

Stragetic Analysis of the "Second Rolling" Behavior in Traffic Offences

【作者】 张桂芳

【导师】 桑本谦;

【作者基本信息】 山东大学 , 法学理论, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 随着交通运输业的发展,交通肇事大量出现,而近年来交通肇事“二次碾轧”现象更是屡次发生,“撞伤不如撞死”这一潜规则也因而悄然形成,这一问题亟待解决,否则必然严重影响我国的法律权威及社会的良好运行。鉴于法经济学以其高度的量化而带来的分析的科学性与可操作性,能够为法律制度设计提供有效的分析工具,本论文主要采用法经济学的分析工具进行分析。文章基于法经济学的理性人假设进行交通肇事“二次碾轧”现象的原因探析,并根据剖析出的根本制度性根源,即法律在立法方面的欠科学性造成的畸形民事赔偿预期与法律运行方面的法律普及力度不够等原因,构想出多种制度改进对策:1、通过诸如在驾驶资格考试中加入对于“二次碾轧”行为需承担法律责任体系的考察等途径,加大法律责任体系的宣传力度,加强公民对现有民事与刑事法律责任衔接体系的知晓度,使交通驾驶者在交通肇事时不是想当然地仅进行民事赔偿方面的算计与权衡,而是能够意识到刑事责任和民事赔偿同等重要并具有同样可能性,即在进行交通肇事时,如果再进行“二次碾压”,则除了需要承担民事赔偿责任外,还会按故意杀人罪被判处包括死刑在内的重刑;此外,通过普及道路监控摄像头来增加抓获概率,从而增大交通肇事者承担刑事责任的可能概率,通过对责任承担方面的意识重化与抓获概率的现实可能性的增加之结合,从而现实性地增大刑事法律责任的威慑力;2、根据交通肇事“二次碾压”的制度性根源,矫正民事赔偿制度体系,在民事赔偿责任制度内部进行合理化改进,即使得法律制度关于交通肇事致人伤残与致人死亡和肇事者预期的赔偿责任呈现正相关,从而正确运用理性经济人的理性达到法律制度的社会正效益。结合当前我国政治经济发展及法制建设现状,基于使交通肇事者撞伤被害者所需要承担的赔偿责任小于撞死被害者所需要承担的赔偿责任这一设计宗旨,本文设计出若干制度性对策:一者是通过法律修订,使交通肇事撞死所需赔偿额预期高于撞伤所需赔偿额预期,二是不改变现有法律关于撞死被害人的赔偿规定,而是将被驾驶者视为“无底洞”的医疗赔偿的后续部分转移给社会共同承担,从而达到使交通肇事致人伤残所需赔偿预期小于撞死被害人所需赔偿预期的目的。具体转移途径可以是以提高当前交强险的支付限额来支持赔偿费用,也可以是借鉴交强险制度的设计思路,设置专门的公益基金,由这份基金来进行赔付。而后,通过法经济学的成本收益分析法,以及行为经济学的分析成果,对构想出的各种对策性制度设计进行衡量,比较要达到根除交通肇事“二次碾轧”的法律现象,各种对策所需要的现实成本是多少,从而试图探索出能够根本消除交通肇事“二次碾轧”现象而又能够实现法治建设效益最大化的科学制度对策,即向全体公民募集资金,并借助现有的经济利益体进行市场化运作,使资金产生收益,将收益在部分反馈给资金支持者的同时,主要用于建立法律责任国家救助基金,代替交通肇事者对被害者进行补救,消除交通肇事“二次碾轧”的利益动机,实现法律制度供给的社会效益最大化,真正体现法律的公正价值之所在。

【Abstract】 With the development of transportation, lots of traffic accidents pour out. Meanwhile, the "Second Rolling" behaviors in traffic accidents often appear in recent years, and the unspoken rule of "rather knock to dead than to be disabled" is forming gradually. This problem shall be solved as soon as possible, otherwise, it will badly affect the authority of law and the society’ smooth running. As the economic analysis of law with high quantification, by its science and operability in analysis, can supply effective analytical tools for the design of the legal institution, this thesis analyses the reasons for the problem mentioned above with the hypothesis of rational man and searches for the fundamental institutional root cause:abnormal expectation of civil compensation caused by unscientific legislation and inadequate popularization of legal knowledge in the course of execution. Following, this thesis formulates several strategies to perfect the regulations:firstly, to enhance the publicity on legal responsibility system and to improve the acknowledgement of civil and criminal responsibility system via approaches such as to add the examining legal responsibility for the "Second Rolling" behaviors as part of the driving test so as to make the traffic offenders realize that they shall also consider the criminal responsibility which is as important and possible as civil responsibility instead of weighing civil compensation responsibility only. In other words, if a driver committing the traffic offences chooses to take the "Second Rolling", he shall not only shoulder civil compensation responsibility, but also be sentenced even to death in the name of intentional homicide. Besides, raise the possibility of the perpetrators’being captured by equipping more surveillance cameras so as to increase the probability of their assumption of criminal responsibility. Combine the reinforced awareness of assuming legal responsibility and increased possibility of being captured to enhance the deterrence of criminal responsibility practically; secondly, with respect to the institutional cause root of the "Second Rolling" in traffic offences, correct the present civil compensation system, so as to make the severity of traffic accident results to be in direct proportion with the expected civil compensation load so as to realize the social positive effect of legal regulations by making use of the reason of rational economic man. Considering the present political and economic development in China as well as legal system construction status quo, with the principle that the compensation burden should be lighter when the perpetrator in the traffic offences just causes injury to victims than that if he causes death, this thesis designs several institutional strategies :the first one is to revise present legal regulations so as to make the perpetrators form higher compensation expectation about knocking the injured party to be dead than to be impaired; secondly, to transfer the following reimbursement load deemed to be unlimited to society to realize the above aim. Specific ways can be to increase the payment limit of the Compulsory Traffic Accident Liability Insurance, or to establish specialized non-profit foundation to shoulder such following reimbursement load in the light of the design thinking of present Compulsory Traffic Accident Liability Insurance and so on. Then, with the cost-benefit analysis and the theory of behavioral economics, this thesis weighs these institutional designs and compares their costs in reality, so as to find out a rational institutional strategy which can eliminate the "Second Rolling" behaviors in traffic accidents as well as maximize the efficiency of legal system construction, which is to raise fund from all the citizens, and operate the fund in a marketed way by existing economic entity to make profit, part of which can be returned to the funders and the rest can be mainly used to establish national foundation to compensate victims in traffic accidents and to take the place of compensation from the traffic offenders so as to maximize the efficiency of legal institutional supply and present justice value of law.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 山东大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 04期

