

Study of Teaching Model in Overseas Confucius Institute

【作者】 田迎春

【导师】 张晓曼;

【作者基本信息】 山东大学 , 语言学及应用语言学, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 全球化的今天,世界各国人民在和平发展的前提下,要求相互之间增进沟通和理解。这就要求我们在理解其他国家文化的基础上,宣扬我们自己的民族文化,通过加强沟通使其他国家更好地认识我们、理解我们,从而达到友好交往及和平共荣的目的。由于语言是民族间沟通交流的工具,是文化的载体,是增进了解的重要手段,所以为了顺应全球化及国家之间沟通协作的要求,各国都在积极进行语言国际推广工作。作为我国的语言国际推广机构——孔子学院应运而生。目前国内针对外国人的汉语教学及考试制度已经渐趋成熟,国内的对外汉语教学事业正在逐渐步入正轨。放眼海外,我国在海外设立的孔子学院在寻求国际沟通理解和增强国家软实力方面发挥着越来越关键的作用。相对其他国家的语言推广机构,孔子学院作为一个仅运作6年的年轻机构,在取得一定成绩的同时,也存在着一些问题。本课题选取海外孔子学院的教学模式作为切入点,采用实地调查采访法,网络、文献收集法,个案分析比较法,对海外孔子学院教学模式进行科学量化分析,从理论层面上探索总结出适应处于汉字圈国家的孔子学院和非汉字圈国家的孔子学院的不同教学模式。通过本课题的研究,以求在理论上对海外孔子学院的教学有所帮助,从而应用于实践,以期为推动孔子学院的进一步成长,发展汉语国际推广事业提供参考。本论文的主要内容包括六章:第一章:导论。该章从本课题的研究背景出发,介绍本课题的研究意义、研究方法及创新点。第二章:海外孔子学院现况及前期研究综述。本章大致分析了海外孔子学院的数量、分布、运营模式。然后穷尽式地综述了国内关于海外孔子学院的前期研究。该综述为本课题的亮点。综述主要从论文数量、作者专业、论文内容、论文中所提问题这几个方面出发,以图表形式和列举形式明晰地标示出量化分析研究后的成果,并提出前期研究中存在的不足之处。第三章:全球汉语教学模式分析。该章明确了教学模式的概念定义,以表格形式比照了几种现在主要通行并具有一定特色的汉语教学模式。对其他汉语教学机构的教学模式进行了论述。第四章:海外孔子学院教学模式分析。这一章是本课题的重点和创新章节。该章将汉字圈范围内孔子学院的教学模式和非汉字圈范围内不同地区孔子学院的教学模式放在一起,通过大量数据图表形式,对海外孔子学院的招生宣传、教学对象、课程设置、师资情况等几个方面在量化基础上进行对比分析。第五章:海外孔子学院教学模式成熟化发展建议。该章对汉字圈和非汉字圈范围内孔子学院教学模式进行区分。从认知角度出发,在课程设置和教学方法、编写和使用教材、师资等三个方面分别提出孔子学院成熟化发展建议。第六章:本课题的后续研究建议。该章针对本课题的不足之处,对该课题的后续研究提出了三个方面的建议。

【Abstract】 Nowadays, with the world’s globalization, people from all over the world demand more communications and comprehensions among countries on the premise of a peaceful development, which requires to publicize our national culture by strengthening communications to make us recognized and understood by other countries better so as to reach the goal of a friendly association and peaceful prosperity on the basis of understanding other cultures. As language is the communication tool between nations, the vector of culture and the important method to gain understanding, all nations are making language dissemination work in a positive way to adapt the demands of globalization and communications and cooperation among nations. Confucius Institute, as an institute to popularize Chinese all over the world, comes into being. Recently, Chinese teaching and text systems for foreigners in China are becoming mature, domestic Chinese language education for foreigners is gradually on the way. Chinese Confucius Institute set up abroad, comparing with the world, is playing a more and more crucial role on the sides of seeking for national communications and comprehensions and strengthening national soft-power. Comparing with other language dissemination Institutes, Confucius Institute,as a young institute running only for six years, has made some progress meanwhile exists some problems. This topic starts from the teaching model of Confucius Institute, adopting interview methods of field survey; collective methods of both internet and documents; comparative methods of case analysis, making a quantitative analysis of the teaching model of overseas Confucius Institute and then exploring and summarizing different teaching models which adapt Confucius Institute in countries of Chinese sphere and non-Chinese sphere at theoretical level. The aim of the study of the topic is to make contributions to the theoretical teaching of Confucius Institute, and applies into practice so as to accelerate the further growth of Confucius Institute and provide reference for the international extension work.The contents of the essay mainly include six chapters:Chapter I:Introduction. This chapter starts from the study background, introduces the study significance of the topic, study methods and innovative points.Chapter II:the existing situations of overseas Confucius Institute and previous study summary. This chapter gives a crude analysis of Confucius Institute’s quantities, distributions, operation models, then prevents an exhaustive summary of previous study of domestic overseas Confucius Institute, which is a highlight of the topic. This summary mainly starts from the quantities,authors’majors,the contents questions put forward in this essay, clearly presenting the results of a quantitative analysis in chart and enumerative forms and coming up with the shortage of the previous study.ChapterⅢ:The analysis of global Chinese teaching model. This chapter makes clear of the concept and definition of the teaching model, comparing several vulgate and distinctive Chinese teaching model in chart forms, meanwhile, discussing teaching models of other Chinese teaching institutes.ChapterⅣ:The analysis of teaching model of overseas Confucius Institute. This chapter is the important and creative one of this topic, which puts teaching model of Confucius Institute in Chinese sphere and non-Chinese sphere one of different areas together.Through a great deal of data forms, we compare and analysis from several aspects:recruiting propaganda,teaching objects,curriculum design and teaching resources on the basis of quantization.Chapter V:Suggestions on a mature development of overseas Confucius Institute. This chapter distinguishes teaching model of overseas Confucius Institute of Chinese sphere from non-Chinese and provide suggestions on the mature development of Confucius Institute from three aspects:curriculum design and teaching methods, composing and using materials, and teaching resources.ChapterVI:Follow-up study suggestions of the topic. This chapter admits the limitations of the study,making suggestions of follow-up study suggestions from three aspects.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 山东大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 04期

