

The Analysis of the Mineral Water Quality of Jinan

【作者】 孙湛

【导师】 高希宝; 刘岚铮;

【作者基本信息】 山东大学 , 理化检验, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 [目的]济南素有“泉城”美誉,济南市的泉水不同于其他地方的泉水,是来自南部山区的地下石灰岩层中,历经千万年各种成分基本稳定无任何污染,贵在“天然”是举世无双的天然岩溶泉水博物馆。济南的泉水富含大量微量元素,矿物质十分丰富,可以补充人体中缺乏的微量元素,以达到增强免疫力,防病治病、延年益寿的效果。此次采集济南4大泉群泉水样,对泉水水质进行检测,检测结果与长寿之乡单县的矿泉水进行相关指标的分析评价,了解济南泉水中矿物质矿物质情况,并探讨泉水与健康的关系。[方法]1.调查对象采集趵突泉泉群、黑虎泉泉群、珍珠泉泉群、五龙潭泉群四大名泉泉水样品。单县矿泉水水样直接取样。2.采样方法在泉水涌水口处用聚乙烯塑料桶直接采样瞬时水样,无法采集泉水涌水处的,可直接将采样器放入水面下0.3-0.5米处采样,每个点采集2分平行样品。采集后立即将水样容器盖紧,贴好标签送实验室检测。3.检测方法根据GB/T8538-2008《饮用天然矿泉水检验方法》对水样中PH、铁、锰、铜、钾、钠、钙、镁、氟化物、重碳酸盐、锂、锶、锌、碘化物、偏硅酸、硒共16项进行分析。4.评价依据:1.GB8537-2008《饮用天然矿泉水》2.GB5749-2006《生活饮用水卫生标准》[结果]对济南四大泉群泉水和单县矿泉水水样进行分析,共分析16个矿泉水项目,其中GB8537-2008《饮用天然矿泉水》界限指标:锂、锶、锌、碘化物、偏硅酸、硒共6项,其他矿泉水项目:PH值、铁、锰、铜、钾、钠、钙、镁、氟化物、重碳酸盐共计10项。根据GB8537-2008《饮用天然矿泉水》界限指标要求锂、锶、锌、碘化物、偏硅酸、硒、游离二氧化碳、溶解性总固体,应有一项(或一项以上)指标符合表1的规定。济南四大泉群的泉水水样锂、锶含量均符合GB8537-2008《饮用天然矿泉水》界限指标要求,单县矿泉水水样锶含量同样也符合GB8537-2008《饮用天然矿泉水》界限指标要求,其他项目均符合标准要求。济南四大泉群和单县矿泉水均达到矿泉水要求。[结论]济南泉水与单县矿泉水未受到污染,均属于优质天然矿泉水,济南四大泉群水样和单县矿泉水水样中含有多种人体所需矿物质,尤其是锶、硒含量丰富。分析结果说明单县矿泉水的多项有益矿物质含量优于济南趵突泉泉群水样,只是氟的含量超过,但是单县矿泉水还是更有利于促进人体健康。本论文的主要特点和创新点:1.分析了济南趵突泉群水样和单县矿泉水样中的多项矿泉水指标,通过分析这些指标了解了济南和单县矿泉水中所检测矿物质的含量。2.通过比较济南趵突泉群水样与单县矿泉水样中检测的矿物质的含量。并通过单县长寿人群比例高于济南,证明单县矿泉水在促进人体健康优于济南趵突泉群泉水。

【Abstract】 OBJECTIVE:Jinan has always enjoyed its laudatory title Spring City. Different to other springs, spring water in Jinan is from the southern mountains in an underground limestone layer, and thus is named as the museum of natural spring water. Furthermore, the spring water is rich in minerals, which is beneficial to immunity enhancement, disease prevention, and longevity. In this study, we collected the water samples of the four major springs, detected the minerals quality, and compared to those of Shan Country spring.Methods1. Water samplingWater samples were collected from Spouting Spring, Black Tiger Spring, Pearl Spring, and Five Dragon Pool of Jinan, and spring water of Shan Country.2. Sampling methodUse the PE plastic bucket to collect water samples when the spring water is spouting from the mouth of the spring. If the spouting spring water can not been collected from the mouth of the spring, put the PE plastic bucket under 0.3-0.5 meters of the water table. Collect two duplicate samples using the PE plastic buckets at every sampling site. Put the cap back on the bucket immediately, and give to the laboratory after attaching the label.3. Examination methodAccording to GB/T8538-2008 "Test methods for drinking natural mineral water",we analysis 16 items as PH、iron、manganese、copper、potassium、sodium、calcium、magnesium、fluoride、bicarbonate、lithium、strontium、zinc、iodide、metasilicic acid、selenium of the water sampling.4. Testing standards1. GB/T8538-2008 "Test methods for drinking natural mineral water" 2. GB5749-2006 "Drinking water health standards"ResultsA total of 16 minerals were detected, which include the GB/T8537-2008 "potable natural mineral water" limit indicators:lithium, strontium, zinc, iodide, metasilicic acid, and selenium, and other mineral projects:PH value, iron, manganese, copper, potassium, sodium, calcium, magnesium, fluoride, bicarbonate. According to GB/T8537-2008 "drinking natural mineral water", at least one of the indicators (lithium, strontium, zinc, iodide, metasilicic acid, selenium, free carbon dioxide, total dissolved solids) should be in line with the standards. (Tablel).The contents of lithium and strontium in the water of the four Jinan springs are all in line with GB/T8537-2008 "Drinking natural mineral water" standard, and the contents of lithium and strontium in Shan Country spring were also in line with the above standard, and other items were consistent with standard. The water of the four Jinan springs and Shan Country spring both meet the standard of the natural mineral water.ConclusionsThe water of the four Jinan springs and Shan Country spring have not yet affected by pollution, are both high quality natural mineral water, and contain many minerals to the required, especially strontiuium selenium are rich in content. Results show the water sample of the Shan Country spring contents more beneficial minerals than the water sample of the four Jinan springs, the mineral water of the Shan Country spring is more conducive to promote human health. The main features and creative points of this thesis are as follows:1. Collect the water samples of the four major springs, detected the minerals quality, and compared to those of Shan Country spring, from the analysis of these indicators acquire the mineral contents of the water of the four Jinan springs and Shan Country spring.2. From comparing the mineral contents of the water of the four Jinan springs to those of Shan Country spring, and from the proportion of longevity in Shan Country is higher than that in Jinan, prove the mineral water of Shan Country in promoting human health is better than that of the four major springs.

【关键词】 泉水水质微量元素健康
【Key words】 spring waterwater qualitytrace elementshealth
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 山东大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 04期

