

China’s Urbanization Process Study Land-Lost Farmers

【作者】 李亚萍

【导师】 张锡恩;

【作者基本信息】 山东大学 , 政治学理论, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 众所周知,中国以7%的土地养活了22%的世界人口。世界上所有国家都是伴随着城市化进程的不断加快,土地资源不断减少,然而对于我国而言,土地显得更为珍贵。中央领导和政府也一直十分重视土地保护问题。随着我国城市化步伐的加快,我国失地农民数量猛增。农民失去土地后,由于就业困难,同时补偿、社会保障不到位,使得相当数量的农民在失去土地后生活陷入困境,成为了“种田无地、上班无岗、低保无门”的“三无”人员,由此对社会带来了一定的负面影响。据统计,目前农民上访案件中70%是由于农民失去土地引起的。党的第十六次代表大会提出了全面建设小康社会的奋斗目标,十六届四中全会又进一步提出了构建社会主义和谐社会的任务,失地农民问题无疑是影响社会稳定的重大问题。在我国社会主义现代化进程中,解决好农民问题是党和国家面临的重要问题,是关系到社会主义现代化建设能否巩固和发展的基础性问题,因此,安排好失地农民的生产生活,关系到全面建设小康社会的实现,关系到构建社会主义和谐社会的任务,具有重大的理论意义和现实意义。本文以我国城市化进程为背景,围绕失地农民面临的一系列问题,首先系统研究熟悉了该领域相关研究成果和文献资料,通过综合分析,发现目前我国学者的研究都只是粗略提及我国失地农民大致人数,并没有进行细致的统计分析;笔者通过收集相关资料对我国失地农民人数进行了统计和计算,进一步证明了这个问题的严重性和解决这个问题的重要性;其次,笔者对我国失地农民进行了分类,认为我国失地农民包括失去耕地的农民和失去建设用地的农民,二者在实际过程中面临的问题是不同的;最后,针对此问题,笔者分析了二者各自面临的问题。失去耕地农民面临的问题主要有:我国现有的土地制度不合理;社会保障不到位;赔偿资金监管、分配不到位。失去建设用地的农民面临的问题主要有拆迁法律法规不健全;没有一部明确法规规定农村集体建设用地拆迁问题;安置补偿标准不统一;被拆迁房屋估价存在问题;农民搬到新房之后生活负担加重等。对此提出了相关的解决对策,解决失去耕地农民的对策主要有:提高征地补偿标准;完善失地农民的社会保障制度,提高医疗保险报销比例,建立养老保险账户;规范征地补偿的分配及管理。解决失去建设用地农民问题的对策主要有:完善相关法律制度;规范拆迁评估;统一补偿标准;做好城郊村镇建设规划等。全文共分为四章:第一章导论。作为论文的开篇,简要说明了问题的提出、选题意义、研究现状、研究思路和研究方法。第二章介绍了新中国成立至今我国的城市化进程及我国农民失去土地的情况,并对失去耕地农民和失去宅基地农民的数量进行了测算。第三章,介绍我国当前失去耕地的农民和失去建设用地的农民各自面临的问题。第四章,针对第三章提出的问题,探讨相应的解决对策。

【Abstract】 As we all know, China has 7%of the land to feed 22%of the world population. All the world countries are associated with the accelerating process of urbanization, shrinking land resources, but for our country, the land even more valuable. Central leadership and the government also attaches great importance to land protection issues.With the accelerated pace of urbanization, China’s surge in the number of landless peasants. Farmers lost their land, due to employment difficulties, and compensation, social security is not in place, making a considerable number of farmers lost their land after the troubled life and become a "farm, no land, no post office, guaranteeing that no channel"of the"three noes "Members of the society which brought certain negative effects. According to statistics,70%of cases Peasants farmers lost their land due cause.Sixteenth Party Congress put forward a comprehensive goal of building a moderately prosperous society, Sixteenth Central Committee has further put forward the task of building a socialist harmonious society, landless peasants is undoubtedly the major issues affecting social stability. Process of socialist modernization in China and solve the problems of farmers and the state party faced a major problem is related to whether the consolidation of socialist modernization and development of basic problems, therefore, arrangements for production and living of landless peasants, related to the The realization of building a moderately prosperous society, related to the task of building a socialist harmonious society, is of great theoretical and practical significance.In this paper, the background of China’s urbanization process, focusing on a range of issues faced by landless peasants, the first system in the field are familiar with relevant research and literature, through comprehensive analysis, found that the current research of scholars have referred to China’s peasants are rough Approximate number, and no detailed statistical analysis; the author through the collection of relevant information on the number of landless peasants and carried out statistical calculations, further proof of the seriousness of the problem and the importance of this problem; Secondly, the author of China’s peasants have been classified in that loss of landless peasants, including a lower loss of homestead farmers and farmers, both in the actual problems facing the process is different; Finally, for this problem, the author analyzes Both their own problems. Loss of arable land problems faced by farmers are:the existing land system in China is unreasonable; Social Security is not in place; Compensation for financial regulation, distribution is not in place. Loss of land for construction of the main problems faced by farmers demolition of inadequate laws and regulations; not a clear regulations Demolition of rural collective construction land; resettlement compensation standards are not uniform; valuation of the demolition of housing problems; farmers to move to new homes after the burden of life And so on. Related to this proposed countermeasures to address the loss of arable land farmers Strategy are:to improve the land requisition compensation standards; improve the social security system for landless peasants to improve the medical insurance reimbursement, the establishment of pension insurance accounts; regulate the allocation and management of land compensation. Solve the problems of farmers losing land for construction measures are:improve the relevant legal system; regulate the demolition assessment; unified compensation standards; do suburban villages and towns planning.The thesis is divided into four chapters:Introduction Chapter. As the opening paper, a brief description of the problem, significance of the topic, research status, research ideas and research methods.The second chapter describes the progress since the founding of China’s urbanization process and the situation of farmers lost their land, and loss of arable land loss of homestead farmers and the number of farmers was calculated.The third chapter describes the current loss of arable land and farmers lost their land for construction problems.Chapter four, Chapter three of the issues raised for to explore the appropriate countermeasures.

【关键词】 城市化失地农民土地征用拆迁
【Key words】 UrbanizationLand-lost FarmersLand AcquisitionRemoving
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 山东大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 04期
  • 【分类号】D422.6;F299.2
  • 【被引频次】6
  • 【下载频次】353

