

An Analysis of China’s Non-Market Economy Status under U.S. Antidumping Law

【作者】 王卫锋

【导师】 孙新强;

【作者基本信息】 山东大学 , 法律, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 自从中国加入世界贸易组织以来,中美关系迅猛增长,伴随而来的是贸易不平衡以及由此引起的中美贸易摩擦。中国频频遭受美国采取反倾销、反补贴和各种保障措施等贸易救济措施的威胁。在美国贸易救济法律制度中,尤其是反倾销法中的非市场经济规则使我国企业面对歧视性法律规定和不公正的执法实践,是我国在诸多贸易摩擦中都会面临的现实问题。鉴于我国依靠对外贸易拉动经济增长的模式仍将持续很长一段时间,因此了解美国对华反倾销实践中的“非市场经济规则”并正确应对有着重要的现实意义。本文以美欧等国认定的中国“非市场经济地位”为研究对象,以中美贸易为突破口,分析了这一历史性问题的起源、发展、现状及因应策略,介绍了美国确定非市场经济国家的法律依据、评定标准、参考范围等因素,提出了我国应对“非市场经济地位”所应采取对策的意见及建议。全文共分六章:第一章主要介绍了与“非市场经济地位”有关的基本问题,包括该问题产生的原因、非市场经济与反倾销的关联以及非市场经济地位问题的理论基础。第二章,在此基础上,进一步介绍了非市场经济地位的法律依据,包括该问题的国际法渊源、美国国内的立法安排以及中国入世议定书的特别义务。第三章介绍了美国对华反倾销中非市场经济规则的制度安排,例如与非市场经济规则有直接关联的替代国制度、一国一税制度及分别税率,分析了它们的内容、成因及带来的影响。第四章关注了2010年第二届中美战略经济对话中美国提出以合作方式承认中国市场经济地位这一最新成果,认为应当理性看待。第五章主要分析了美国反倾销法判断非市场经济国家的法律标准,同时引出对我国非市场经济地位的合理性的探讨。第六章是对全文探讨的一个总结。在深刻认识非市场经济规则对中国应对反倾销的影响的基础上,总结了现阶段应对美国反倾销中的“非市场经济规则”从宏观政策走向、微观企业实践层面上给出了具体的政策建议。

【Abstract】 The bilateral trade relations between U.S. and China have developed more and more rapidly and deeply since China’s entry into the WTO in 2001. China frequently subjected to U.S. anti-dumping, countervailing and safeguard measures in a variety of trade remedy measures. The Non Market Economy (NME) rules is the one that we can’t overstep in most of trading friction cases. In the U.S. trade laws, particularly its anti-dumping laws, the NME rules always leads to discriminatory and unjust law enforcement practices. Since international trade export is and will be the main drive of our economy in a comparative long period, a proper understand of NME rules is essential and critical for us.Taking the bilateral trade between U.S. and China as a breakthrough, this thesis focuses on China’s Non Market Economy Status (NMES), analyzing why this historical issue arose, how to get recognition of complete market economy status from European and American countries and how China responds. The whole essay consists of six parts. The first part introduces some basic issues about NME rules, including its background, the correlation between NME and anti-dumping and its theoretical basis. On this basis, the second part focuses on the legal basis of NME rules, including the sources of international law, U.S. domestic legislative arrangements and the special obligations of China’s WTO Accession Protocol. The third part describes the U.S. domestic legislative arrangements about NME rules, such as the system of surrogate approach, unified anti-dumping tax and Separate Rate, which have direct relevance to NME rules. The fourth part concerns the Second China-US strategic economic dialogue. The United States presented to recognize China’s market economy status in a cooperative manner. The fifth part analyzes the legal standards in U.S. anti-dumping law, which leads to discuss the reasonableness of NMES of China. Chapter VI is the summary. Based on the researches of NME rules’adverse impact, this part gives specific policy and strategy recommendations in political direction (macro level) and enterprise practice (micro level).

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 山东大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 04期
  • 【分类号】D912.29;F752.02
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】352

