

The Analysis on Legal Basis of Self-admission System in Civil Procedure Law

【作者】 彭鑫

【导师】 张世全;

【作者基本信息】 山东大学 , 诉讼法学, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 自认制度作为一项基本的民事诉讼法证据规则在西方国家早已得到确认,并为维护诉讼程序公正和提高诉讼效率发挥了重要的作用。然而,我国自认制度的发展似乎举步维艰,自认制度的规定还多散见于司法解释中,效力基本上还流于形式。构建完善的自认制度是我国民诉法转型的必要体现和必经途径。虽然对于自认制度的理论研究已经持续了多年,并取得了许多理论成果。但笔者认为,构建一种制度的前提不仅仅在于深入了解该制度的根源与理论,更重要的在于分析该制度扎根于我国所需的法律理念与环境土壤。目前我国民事诉讼法发展正处于由职权主义模式向当事人主义模式转型时期,我国的诉讼模式、审判理念、价值取向等方面还不能为自认制度的生存与发展提供必需的法理基础与诉讼模式。因此,本文在研究自认制度基本理论的基础上,着重分析研究了自认制度生存所需的法理基础,并辩证分析了我国当前的诉讼模式与审判理念。最后,借鉴国外自认制度的先进理念和我国的实际情况,从法理基础、自认具体制度构建和相关诉讼程序支撑等全面论证了我国自认制度的完善,以在我国民事诉讼中构建真正的自认制度。本文分为四个部分.第一部分是自认制度的内容分析。主要致力于对于自认制度的涵义、构成要件、效力及程序价值的考察。作为一项古老的证据规则,自认制度最早可以追溯到古罗马时期,发展至近代民事诉讼理论中呈现出大陆与英美两大法系两种不同的理论。因此,笔者在第一部分中对于大陆与英美法系自认制度的涵义、效力等进行了比较分析,同时对于自认的构成要件和程序价值理论做了全面论述。第二部分是自认的法理基础及诉讼模式环境解析。任何诉讼制度的构建都不能脱离它内含的法理基础及存在的诉讼模式,自认制度也不例外。辩论主义原则是自认制度的法理基础,当事人的处分权为自认提供了保障,而诚实信用原则从道德规范角度促生了自认制度。而自认制度作为当事人诉讼模式下的重要制度,无法在职权主义模式中构建。第三部分是我国自认制度的现状和缺陷分析。我国目前的自认制度还只能散见于司法解释中,并且法条之间存在着混乱和矛盾现象,还需要立法系统规范。同时我国目前职权主义模式下的辩论主义原则“空洞化”、事实探知权绝对化和法律诚信的丧失使自认的发展丧失了所必需的法理基础。第四部分是我国自认制度完善的论证。笔者将从自认制度本身的构建、诉讼理念的转换和配套诉讼制度的建立三个方面分别从制度立法、法理基础、相关程序支撑角度完善我国的自认制度。

【Abstract】 Self-admission takes the civil procedure basic evidence system, the western counties perform to stipulate. It also played an important role in safeguarding procedural justice and improving the efficiency of lawsuit. However, the development of self-admission system in China is very hard. The regulation of system of admission is academicals in the judicial interpretation. And the effectiveness of it can not play. Constructing perfect self-admission system is the necessary to reflect and necessary way in the period of civilian law ion in China. Although the theory research of self-admission has last for years, and achieved a lot of theoretical achievements. The author thinks that the premises of constructing a system need not only researching the theory and roots, but also analysis legal ideas and environment the system needed. The development of civil procedure law is in the switching process from the authority principle lawsuit pattern to the litigant principle lawsuit pattern. The construct and development of the self-admission can not get necessary legal ideas and environment from China now because the model of litigation, judge concept and value orientation of the civil procedure law is not advanced. So my article is based on the study of the basic theory of self-admission system. But I fragment the legal basis, the model of litigation and legal ideas that construct the system of admission necessarily. Finally, the author put forward the comments basis on the advanced concepts from western countries and the actual situation of the development of the civil procedure law. The author discusses the comments from the angle of legal ideas, specific system construction and the support from relevant procedural in order to constructing perfect and authentic self-admission system.This paper points four partsThe first part is the content analysis on self-admission system. It focuses on the investigation of the meaning, constitutions, effectiveness and program value of self-admission. As an ancient evidence system, the self-admission system originated in ancient Rome period. It became continental law system and common law two different theory systems now. So in the first part, the author makes comparative analysis on the meaning and effect. The author also discusses constitutions and program value of self-admission.The second part is analysis on legal basis and litigation mode environment of self-admission. Any litigation systems can not survival leaving its legal basis and model of litigation. Self-admission system is no exception. The debate principles are the legal basis of self-admission system. The disciplinary right of the parties provides security for the self-admission system. Honesty and credit principle is ethics of the system. The self-admission only survivals in the litigant principle lawsuit pattern.The third part is analysis on status and defects of the self-admission system in China. The regulation of system of admission is academicals in the judicial interpretation. It needs standard by legislation. The phenomenon of the formalized debate principles, the black-and-white fact discovery right makes the loss of legal basis that the self-admission system development needs.The forth part is the argument of consummation of the Self-admission system. The author discusses the comments for the self-admission system from three respects of legislation, legal ideas and the support from relevant procedural.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 山东大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 04期
  • 【分类号】D925.1
  • 【被引频次】4
  • 【下载频次】163

