

Effect-Assessment for Occupational Hazard Control in Construction Project of a Coal Mine

【作者】 李琰

【导师】 李杰;

【作者基本信息】 山东大学 , 劳动卫生与环境卫生学, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 研究目的为贯彻落实国家有关职业卫生的法律、法规、规章和标准,从源头控制或消除职业病危害,防治职业病,保护劳动者健康,进行建设项目职业病危害控制效果评价,明确该项目产生的职业病危害因素,分析其危害程度及对劳动者健康的影响,评价职业病危害防护措施及其效果,对未达到职业病危害防护要求的系统或单元提出职业病控制措施的建议,为卫生行政部门对建设项目职业病防护设施竣工验收提供科学依据,为建设单位职业病防治的日常管理提供依据。研究方法1.职业卫生现场调查法:通过职业卫生现场调查,了解生产工艺过程及试运行情况,确定生产过程和作业环境中存在的职业病危害因素,了解卫生工程防护措施的落实情况以及职业卫生管理机构的设置情况。2.检测检验法:在满负荷生产的情况下,对工作场所中存在的粉尘、化学毒物、物理因素等职业病危害因素进行现场检测和实验室分析,并对该建设项目作业场所中存在的职业病危害因素的浓度或强度进行分析与评价。结果1.粉尘:检测了4个作业地点粉尘游离二氧化硅含量均在10%以下。检测了8个操作工在工作过程中接触粉尘的时间加权平均容许浓度,其中7个操作工接触浓度合格,1个操作工接触浓度不合格。检测了6个定点作业点的呼吸性粉尘短时间接触容许浓度,全部符合职业卫生标准要求。检测了25个定点作业点的粉尘短时间接触容许浓度,其中煤尘作业点23个,合格18个,不合格5个,合格率为78.3%;电焊烟尘作业点2个,全部合格。分析超标原因主要为操作制度没有严格执行,皮带运输过程中未加湿或加湿不够,另外也可能由于除尘系统未能正常运转,另外地面散落的粉尘没有及时清理,造成二次扬尘所致。共检测了5个作业点粉尘的分散度,分散度的不同,对人体的危害以及采取的除尘方式也不同。分散度越大,对人体的危害也就越大。本次检测的5个作业点的可吸入粉尘(<5μm)在42.6%-51.8%之间,该尘粒可到达呼吸道深部和肺泡区,故该粉尘的危害性较大。2.有害化学因素:共检测了工作场所空气中1个锰及其化合物、6个CO、6个H2S、2个SO2、2个苯、2个甲苯、2个二甲苯的浓度,全部符合国家职业卫生标准要求。3.噪声:对13个工种噪声的强度进行了检测,共测定噪声数据99个,除跳汰机手选矸石操作工噪声声级超标外,其余所测工种均低于国家职业接触限值。4.照度:共检测了4个工人作业岗位工作面照度,其中3个工作面的照度低于国家标准要求。5.工频电场:共检测12个工人作业岗位工频电场,结果均符合国家职业卫生标准。6.微小气候:所测控制室内温度、相对湿度均较适宜。各控制室内安装了空调,室内通风换气主要依靠空调系统完成,空气流速均未测出。结论通过现场职业卫生调查、作业场所职业病危害因素检测、定量计算和定性分析,可认为该建设项目的职业病危害控制效果达到了国家有关职业病防治法律法规和卫生标准的要求。但需进一步加强完善防尘措施、隔声消声措施,以及增加部分作业场所的照度。

【Abstract】 ObjectiveIn order to implement the relevant of national laws, regulations, rules and standards of occupational health,to control or eradicate occupational diseases in the fountainhead, to prevent and cure the occupational disease and protect the laborers’ health, we develop the effect-assessment for occupational hazard control in construction project.From that,we clear the occupational hazard factors of this project, analyze its harm degree and effection on the labor’s health, evaluate the facility for control occupational hazard and its effect. Moreover,we throw out suggestions about measures for control occupational disease on those unsatisfactory systems or units.Also it can offer scientific evidence for completion acceptance of health administration about facility for control occutional hazard and offer the evidence for day-to-day management about prevention and cure the occupational disease of the development organization.Method1. Occupational health site investigation:by the occupational health investigation, we could understand the process of production engineering and situation about test run, determine the occupational hazard factors existing in the productive process and working environment. In the while,we could understand how they carry out the hygienic engineering measures for occupational disease control and prevention and how to set up the occupational regulatory authority. 2. Detection and test:in full production rates, we make the spot detection and laboratory test about occupational hazard factors existing in the workplace,such as dust, chemical toxicant and physical factors, also,analysis and evaluate the concentration or strength about those occupational hazard factors.Result1. Dust:The content of free silicon dioxide of four operating locations’ dust are all below 10%.We test PC-TWA of 5 operators those who expose coal dust in working process, among that,4 operators’ exposure level is qualified, the other one is unqualified.We test PC-STEL of six fixed-point operation of respirable dust, all of them meet the GBZ.We detect PC-STEL of 25 fixed-point operation dust, including 23 operation points of coal-dust,18 is eligible, the other 5 is unqualified, percent of pass is 78.3%; 2 operation points of welding fume, and all are qualified.We determinate the distribution of particulate of 5 operation points. The dispersity is different, and the harm to human body and the dedusting method which be taken is also different. The greater the dispersity, the greater the harm to human body.The respirable dust (<5μm) in this detection of the five operating points is at between 42.6%~51.8%,which can be reached deep respiratory tract and pulmonary alveolus, and these dust harmfulness is bigger.2.Chemical hazardous agents:We totally detected concentration of 1 manganese and its compounds,6 CO,6 H2S,2 SO2,2 benzene,2 toluene and 2 xylene in the air of workplace, all of them met the GBZ.3.Noise:Noise intensity of 13 types of work in production in this evaluation was tested, and 99 noise data were measured. Expect for the noise level of the operator of jigger hand picked refuse was overproof,the others were lower than the GBZ.4. Illuminance:We detected 4 illuminance-exposed working surface,3 of them were lower than the GBZ.5. Power frequency electric field:We totally detected 12 Power frequency electric field-exposed working surface, all of them met the GBZ. 6. Microclimate:The temperature and relative humidity tested in control room were suitable. the air conditioning were installed in each control room. Displacement ventilation indoor relies mainly on the air conditioning system. Moreover,all air velocity were not measured.ConclusionThrough the occupational health investigation, the detection of occupational hazard factors in the air of workplace, quantitative calculation and qualitative analysis, it can be thought that the effect of occupational hazard control in construction project has implemented the relevant of national laws, regulations and standards of occupational health. But it need to further strengthen and perfect measures of dust prevention, sound insulation and soundproofing. Also it need to be increased illuminane of some workplaces.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 山东大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 04期

