

Effect of Sowing Modes and Topdressing Stages on Flag Leaf Photosynthtic Characters, Grain Yield and Quality of Winter Wheat in Heilongjiang Province

【作者】 李馨园

【导师】 魏湜;

【作者基本信息】 东北农业大学 , 作物栽培学与耕作学, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 东农冬麦1号品种的成功育出打破了黑龙江越冬性作物不能生存的历史,改写了黑龙江省传统的一年一熟的种植制度。但黑龙江冬小麦冬后田间管理与营养调控作为获得高产的栽培基础研究尚显得不足。因此,本论文重点研究了两种主要的播种方式和不同追肥时期的运筹对冬小麦生育后期旗叶光合特性的影响。试验于2009-2010年度,在东北农业大学香坊农场进行,设两种播种方式:垄沟播种(A),平播播种(B):三种追肥处理,返青追施尿素150 kg/hm2(T1)、拔节期追施尿素150 kg/hm2(T2)、返青期和拔节期各追施尿素75 kg/hm2(T3)、对照处理不追肥(T0),旨在探讨提高氮素利用率,增加籽粒产量的途径,为黑龙江冬小麦高产栽培管理提供理论依据,使耕作制度由一年一熟转变成为两年三熟的耕作模式,提高土地利用效率,最终为黑龙江省冬麦的高产优质栽培提供理论依据。相关研究表明:1.不同播种方式下,在拔节期追施氮肥增强了旗叶的光合能力在两种播种方式下,不同处理的旗叶叶面积呈先增高后降低趋势变化,于旗叶完全展开后14d达到最大,在两种播种方式下,T2处理使得冬小麦灌浆中后期旗叶Chl(a+b)的含量较其他处理高,光合速率表现出与叶绿素含量一样的规律。垄播方式下T2处理和平播方式下T3处理的小麦旗叶Chla/Chlb值在灌浆初期高于其他处理,随着生育进程的推进,又显著低于其他处理,这表明施氮有利于促进Chlb合成,能减缓Chlb随生育进程的降解速率。不同播种方式及追肥处理之间对光合的促进作用存在差异,适宜的播种方式及追肥时期一方面提高了光能转换效率和PSⅡ的潜在活性,另一方面抑制了光能的非光化学耗散,垄播条件下的Fv/Fo值显著高于平播,在两种播种方式下,不同处理的Fv/Fm值都表现为T2最高,这表明在拔节期追施氮肥,有利于提高冬小麦旗叶的Fv/Fm和Fv/Fo值。小麦旗叶的Yield值于花后14d达到最大,各处理均照对较有不同程度的提高。小麦旗叶的qP值总体表现为垄播方式显著高于平播,在垄播条件下,除花后0d和28d外,T2的qP值都显著高于其它处理,在平播条件下,T3与T2的qP值差异不显著,总体上高于T0和T1处理。在两种播种方式下各处理间在生育后期的qN值表现为花后0-28d时,T0>T1>T3>T2, 28d之后,则表现为T2显著高于其它处理,这表明在拔节期追施氮肥能延长小麦旗叶的生育期,从而在灌浆后期可有效减少非辐射能量耗散,有助于PSⅡ把所捕获的光能更充分地用于光合作用。2.拔节期追肥提高产量和改善品质效果显著不同追肥时期对籽粒产量影响差异明显,以拔节期追肥处理较为显著:拔节期一次施肥沟播处理与平播处理分别比各自对照提高27.8%、39.7%,返青期施肥分别比各自对照提高21.4%、21.1%,返青期与拔节期分施分别比各自对照提高27.7%、26.7%;蛋白质及组分含量、蛋白质质量、沉降值、湿面筋、容重均在拔节期施肥处理下表现出最好效果;籽粒淀粉受氮素影响较小。3.部分光合指标与产量存在相关性冬小麦旗叶叶绿素荧光参数Fv/Fo在灌浆中期与产量出现显著正相关; Chl(a+b)与产量显著正相关,在中期和末期达到极显著水平;Pn与产量在灌浆初期显著正相关性,在中后期达到极显著水平;qP与产量在灌浆初期和后期达到极显著水平; qN与产量呈现负相关性,并在灌浆初期和中期达到极显著水平。这表明改善旗叶的光合能力有助于产量的建成,不同光合指标对产量的影响时期不同。4.籽粒部分品质指标间存在相关关系籽粒蛋白质含量与籽粒蛋白组分含量、蛋白质产量、沉降值、湿面筋含量、容重,且呈显著正相关关系,且达到极显著相关水平,是冬麦籽粒品质的核心,提高籽粒蛋白含量是改善籽粒品质的基础。5.采用垄沟播种方式籽粒产量和品质明显高于传统平作方式在只考虑播种方式对冬麦产量的影响下,垄沟播种比平播产量提高5.8%;在播种方式与追肥时期共同作用下,得出采用垄沟播种在拔节期一次性追施氮肥150 kg/ hm2产量可达到最高,比平播处理在拔节期一次性追施氮肥理产量提高14%,为最优组合;在品质改善方面,垄沟播种各处理下籽粒品质部分指标与传统平播处理相比有不同程度的提高,其中沉降值提高2.03%、淀粉含量提高0.79%,提高程度以拔节期追施适量氮肥处理最为明显。

