

The Research of Spatial Integration in the Southern Area of Dezhou City

【作者】 廖文辉

【导师】 黄明华;

【作者基本信息】 苏州科技学院 , 城市规划与设计, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 在全球化、市场化和都市区域化的背景下,都市郊区地区呈现出明显的经济、社会、环境、空间的一体化发展趋势。然而由于城郊地区二元结构所引起的空间结构性问题日益凸显,针对城郊地区的空间整合成为现实课题所需。本文选择以德州市南部片区为锲入点,探讨城郊地区空间协调发展,这在我国城市发展进入转型时期具有重要意义。首先,本文结合城郊地区空间发展,对城市空间整合的相关基础理论,如区域空间结构理论、城市空间自组织与他组织理论、城市多核心理论以及新城市主义理论等等进行了梳理,建立了以空间整合理论为基础,以对经济、社会、环境等影响空间整合因素分析为机制,以行政、产业、基础设施和生态环境等主要城市空间整合内容与模式为核心的分析框架。其次,以城市空间整合理论为牵引线,回顾德州市从“单中心”到“一心多团”的空间演化历程和德南片区空间从“萌芽”阶段到“突进”阶段演化特征以及它们之间的相互关系,找寻影响德南片区空间演化的主导因素;并进一步详细分析德南片区的生活空间、生产空间、道路交通基础设施和生态环境空间等现状及特征,总结归纳出德南片区目前空间发展存在着产业集聚度不高、用地混乱、空间破碎、生态环境遭破坏等主要突出问题。再次,针对德南片区空间发展存在的问题,本文首先以其所处的区位宏观背景为视点,综合观察影响其未来发展的内外驱动因素,树立动态变化的立场,以“生态、可持续发展”为理念,提出以强化中心的圈层集中式空间布局模式、构筑生态城镇的双核多组团空间布局模式、培育区域核心的轴向间隙式空间布局模式等三种模式。此外,还对产业空间、道路系统、生态环境等主导因素的空间布局做了规划设想。最后,提出包括建立互惠共赢的协调管理、提供信息共享的管理平台和开展统一规范的监督实施等三个方面的保障实施建议。

【Abstract】 Under the background of globalization, marketization and regionalization of urban, suburban areas display obvious economic, social, environmental and spatial integration trends .However, due to the increasingly prominent structure problem of space caused by the dual structure of suburban areas, the spatial integration for the suburban areas has become a reality issue. Selecting the southern areas of Dezhou city as a point for the figure, discussing the coordinated development of space of the suburban areas which would be significant for Chinese city development into this transition period.First of all, this paper in combination with the space development of the suburban areas, cards the related basic theories of integration of urban space ,such as the theory of the regional spatial structure, urban spatial self-organization and hetero-organization theory, urban multiple-core theory and new urbanism theory etc. Based on the theory of spatial integration, an analytical framework is established with economic, social and environmental factors affecting the spatial integration, and with administrative, industrial, infrastructure and ecological environment and other major content of spatial integration and types as core.Secondly, according to the urban spatial integration theory ,it is roughly reviewed of the spatial evolutionary process of City Dezhou from“single center”to“one more group”, the evolution features of Dezhou southern areas space from stage of“embryonic”to“sudden”, as well as their relationship, and finding the dominant factor in the spatial evolution of Dezhou southern areas. Moreover, it further analyzes the current situation and characteristics of the southern areas’ living space, production space, road and traffic infrastructure and ecological environment space .According to the analysis, it can be concluded that there are still many problems in Dezhou southern areas currently, such as low industrial concentration degree, land-use chaos, space fragmentation, ecological environment destruction etc.Moreover, for the problems in the spatial development of Dezhou southern areas, the paper take its location macro-background as view, comprehensively observes its internal and external driven factors of future development, and establishes a standpoint of the dynamic change of position , taking“ecology and sustainable development”as a concept. Proposing the following three models: the centralized spatial distribution patterns with the strengthened center, and dual-core spatial patterns with eco-town, the axial gap type spatial distribution pattern with fostered regional core. In addition, the paper also makes tentative space layout plans for such dominant factors as the industrial space, road and traffic system, ecological environment.Finally, this paper proposes such as security implementation suggestions including establishing mutually beneficial win-win coordination management, provide s the sharing of information management platform and carries out the unified regulations to monitor the application of the three aspects and so on.


