

Chinese Footwear Industry Facing EU Anti-dumping and Countermeasures

【作者】 张晓燕

【导师】 张岩;

【作者基本信息】 山东大学 , 国际贸易学, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 在加入WTO后的今天,中国与世界经济的联系越来越密切,中国市场和世界市场也将逐步融为一体。近几年我国的鞋类产量都居首位,并且是世界上最大的出口国。制鞋业是我国扩大出口和经济发展的重要行业,对扩展就业条件、增加国民收入和积累外汇,均有较大的贡献。经过多年拼搏,我国制鞋业取得了骄人的成绩,在全球鞋类市场上占有相当大的比例。但是,自从1998年欧盟对我国制鞋业开始有计划有目的的反倾销以来,我国的制鞋企业受到重重打击。本文通过对我国制鞋业频遭欧盟反倾销的历程和影响的介绍,分析了欧盟对华反倾销的原因:欧盟认为中国鞋类企业未获得“市场经济地位”;欧方裁决对所有涉案企业实行统一税率,这种做法缺乏事实和法律依据;选择了不合适的替代国,也是欧盟应对中欧贸易不平衡局面的举措之一;为缓解政治上的压力,欧盟贸易保护主义抬头。同时,中国制鞋企业自身也存在诸多问题:出口企业数量过多,企业规模小,使得产品档次不高,竞争无序;没有自己的国际品牌,过多仿冒授人以柄;专业人才严重匮乏;出口市场单一;缺乏策略指导;应诉不力等原因。结合实证分析、数据分析等方法,并结合实际地提出了如下应对策略:从政府角度,建议中央政府应当扮演“企业保镖”和顾问的双重角色:引导企业进行区域品牌建设,实现资源共享;政府应承担巨额反倾销费用;政府应加快建立应对国外反倾销信息预警机制和国内出口产品信息预警机制;研发设计、人才培训等方面积极扶持;构建一个由政府支持,行业协会牵头,进出口商、厂商及有关利害关系方参加的鞋业协调委员会;加强与进口国政府、相关企业的交流,利用WTO有关策略争取市场经济地位。从行业角度:应该加强行业协会建设,发挥行业协会对外能统一行动和对内能统一个体的作用。从微观企业角度:全面提升我国制鞋业的国际竞争力水平,加强自主创新,提高产品技术含量,增加产品附加值,以低价取胜转向以质取胜;注重品牌;努力开拓市场,利用各种贸易方式灵活开展对外贸易;出口市场多元化,开发新兴出口市场,但不放弃老市场发展新兴市场;面对欧盟不断升级的反倾销调查,中国鞋企应积极应诉与抗辩。培养专业的人才等策略。以期望最终能够在应对欧盟反倾销调查中,我国制鞋企业和政府获得双赢,共同保持我国外贸出口的健康稳定发展。

【Abstract】 Today, after joining the WTO, Integration between China and the world economy becomes more and more closely, China will gradually integrate with the world market. China is the world’s largest producer and exporter of footwear, The footwear industry is important for Chinese economic development and expansion of exports, It also makes react contributions to job creation, people’s income and the accumulation of foreign exchange. After years of hard work footwear, has made gratifying achievements in the local footwear market, a large share. The EU is Chinese second largest export market or footwear. However, since 1998 the EU’s shoe-making enterprises in China began a planned anti-dumping, Giving big strike on Chinese shoe-making enterprise.This paper analyzes the reasons for EU anti-dumping from the production of the footwear industry in China frequently by the EU anti-dumping process and the impact of the EU and China, The EU believes that the Chinese footwear enterprises have not been the "market economy status ", EU ruling on a unified tax rate for all enterprises involved in, This approach not lonely lacks factual and legal basis, choosing the wrong alternative, but also is one of the measures on the situation of EU-China trade imbalance. In order to alleviate the Political pressure, the EU political trade protectionism looks up. Meanwhile, there are many problems in Chinese shoe-making such as Excessive number of export enterprises. Small-scale enterprises, Which causes low quality, competition disorder. There are also other problems such as on international brand, counterfeit products which causing many abuses, severe shortage of professionals, single export market, lack of policy guidance, weak response to complaints etc. This paper combining the empirical analysis, data analysis and the reality, put forward the following coping strategies:from the point of Government,suggest that the central government should play the dual role of "corporate bodyguards" and consultant, guiding enterprises into the regional brand building area and resource sharing, Government should bear the huge cost of anti-dumping、establish the early warning mechanism of domestic exports、actively support in R & D、personnel training、establish a Footwear Coordination Committee that supported by the Government、leading by the industry association、stand in Importers and exporters manufacturers and related stakeholders strengthen cooperation with governments of importing countries、the exchange of related businesses. The strategy for using WTO market economy status、The Government should speed up the response to foreign anti-dumping information and establish early warning mechanism. From the industry point of view: China should strengthen the construction of industry associations、consistency of association should be strengthened, Industry associations play an important role in a unity of action of external and internal coordination. From the perspective of micro-enterprise、China should enhance the international competitiveness of the footwear industry standards、strengthen the independent innovation、improve the technological content of products、increase the value-added products、win the Market by High-quality instead of Low price、focus on brand、Make efforts to develop new markets、Make flexible use of trade to carry out foreign trade、diversification of export markets、not only development of new export markets、but do not give up the old market、develop emerging markets, facing the escalating the EU anti-dumping investigations, Chinese shoe enterprises should actively respond and contradict. professional personnel training strategy, looking forward to finally shoe-making enterprises and government manipulation be able to win-win in responding on EU anti-dumping investigation, keep the healthy development of Chinese exports together.

【关键词】 中国制鞋业欧盟反倾销
【Key words】 Chinese footwear industryEuropean UnionAnti-dumping
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 山东大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 04期
  • 【分类号】F752.02;F426.86
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】1335
  • 攻读期成果

