

Progress in Traditional Chinese Medicine and Westernal Medicine Treatment of Patients with Unexplained Recurent Spontaneous Abortion and Analysis of Typical Cases

【作者】 曾琼连

【导师】 姚美玉;

【作者基本信息】 黑龙江中医药大学 , 中医学, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 目的:通过文献回顾及典型病例分析方式,总结疏理不明原因复发性流产的中西医研究现状,探讨不明原因复发性流产的中医辨证方式及治疗规范,为进一步临床研究提供文献依据和理论基础。方法:1.采用文献回顾的方式,系统综述了祖国医学和现代医学对不明原因复发性流产的病理机制、诊断、治疗方面的相关研究进展,着重探讨了祖国医学对本病的病因病机、辨证施治的认识及中西医结合治疗的临床进展。并对不明原因复发性流产的进一步临床研究进行了展望。2.通过对5例典型病例分析,对我科中西医结合治疗优势病种“滑胎”的的辩证思维方法和治疗原则作初步的探讨结果:1.现代医学对不明原因复发性流产的治疗,尚处于对症治疗阶段。治疗药物如糖皮质激素、阿司匹林、肝素、主动免疫治疗等都存在不同程度的副作用。2.祖国医学治疗滑胎有着西医无法比拟的疗效3.原因不明复发性流产的患者行配偶淋巴细胞主动免疫治疗或我院自制药内障丸配合中药寿胎丸保胎治疗均可以提高患者妊娠成功率。结论:原因不明复发性流产的患者行配偶淋巴细胞主动免疫治疗或我院自制药内障丸配合中药寿胎丸保胎治疗均可以提高患者妊娠成功率,有待大样本的临床观察。

【Abstract】 Objective:By means of literature review and analysis of typical cases, to summe up the treatment of patients with unexplained recurent spontaneous abortion in modern medicin and traditional chinese medicine; to provide the basis of literature and theoretical basis for further clinical researeh.Method:1.The literature on the pathogenesis, diagnosis and treatment in modern medicine and traditional chinese medicine were reviewed.And special emphasis was put on pattern differentiation and treatment of patients with unexplained recurent spontaneous abortion in traditional chinese medicine.2. By means of analysis of five typical cases, the author put forward the methods and formulas of treatment of patients with unexplained recurent spontaneous abortion in modern medicin and traditional chinese medicine.Results:1.There were significant side effects,when medicine such as low molecular weigh the parin and allogeneic immunization were used in treatment of patients with unexplained recurent spontaneous abortion.2. traditional chinese medicine treatment of unexplained recurent spontaneous abortion has therefore not comparable to the effect of modern medicine.3 Both allogeneic immunization and Neizhang Pills treats can increase the possibility of pregnancy.Conclusion:Both allogeneic immunization and Neizhang Pills treats can increase the possibility of pregnancy,and they need indepth study.


