

Evaluation of Resistance to Rice Blast, Main Agronomic Traits and Heterosis of 78 Rice Materials of Breeding Restorer Line

【作者】 冷祯陆

【导师】 黄富;

【作者基本信息】 四川农业大学 , 植物病理学, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 由Magnaporthe grisea (Hebert) Barr.[无性态Pyricularia grisea (Cooke) Sacc异名Pyricularia oryzae Cavara.]引起的稻瘟病是水稻最主要的病害之一,世界普遍发生,全生育期均可发病。实践证明,选育和利用抗病品种,是防治该病害最经济、最有效、最绿色环保的措施。抗稻瘟病种质资源的发掘、筛选、评价及其科学利用是水稻抗稻瘟病育种的重要基础。本文对78份水稻制恢材料的稻瘟病抗性、主要农艺性状、外观米质及碾磨米质进行了评价;利用三系不育系Ⅱ-32A对供试材料进行测交,对其测交F1代的抗瘟性、主要农艺性状和杂种优势进行了评价;对抗性突出的重点制恢材料GR55进行了配合力及遗传力分析。1、抗瘟性鉴定结果表明,78份制恢材料中有11份制恢材料叶瘟1-4级、穗颈瘟1-3级,表现抗至中抗稻瘟病;有14份材料叶瘟3-3级、穗颈瘟5级,表现中感稻瘟病;有20份材料叶瘟5-9级、穗颈瘟7级,表现感稻瘟病;其中GR09和GR56叶瘟和穗颈瘟均为1级抗性表现最高,GR55叶瘟3级,穗颈瘟为0级。2、农艺性状观测结果表明,78份制恢材料农艺性状有丰富的遗传多样性;制恢材料的播始天数变幅为101.00-119.00d;株高的变幅为92.40-123.80cm;穗长的变幅为20.66-29.72cm;单株有效穗的变幅为6.53-11.33穗;千粒重的变幅为24.89-40.60g;穗着粒数的变幅为112.69-234.99粒;穗实粒数的变幅为70.48-166.08.粒;结实率的变幅为55.88-74.84%;着粒密度的变幅为4.01-8.38粒·cm-1;单株实粒重的变幅为19.20-36.28;以单株实粒重为主要性状,单株实粒重在30g以上,表现丰产性较好的材料有GR49、GR73、GR15、GR70、GR50、GR16等26份材料。3、米质观测结果表明,78份制恢材料的出糙率达到国颁一级优质稻的有GR74、GR75、GR73等23份,达到国颁二级的有GR30、GR72、GR50等29份,达到三级有GR43、GR48、GR51等18份;整精米率指标上,达到国颁一级优质稻的有GR21、GR60、GR07等25份,达到国颁二级的有GR03、GR18、GR36和GR05共4份,达到国颁三级有GR09、GR55、GR45、GR35、GR15、GR14共6份。垩白米率指标上,达到国颁一级优质稻的有GR45、GR14、GR44和GR41共4份,达到二级的有GR63、GR36、GR34等23份,达到三级的有GR08、GR62、GR73等21份。垩白度指标上,78份制恢材料中仅有GR45这一份材料达到国颁优质稻一级标准,有GR44、GR14和GR41共三份材料达到国颁二级标准,有GR36、GR63、GR48等10份材料达到国颁三级标准。4、F1代抗瘟性观测结果表明,GR5、GR9、GR44、GR45、GR49和GR53与Ⅱ-32A测配的6个F1代组合表现“冬不老”;其余72个测交组合抗瘟性鉴定结果表明叶瘟1~5级,穗颈瘟1级的材料有Ⅱ-32A与GR16、GR23、GR55等8份制恢材料所测配的组合,表现抗至高抗稻瘟病;对照品种冈优725的叶瘟8级,穗颈瘟7级。5、测交F1代农艺性状对冈优725的竞争优势观测结果表明,播始天数的竞争优势变幅是-4.0~8.0d,有Ⅱ-32A/GR31、Ⅱ-32A/GR30等17个组合的播始天数短于冈优725;株高的竞争优势变幅为-6.0~11.2cm,有Ⅱ-32A/GR12、Ⅱ-32A/GR26等19个组合株高低于对照;单株有效穗的竞争优势变幅为-3.7~1.9穗,有Ⅱ-32A/GR66、Ⅱ-32A/GR57等28个组合的单株有效穗高于对照;千粒重的竞争优势变幅为-2.7~4.8g,有Ⅱ-32A/GR55、Ⅱ-32A/GR57等48个组合高于对照;每穗着粒数的竞争优势变幅为-61.9~41.5粒,有Ⅱ-32A/GR37、Ⅱ-32A/GR32等6份高于对照;穗实粒数的竞争优势变幅为-35.5~53.0粒,有Ⅱ-32A/GR37、Ⅱ-32A/GR67等22个组合高于对照;结实率的竞争优势变幅为-52.~20.3%,有Ⅱ-32A/GR22、Ⅱ-32A/GR24等67个组合高于对照,仅有5个组合低于对照;单株重的竞争优势变幅为-14.3~10.7g,有Ⅱ-32A/GR02、Ⅱ-32A/GR64等21个组合高于对照。6、经方差及配合力方差分析结果表明,所有性状的区组方差均不显著,所有组合间方差均达到极显著水平;6个恢复系中蜀恢527在单株实粒重这一综合产量性状上配合力效应值最高;综合分析蜀恢527,GR55为最理想的恢复系亲本,不育系中川谷A为最理想不育系亲本;冈46A×GR55这一组合单株实粒重特殊配合力效应值在30个组合中名列最高,达到30.458,其次绿香4A×GR55这一组合特殊配合力效应值也相对较高。

