

Studies on the Preparation Technology and Quallty Standard of the Effective Partsextracts in Chaiqin Qinggan Formular

【作者】 张坤

【导师】 付克;

【作者基本信息】 黑龙江中医药大学 , 生药学, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 柴芩清肝方由柴胡、黄芩、白芍和甘草等中药组成,具有疏肝解郁,清热解毒的作用。临床上主要用于治疗慢性肝炎、肝硬化、胆囊炎,症见口苦、咽干、目眩、寒热往来、胁肋胀痛、胸胁苦满等。为提高临床疗效和质量可控,本课题以传统中医药理论为指导原则,运用现代制药技术,对该复方进行了临床前药学部分的研究工作。本论文的主要目的是对组方中药材的有效部位群进行提取、精制工艺研究,以及对有效部位群提取物进行质量标准研究,主要研究概述如下:1.含量测定方法研究:建立高效液相色谱法,同时测定柴芩清肝方中芍药苷、黄芩苷和甘草苷三种有效成分的含量。采用DiamonsilC18 (4.6×250mm,5μm)色谱柱,以乙腈-0.1%磷酸水溶液为流动相梯度洗脱,双波长检测:278nm(黄芩苷,甘草苷),230nm(芍药苷)。2.提取工艺研究:以主要有效成分黄芩苷、甘草苷和芍药苷为指标,采用正交试验,对水提取工艺进行研究。采用多成分加权综合评分方法考察的最佳提取工艺为:加8倍药材量的水,加热煎煮提取3次,每次提取1小时3.·精致工艺研究:通过对本方中黄芩苷、芍药苷、甘草苷和总黄酮在几种大孔吸附树脂上的吸附性与解吸特性的比较,确定分离有效部位提取物的最佳树脂为AB-8型大孔树脂,并对该树脂的吸附特性及各影响因素进行研究,优化工艺条件,得到本方有效部位群提取物的最佳纯化精制工艺条件。结果:以提取液浓缩至0.5 g·mL-1(生药)作为上样液,以3 mL·min-1的流速通过AB-8型大孔吸附树脂,用70%乙醇以5 mL·min-1的流速洗脱。洗脱液浓缩至相对密度为1.20-1.25(60℃)稠膏,置烘箱恒温60℃烘干,即得4.有效部位群提取物质量标准研究:针对方中柴胡、黄芩、白芍和甘草4味主要药材进行TLC鉴别实验,方法操作简单,重现性好,薄层色谱图斑点清晰。采用分光光度计法测定有效部位群提取物中总黄酮、总皂苷、总环烯醚萜苷的含量,总含量为82.57%。采用高效液相色谱-紫外光谱法对本品中黄芩苷、芍药苷和甘草苷进行了含量测定。综合定性定量测定结果,有效地控制了本品的质量,为柴芩清肝方建立了规范化的现代质量标准。

【Abstract】 Chaiqin Qinggan Formula is composed of Scutellariae, Entrapement, Officinale, Liquorice, and other Chinese medicine, play a role in ShuGan XieYu, qingrejiedu. In the clinical setting Mainly used in the treatment of chronic hepatitis, liver cirrhosis and cholecystitis, and as read the symptoms described below,bitter taste, dry gullet,dazzled, alternate spells of chill and fever, fullness and discomfort in chest and hypochondrium, distending pain in hypochondrium etc. This topic in the traditional Chinese medicine theory as the guiding principles, applying modern pharmaceutical technology, to do the research work of the pre-clinical medicine part to the formula.The main purpose of this paper is to the effective parts of herbs in the formula extraction, refining process, and conducting quality standard research of the effective parts extracts. The main research overview as follows:1. Content determination method research:Establish HPLC, simultaneously determine in ChaiQin qinggan formula Peoni florin, Baicalin and Glycyrrhizin three effective ingredient contents. Use DiamonsilC18 (4.6×250mm,5μm) chromatographic column; Acetonitrile-0.1%phosphoric acid solution as Mobile phase, Gradient elution; detected of dual wavelengths,278nm for Baicalin and Glycyrrhizin,230nm for Paeoniflorin.2. Extraction technology research:Major effective component Baicalin, Glycyrrhizin and Paeoniflorin as index, using the orthogonal experiment, to study water extraction process. Using multiple composition weighted comprehensive mark methods to investigate the best extraction process for: add 8 times medicinal amount of water, heating decocting extract three times, and each extraction 1 hour.3. Refining technology research:Through compare the adsorption and desorption characteristics in the several kinds of macroporous adsorption resin, to Baicalin, Paeoniflorin, Glycyrrhizin and flavonoids in the compound. Separate the effective parts extract optimum resin, and the resin adsorption characteristic and various influencing factors were studied. Optimize of process conditions, get effective parts extracts of best purification refining process conditions. Result:the extracts concentrate to 0.5 g/mL (crude drug) as the sample, in order to 3 mL/min velocity of flow through the AB-8 type of macroporous adsorption resin, with 70% alcohol 5 mL/min velocity elution. Eluent concentrate to the relative density 1.20-1.25 (60℃) thick paste, put into oven, temperature 60℃drying, and get it.4. Effective parts extract quality standards:Directed towards radix bupleuri, radix scutellariae, radix paeoniae alba and radix glycyrrhizae 4 main medicinal materials for TLC identification experiments. Methods operation simple, reproducible and thin-layer chromatogram spots clear. Establish ultraviolet spectrophotometer method, determinate flavonoids、Total iridoid glycosides and total saponin contents, 82.57%of total content. Method of high precision, good reappearance, for ChaiQin qinggan Formula establish the modern quality standards of standardization.

  • 【分类号】TQ461;R286
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】154
  • 攻读期成果

