<0.01), rice yield 8.5% (P<0.05); under high density conditions, the grains per panicle was increased 3.0, filled grain rate 1.8% (P<0.01), rice yield 9.8% (P<0.05).Under the same density, by controlling irrigation, reducing total N and N management, and improving total K, improved the sugar content of internodes, enhanced the stem diameter, wall thickness, internodes weight per 10cm of the first and second internodes, facilitated internodes filling degree, reduced the index of lodging resistance, increased the snapping resistance and yield. Under the same water and fertilizer optimization conditions, rice yield was not significant difference with the increase of density, by improving the density and optimizing the water and fertilizer, the rice yield was significantly improved, and the lodging resistance was also improved.