【Abstract】 The successful No.1 winter wheat cultiver from NEAU species makes through the history of inexistence of Heilongjiang crop can grow in the winter, change the traditional planting system and solve some of spring wheat planting problems. However, the research of obtaining higher productivity by field management and nutrition control of Heilongjiang winter wheat after winter is not explored much. Therefore, the case mainly studies two kinds of planting methods with different kinds of fertilizer periods by which brings different effects on winter wheat’s flag photosynthetic characteristics after planting. This case was conducted by two kinds of planting methods, including ridge sowing method and parallel seeding method, and three kinds of fertilizer treatments consists of using urea 150 when reviving (T1), nitrogen fertilizer 150 kg/hm2 during jointing stage (T2), nitrogen fertilizer 75 kg/hm2 during reviving and jointing stage (T3) and comparative none fertilizer treatment (T0) in Xiangfang farm of Northeast Agricultural University. Through this study the author attempts to improve the nitrogen utilizing rate, increase methods of the productivity of seeds size, and provide theoretical basis for high productivity and planting management of Heilongjiang winter wheat. The results of study showing:1. Under different sowing methods, nitrogen fertilizer increasing flag’s photosynthetic ability during jointing stage.Under two kinds of sowing methods with different treatments, the area of flag showing the trend from increase to decrease, when the Chl(a+b) totally open to its biggest (14d), under these two methods, T2 treatment can make the content of Chl(a+b) higher than others during the post grouting period of winter wheat, and the regular pattern of photosynthetic rate is the same as chlorophyll contents. Under ridge sowing method with T2 treatment and Pingbo sowing method with T3 treatment the wheat’s Chla/Chlb quota higher than others during early period of grouting, but as its growing, the quota is lower than others, which means nitrogen fertilizer promotes the synthesis of Chlb and slow down degrading rate of Chlb’s growth process.2 Topdressing during jointing stage can significantly improve quality and yield.Different topdressing stages yield significantly different effects on seeds size, especially typical to the jointing stage topdressing treatment: a fertilizer to ridge sowing and Pingbo sowing during the jointing stage compared with respective control increased 27.8%, 39.7% and reviving of fertilization respectively, compared with respective control increased 21.4% , 21.1%, reviving stage and jointing points respectively, compared with respective control facilities increased 27.7%, 26.7%; protein and component content, protein quality, sedimentation, wet gluten content, bulk density of both fertilization treatments in the jointing stage showing a best results ; less affected by nitrogen.3 Parts photosynthetic quota and productivity have internal relationships.The chlorophyll fluorescence parameters Fv / Fo of winter wheat’s Chl(a+b) in the middle filling stage and its yield have significant positive correlation; Chl (a + b) and yield have a significant positive correlation, in the interim and final period reach a significant level; Pn and yield in the early filling stage was showing a significant positive correlation; qP and yield during the early and late period of filling have a significant level; qN has a negative correlation with yield, and in the early and mid period of filling showing a very significant level. This indicates that changing the photosynthetic capacity of flag leaves can improve the yield, and different photosynthetic parameters make different effects on the yield.4 Parts of seeds size quota existing relationships.Seed’s protein content and its protein fractions, protein yield, sedimentation value, wet gluten content and bulk density were showing a significant positive correlation and to a significant level, all of those are the core of winter wheat. Increasing grain protein content is the basis of improving its quality.5 The productivity and quality of seeds size planted by ridge sowing method are higher than traditional planting method.Only consider the planting way to the yield of winter wheat, compared with flat sowing, the productivity by the ridge sowing can increase by 5.8%. Under the influence of both sowing methods and topdressing period we can know that the productivity by ridge sowing with nitrogen fertilizer can reach the highest compared with flat sowing during the jointing stage, increased by 14% comparing with flat sowing with nitrogen fertilizer, which is the best way. At the aspect of improving its quality, we can know that ridge sowing is better than the traditional flat sowing, especially significant during jointing period with nitrogen fertilizer.


