
弱者 自然 萨满教

The Weak; Nature; Shamanism

【作者】 鹿遥

【导师】 刘明;

【作者基本信息】 山东大学 , 中国现当代文学, 2011, 硕士


【摘要】 自1985年以第一篇小说《北极村童话》步入文坛以来,迟子建始终保持着一种均匀的创作节奏,在长期的创作过程中积累了丰富的创作经验,受到越来越多读者的关注与喜爱,有着很重要的研究价值。本文从民间意识入手,结合迟子建的成长经历,在文本分析的基础上,探讨民间在迟子建小说创作中的重要意义。主要包括以下几方面的内容。第一、对弱者不幸遭遇的发现与体认迟子建在创作中采用民间视角,摒除了政治话语的干扰,小说中浸透着浓重的民间气韵。她总是那么执着和深情地注视着故乡的大地和底层的人民,在创作中涌动着对下层百姓的同情、热爱与敬重。迟子建通过创作表达了对女性不幸命运的同情,对残缺生命的尊重,以及对小人物苦恼人生的关注。第二、自然——灵魂的家园在迟子建的笔下,自然不仅仅是场所、环境,更是灵魂的家园。对大自然的歌颂与礼赞贯穿了迟子建的整个创作。对大自然的热爱,也培养了她回归自然的倾向,希望人与自然融为一体,以弥补和消弭现实生活中所受到的伤害。在回归自然的姿态中,迟子建还展开了对自然人性的追寻,自然人性即指人的自然本性或人的天性,主要表现为追寻个体生命的强力和自由,以及追寻生命本真的状态,前者主要表现于对鄂伦春人的书写中,后者主要表现于对天真无邪的儿童的书写中第三、萨满教——大自然孕育的神奇信仰萨满教是大自然孕育的神奇信仰,它的产生离不开东北神奇的大自然,萨满教又是超自然的,迟子建在其作品中所表现的自然万物,都充满了神性和灵性的光辉,展现着人的情感和神的灵性。萨满教这一民间宗教形式对于迟子建小说创作的影响在以下两个方面有所呈现:一是泛神崇拜,包括自然崇拜和图腾崇拜;二是万物有灵。

【Abstract】 Chi Zijian has been keeping an even and consistent writing rhythm since she stepped into the literary world with her first novel Fairy tales of the North Pole village in 1985. She has gained rich experience from her long-term writing. Chi Zijian has been popular among more and more readers, and her works have high research value.Based on text analysis, the author of this thesis paper explores the growth experience of Chi Zijian, and focuses on the significance of folk consciousness in the creation of Chi Zijian’s novels. This paper mainly includes the following three parts.Firstly, this thesis paper studies the concern and sympathy for the weak about their misfortunes in Chi Zijian’s works. Chi Zijian writes her novels from the folk perspective, and gets rid of interference of political words. Her novels are saturated with a strong folk flavor. Tenaciously and affectionately, she always focuses her eyes on the boundless land of her hometown and the people at the bottom of the society. Her novels are full of sympathy, love and respect for the people at the bottom of the society. In her works, Chi Zijian expresses her sympathy for women about their misfortunes, her respect for the incomplete lives and her concern for ordinary people’s affliction.Secondly, the paper explores the significance of nature in Chi Zijian’s novels. In Chi Zijian’s eyes, nature is not only a specific place or a simple environment, but also the home of the soul. Praise and love for nature runs through all of Chi Zijian’s novels, which reflects her wish of backing to nature. She hopes that human beings can live harmoniously with nature. In this way, hurts from real life can be compensated or relieved. In her novels, Chi Zijian explores human nature from two angles: the power and freedom of individuals, and the genuine state of life. The former can be seen in her description of the Oroqen people, and the latter is mainly demonstrated in her description of the innocent children.Thirdly, the author of this paper discusses the Shamanism factors in Chi Zijian’s novels. Shamanism is a mysterious religion bred by nature. It comes from nature, but is supernatural in the meantime. All natural things have been endowed with special meanings of deity and spirituality in Chi Zijian’s novels, which reflects human emotions and God’s spirituality. Shamanism, the folk religion, influences Chi Zijian’s novels in the following two ways:one is represented by pantheistic worship, including nature worship and totem worship; and the other is shown in animism.

【关键词】 迟子建民间弱者自然萨满教
【Key words】 Chi ZijianFolkThe WeakNatureShamanism
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 山东大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 04期
  • 【分类号】I207.42
  • 【下载频次】260

