

The Study on Gate Decorations of Shanxi Merchants Residence

【作者】 李媛

【导师】 刘乐一;

【作者基本信息】 山东大学 , 设计艺术学, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 门是建筑的出入口,具有物质功能和精神功能的双重属性,在数千年的中华文明中演绎出绚烂辉煌的门文化。装饰是门文化的显性部分,充分展现了门的精彩魅力。作为中国北方传统民居代表之一的晋商大院,其宅门装饰有着较高的艺术性和研究价值。晋商大院宅门装饰艺术是在山西独特的自然、地理环境,优越的经济、技术条件,浓厚的历史、民俗文化底蕴背景下产生的,受晋商文明“以儒养商”、“儒商相通”、“诚信守义”等思想的影响,是晋商财富与文明高度融合的产物。晋商大院的宅门装饰艺术门类很多,可分为门本身的构成装饰、门前的附设装饰、以及门的应时装饰。这三大装饰门类又有多个装饰细节:如鸟斯革、如晕斯飞的门头;集字、印、雕、色之大成的门匾和楹联;象征香火永传的门簪;叩环传讯的门钹;美观实用的门钉和看叶;象征主人身份的门槛、旗杆;堪称石雕精品的门枕和上下马石;保护宅院隐私的照壁;驱邪祈福的门神;烘托春节喜庆的福字和对联以及一系列应时“软”装饰等。晋商大院的宅门装饰题材丰富,寓意深刻,形式多样,技艺精湛,是中国农耕社会文化与晋商商业文明的缩影。它体现了晋商“尊儒崇礼”、“祈福求吉”的高雅追求和朴素愿望以及“以礼为本”、“以祥为美”的装饰思想内涵。随着市场经济的发展和城市化进程的加快,传统的门饰艺术显然已经不能完全适合现代的建筑类型。但是,它对于空间序列的塑造力和作为视觉中心的凝聚力并未消退,对现代建筑设计仍有重要的指导意义。加之,它的装饰内容和寓意发生了深刻的变化,在长久的文化发展进程中已经幻化为一种符号,并因为艺术领域的扩大和传播媒介的增多拥有了更加广泛的设计载体。现代设计如在自由创作中取传统文化之精华,两者便可同生共长。

【Abstract】 Door, the entrance of the architecture, which have a brilliant history in China, includes the material and spiritual content. Ornament, the significant feature of door culture, shows great charm of door. The ornaments of door of the Shanxi Province merchant compound have great artistic quality and research value.Special nature, geography, economic and history give birth to the ornament of door of the Shanxi Province merchant compound. Affected by the spiritual of Confucianism and merchant, the ornament of door have wealth and culture meaning.There are various of categories of the ornament of door, includes the ornaments on the door, subsidiary decoration before the door and decoration about every solar terms. Each categories has kinds of details:door hairpin, couplets, door cymbals, doornail, threshold, flagpole, door pillow, screen wall, goalkeeper, Fu words and kinds of other decorations.There are also kinds of theme of the ornaments of door, many of them have exquisite technique and profound implication. The ornament of door is the miniature of the agriculture and commercial society. It reflects good wish of Shanxi Province merchants’, for example, lofty life, good luck and so on.As the development of economic, traditional ornament of door has not suited for modern structure. But,its influence to the creation of spatial order and the cohesion of vision hasn’t been weaken,there are still important guide meaning in modern building design.In addition, The contents and implication have changed a lot, some of them have become a kind of sigh, which can be used in other art filed, like media. If modern design can absorb essence of traditional culture, they can complement each other and have a more brilliant future.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 山东大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 04期

