

Study on the Convergence between "National Essential Drug List" and "National Basic Medical Insutance Medeicine Catalogue" under Concurrent Environment

【作者】 范学礼

【导师】 孟锐;

【作者基本信息】 黑龙江中医药大学 , 中医学, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 《基本药物目录》和《医保目录》的并存是我国医疗卫生体系中的一大特色。自1999年至今,二者虽然长期处于并存状态,但对比国外药品目录在解决本国医疗问题的作用而言,我国两大目录作用甚微。究其原因,一是《基本药物目录》由于缺乏制度的保障,导致目录形同虚设;二是《医保目录》在我国保障体系没有全面覆盖的前提下施行效力弱化;三是二者缺乏有效衔接机制。2009年新医改方案出台,加快医疗保障体系建设和初步建立国家基本药物制度将成为我国未来医改的重点工作,而随后出台的新《基本药物目录》和新《医保目录》则被赋予新的地位和使命。两大目录真正从过去单纯的同时存在的“并存”状态进入到二者同时具备实施效力的“并行”局面。基于二者将于将在一定时间内长期并行的现状,如何实现两目录的有效衔接成为当前迫切需要解决的问题。全文共分四章。第一章介绍《基本药物目录》和《医保目录》的概况。分别对基本概念、发展历程、基本模式,并对二者作出基本的对比分析。第二章阐述了《基本药物目录》和《医保目录》并行现状的形成和并行情况下出现的问题。第三章对《基本药物目录》和《医保目录》的衔接性问题作出分析,分别对衔接模式、衔接功能和衔接面临的挑战等方面作出分析。第四章提出《基本药物目录》和《医保目录》在并行下有效衔接的具体建议。完善两目录的衔接需要目录相关部门的管理衔接,需要与目录紧密相连配套机制的支持,包括在遴选、定价、生产、使用上的机制完善,也需要营造目录推行所需的良好政策环境,包括医保制度的继续改革和国家对卫生投入的进一步增加。在推行中,为实现公众利益的最大化,提高公众的参与度也非常重要。我们迫切期待两目录在新医改中发挥重要的作用,也期待着“看病难、看病贵”的问题早日得到有效的解决。

【Abstract】 The coexistence Of National Essential Medicine Drug List (NEDL)and National Basic Medical Insurance Drug Catalogue (NMIDC) is the big characteristic. from of Chinese medical health system Since 1999, they are coexistence for a long time,but compared to the abroad catalog in solving medical problems, they are helpless Investigate its reason, one is NEDL lack of institutional safeguard, cause directory non-existing, another is NMIDC weakening effectiveness under the precondition of our country’s security system have no comprehensive coverage. The third is lack of effective convergence mechanism. The new medical reform program introduced in 2009,accelerating construction Of new medical medical insurance system and preliminarily establishing national system for basic drugs had became the key work in our country in the future, then the new NEDL and NMIDC are endowed with new status and mission. The sate of the two big drugs list became both have implementation effectiveness from coexist state. Based on they will be concurrent for a long time, how to realize the convergence of two drugs list becomes an urgent problem present.This paper is divided into five chapters. The first chapteripresents general situation of NEDL and NMIDC form the respective basic concept,the development course, basic mode of both making and the basic comparative The second chapter:expounds formation of NEDL and NMIDC and problems under the concurrent environment The third chapter:analysis the convergence of NEDL and NMIDC.The fourth chapter:giving sugges of NEDL and NMIDC under the concurrent environment. The fifth Chapter:conclusion.Perfecting the convergence Of two drugs list need to strengthen the convergence of management of relevant department AT the same time,it is not only strengthen the connection of the construction mechanism,including in the selection, pricing, production, use,etc,.but also needs to perfect the policy required, including health care reform and increasing investment in health. For achieveing the public interest to maximize, improving public participation is also very important. We are looking forward to two drugs list play an important role in new medical reform, also look forward to solve effectively the problem Of seeing a doctor "difficultly" and" expensively" as soon as possible.


