

A Comparative Study of Chinese Neologisms and Their English Translations

【作者】 亓琳琳

【导师】 王克友;

【作者基本信息】 山东大学 , 英语语言文学, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 计算机以及网络技术的出现给信息传播技术带来了革命性的变化,为信息全球化铺下了坚实的道路。发生在地球某一角落的事件几分钟内就能被全世界知道。正是在这种科技背景下,大量新词新语如雨后春笋般涌现,以满足人们表达新事物的需要。尤其是近几年出现了过去从未有过的,或者是脱离了原初含义而被赋予新义的新词语。作为文化的载体,语言是反应社会文化的一面镜子,语言的发展折射出社会的发展。而词语是语言发展中最活跃的部分,因此,追踪社会的发展最直观的方式是探析词语的发展。本文拟通过对比英汉语新词形成的相似点和不同点,来寻找汉语新词独有的特点。词汇发展的典型特征是新词随着社会的向前发展不断出现。为了得到更好的文化交流,中西方人们首先需要突破语言的障碍。尤其在中国发展日新月异的今天,汉语新词的英译具有极其重要的作用。“新意”是新词的最大特点,但“新”是一个相对的概念,只有在特定的时间内才具有可比性。词语是语言学研究必不可少的部分,和语音、词形、语义有密切的联系。本文主要从语音,词形,语义方面研究汉语新词的“新意”。词语同时是意义的基本单位,但意义离不开具体的语境,即词语使用的真实背景。所以,研究新词的语用非常有必要,语境就是其中很重要的研究对象。新词作为时代发展的产物,脱离了语境的使用是没有意义的。因此,在研究汉语新词的翻译之前,必须先弄清楚“新意”的含义以及新词的具体用法。“水门事件”发生后,"X-gate"结构的新词的发展有了不竭的动力,成为尽人皆知的“丑闻”事件代名词。被直译进汉语后,“门”族新词大量涌现。但是英语中的"gate"汉译成“门”后,“门”已经失去本意,而成为汉语中新的表示轰动性事件的词根,远远超过了英语中表示政治性丑闻的含义。将事件的关键词与“门”组合,生动形象地再现了事件的内容和人们对事件的态度。因此,有些“X门”新词并不是丑闻,所以不应该翻译成"X scandal" or "X-gate"。汉语新词及其翻译的研究,仅是本文中的论述还远远不够。作者希望以后能做更加具体的研究,希望更多翻译爱好者关注汉语新词的翻译,以促进中国与世界更好的交流。

【Abstract】 The emergence of the computer and internet technologies has brought a revolutionary change in the fields of information and communication, trailing a new path for the global dissemination of news and information. Events at one corner of the earth get reported within minutes in the rest of the world. It is in this technology context that a large number of new words or neologisms have sprung up in large quantities, in order to meet the needs of people to express new things. Especially in recent years there have appeared neologisms that were never seen in the past or which have given new meaning to the original terms. As a carrier of culture, language is a mirror of social and cultural responses, that is, language development reflects the development of society. The vocabulary is the most active part in language development. Therefore, to track the development of new words is the most intuitive way to learn about the development of society. This thesis is intended to study Chinese neologisms, by comparing the similarities and differences in the formation of new words in English and Chinese, thus to find the unique characteristics of Chinese new words.A typical characteristic of a neologism is that it emerges with the change or advance of modern society. It is necessary for people to break language barriers in order to have better exchanges of information and culture. This is particularly true of today, when China is experiencing rapid development, when the English translation of Chinese neologisms is of great importance for westerners to know China. Therefore, the task of translating Chinese neologisms into English is necessary and in line with the objective reality. The "newness" is the most important feature of the new words, but "newness" is a relative concept, only comparable in a specific period of time. Words are an essential part of the language, and it is an integrated whole of sounds, form, and semantics. This thesis studies the "newness" of neologisms by analysis of the phonological, morphological, and semantic aspects of some Chinese new words. As the word is also the basic unit of meaning, which can not be determined without a specific context, that is, the true background of how the words are used, the pragmatic aspect of new words is to be inquired, and context is a most important subject of the study. New words, as the product of social development, are meaningless out of context. Therefore, it is necessary to make clear the meaning of "newness" and how to use the new words before studying them into English translations. I shall take a group of Chinese new words containing the character“门”as a sample specimens of study to illustrate what is involved in the emergence and translation of Chinese neologisms.The“门”family of Chinese new words have multiplied in large number since it was coined by literal translation in China as an equivalent concept of events like Watergate Scandal happened in America, because of which a structure of "X-gate" have so powerful a productivity. It is now a substitute of "scandal", which is a widely known event. However, when the English "gate" is translated into Chinese“门”, the“门”has lost the original meaning and become a suffix of words to describe sensational events.“门”in Chinese has a broader sense, covering far more than the English denotation of political scandals. The key discriminating words of the event and the“门”category combined together will vividly depicts the content of events and people’s attitude to the event. Therefore, some Chinese words with“X门”structure cannot be translated into "X gate" or "X scandal", for they are not strictly scandals.As a study of Chinese neologisms and the translation of those words, the discussion in this thesis is far from enough. Therefore, the author of this thesis hopes a more detailed study will be made, and that more people who like doing translation pay attention to the translation of Chinese neologisms, in order to promote better communication between China and the world.

【关键词】 汉语新词新意英语翻译语境X门
【Key words】 Chinese neologismnewnessEnglish translationcontextX门
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 山东大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 04期
  • 【分类号】H315.9
  • 【下载频次】402