【Abstract】 Rice blast, caused by Magnaporthe grisea (Hebert) Barr., was one of the most devastating plant diseases, infecting rice crops all over the word. Breeding and utilization of resistant cultivars was the most effective and economical way to control this disease. Screening and utilization of rice resources resistant to blast was the foundational measure to breed resistant varieties. The resistance to rice blast, main agronomic traits, grain appearance quality and milling quality of 78 rice materials of breeding restorer line were evaluated in this paper. The resistance to rice blast, main agronomic traits and heterosis of the testcross combinations from CMS-lineⅡ-32A and 78 rice materials were ecaluated. The combining ability and heritability of GR55 which was the important rice material were analysised.1. The resoult of resistance identification of 78 rice materials showed that 11 were highly resistant to both leaf blast and panicle blast,14 were medium in leaf blast and panicle blast and 20 were susceptible. GR09 and GR56 were highly resistant to rice blast, with both leaf blast and panicle of 1 scale. GR55 was also highly resistant to rice blast, with leaf blast 3 scales and panicle blast 0 scale.2. The agronomic traits of 78 rice materials of breeding restorer line were abundant genetic diversity. Day of sowing to initial heading was from 101.00 to 119.00d, plant heigh was from 92.40 to 123.80cm, spike length was from 20.66 to 29.72cm, effective panicles per plant was from 6.53 to 11.33,1000-grain weigh was from 24.89 to 40.60g, spikelets per panicle was from 112.69 to 234.99, seed density was from 4.01 to 8.38 per cm, grain weight per plant was 19.20~36.28. With grain weight per plant for main characters, the grain yields of 26 materials were above 30g and had high performance.3. The result of the roughness of 78 rice materials of breeding restorer line indicated that there were 23 materials reached the first grade of the national standards,29 reached the secend grand of the national standards and 18 was the third grand of the national standards. The result of whole paddy rate showed that 25 were the first grade of the national standards,4 were secend grand and 6 were third grand. The result of chalkiness showed that GR45, GR14, GR44 and GR41 were fisrt grand,23 were secend grand and 21 were third grand. Chalkiness degree indicated that only GR45 was first grand of national standards, GR44, GR14 and GR41 were secend grand,10 were third grand.4. The result of resistance to rice blast of F1 generation showed thatⅡ-32A/GR5,Ⅱ-32A/GR9,Ⅱ-32A/GR44,Ⅱ-32A/GR45,Ⅱ-32A/GR49 andⅡ-32A/GR53 were not heading. The resistance result of other 72 F1 generations indicated that 8 was with leaf blast 1-5 scale and panicle blast 1 scale which had high resistance.5. Compete vigor of agronomic traits of F1 combinations to Gangyou725 showed that, The range of compete vigor of the period of from sowing to heading was -4.0~8.0d. The period of from sowing to heading ofⅡ-32A/GR31,Ⅱ-32A/GR30 etc 17 combinations was shorter than Gangyou725; The competitive advantage of plant height ranged -6.0~11.2cm, there were 19 competitive were lower than Gangyou725; The range of compete vigor of panicles per plant was -3.7~1.9 panicles; The range of compete vigor of 1000-grain weight was -2.7~4.8g; The range of compete vigor of spikelet per panicle was -61.9~41.5 grain; The range of compete vigor of filled spikelet per panicle was -35.5~53.0 grain; The range of compete vigor of seed setting percentage was -52.0~20.3%; The range of compete vigor of grain yield per plant was -14.3~10.7 grain,21 combinations’s range of 72 testcross F1 combinations was superiority.6. The analysis of test variance and combining ability variance showed that variance of all the traits of the block were not significant, the variance between all combinations have reached a significant level. Shuhui527 had the maximum value of combining ability of grain yield per plant among the six restorer parents. Comprehensive analysis of Shuhui527 and GR55 were the ideal restorer parents while the ChuanguA was the ideal CMS parents. Obtained by the analysis of specific combining ability, nonadditive genetic effects of agronomic characters were diverse while there was diversity in gene interaction. Based on the results of specific combining ability effect value,46A×GR55 was the best hybrid combination for its maximum grain yield per plant 30.458g while the 4A×GR55 also performed well.

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