

The Study of Chen Family in Qi State During Chunqiu Period

【作者】 夏玫

【导师】 胡新生;

【作者基本信息】 山东大学 , 中国古代史, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 受国土面积扩大和周王室控制力减弱的影响,春秋早期出现了一次卿大夫立家的高潮,齐国陈氏家族就是在此期间壮大发展起来的。作为一个异姓家族通过数代族人的努力,陈氏成功击败了国氏、高氏、栾氏、鲍氏等竞争对手,从一个小家族发展成取姜齐而代之的执政者。本文在前人研究的基础上,对齐国陈氏家族在春秋的发展历程进行了梳理。文章共分为以下四个部分:第一部分是绪论部分,主要阐明了选题旨趣,并对前人的相关研究成果进行了总结和归纳。第二部分是对陈氏家族缘起的探索。齐国陈氏家族源于有虞氏,具有悠久的历史。其先代祖先虞幕、虞舜等人在中国古史系统中是不可忽视的重要人物。本部分着重考察了虞幕、虞舜时期的有虞氏家族的发展,以及胡公满受封建立陈国的过程。对陈氏家族缘起的探讨是齐国陈氏家族研究的有机组成部分,能使我们从整体上把握陈氏家族的发展轨迹。第三部分是文章的主体部分,具体的论述了陈氏家族在齐国的发展历程。先是陈完通过出色的个人素质获得了在齐国的立足之地,经过两代人的积累后,陈文子开始崭露头角,使陈氏家族参与到齐国高层政治斗争中,并从中获得实利。陈桓子则是陈氏家族发展历程中的关键人物。他以敏锐的政治嗅觉和高超的政治手腕帮助陈氏家族在齐国快速扩张势力,并适时的战略收缩,巩固成果。此后的陈僖子、陈成子等人沿着前代祖先开辟出的道路一步步的将陈氏家族推向巅峰,实现了陈氏代齐。第四部分是对全文的总结。总体梳理了陈氏发展的经过,并对陈氏得以代齐的原因进行了归纳总结,简要论述了陈氏代齐的意义及其对齐国后续发展的影响。

【Abstract】 Influenced by land area expanded and controlling force decayed of zhou dynasty,In early of Chunqiu Period,lots of high officials started constitute their own forces, achieve feod from seigneurs.This wave overspreaded the whole world. Chen family was growing up in this period in Qi State.As a family which had different surname with the seigneur,by generations of efforts,Chen family successfully born down all oppositions,such as Guo family,Gao family,Luan family,Bao family, developed into a powerful family which can replace former seigneur of Qi state. On the basis of previous studies, this paper combing the developed process of Chen family in Qi state.The article is divided into the following four parts:The first part is the introduction part, mainly elucidating the significance of the topic. And also summarizing former related research achievements.The second part is to explore the origin of Chen family. Chen family comes from You-yu clan,which has a long history. Their ancestors,such as Yumu,Yushun,are so important figures that should not be neglected in chinese ancient system.In this part,we focus on the development of You-yu clan in the period of Yumu Yshun.And we also pay attention to the establishment of Chen state. the discussion of Chen family’s origin is indispensable constituent part of Chen family investigate,which can make us have a comprehensive understanding of Chen family’s development track.The third part is the main body part, specific discusses the development of Chen family in Qi state. First,Chen-wan obtained the foothold by outstanding personal qualities.Then,Chen-wen-zi cut a figure.At this generation, Chen family involved in the high-level political struggle of Qi state,gainning benefit. ChenHuanZi is the key figures in the development process of Chen family.He has a keen political sense and superb statesmanship,which help Chen family rapid expansion ang timely strategic contraction. Following the footmarks of predecessors,step by step,Chen family was climaxed by Chen-xi-zi,Chen-chen-zi.Chen family take the Jiang family’s space as the imperator of Qi state.The fourth part is to summarizing full text. Combed the development of Chen family, summarized the reasons of Chen family’s development, briefly discussed the significance of the substitution and influence to the further development of Qi state.

【关键词】 齐国陈氏家族
【Key words】 Qi stateChen familyClanHigh officials
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 山东大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 04期
  • 【分类号】K225
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】248

