

A Research of Pathogenic Trichoderma of Flammulina Velutipes in Sichuan and the Analysis of Resistantce for Flammulina Velutipes Strains

【作者】 熊小龙

【导师】 文成敬; 王波;

【作者基本信息】 四川农业大学 , 植物病理学, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 从2009年到2010年,在四川省金针菇代料栽培的主要生产场地,采集金针菇发菌之后(菌丝长满袋后)感染的木霉菌(Trichoderma spp.),即金针菇栽培相关木霉病菌35株,进行木霉的分离和鉴定、生长温度测定、化学防治以及抗病菌株的筛选。研究结果表明,四川金针菇代料栽培中的木霉有哈茨木霉(T.harziaum)、长枝木霉(T. longibrachiatum)、绿色木霉(T.viride)和康氏木霉(T.koningii),所分离到的35株木霉中有26株是哈茨木霉,占74.3%,是侵染金针菇的主要木霉菌,另外长枝木霉、绿色木霉和康氏木霉分别分离到4株、3株、2株,平均分离频率分别为11.4%、8.6%、5.7%,木霉的种类与采集地点有一定的联系,如在红原分离到的木霉主要是哈茨木霉,在达县分离的木霉主要是绿色木霉。对35株木霉进行生长温度测定,木霉最适生长温度为28℃,不同种木霉的最适生长温度有所不同,哈茨木霉、康氏木霉的最适生长温度为28℃,长枝木霉最适生长温度为30℃,绿色木霉最适生长温度为26℃。选取分离频率高的哈茨木霉与长枝木霉对9种常用杀菌剂进行药物敏感性测定,认为多菌灵与甲基托布津可以适当施用以防治木霉,然而更高效低毒的化学农药或者生物农药还有待进一步研究。参照吴小平(2008)木霉对食用菌的侵染能力的研究方法,对不同木霉侵染金针菇的能力进行了研究,结果表明不同木霉对金针菇的侵染能力存在差异性,木霉对金针菇菌株的侵染能力分为强、中、弱三种类型,侵染性强的木霉可以更快的侵入到金针菇菌丝中。35株木霉对金针菇菌株FS282(抗性弱)的侵染性表现为强、中、弱的比例为45.7%、45.7%和8.6%,这显示出木霉对FS282的侵染性普遍是比较强的。通过PDA平板拮抗实验,以及棉子壳培养基复筛,评价了38个金针菇菌株的抗木霉能力,通过这两种方法所评价的抗性相符度高,结果可靠。从38株不同的金针菇菌株中筛选到F21、F33、F36、F37、F72、F94等6个金针菇菌株对木霉高抗,F100、F103、F31、F32、F38、F40、F61、F71、F74、F77等10个金针菇菌株对木霉中抗, F4、F42、F9、F101、F111、F54、F70、FH281、FS282等9个菌株对木霉抗性弱,这些结果可以为以后金针菇抗病育种资源的选择提供依据。

【Abstract】 The pathogenic Trichoderma was researched in the substitue cultivation of Flammulina velutipes From 2009 to 2010 in Sichuan province. The pathogenic Trichoderma spp. were isolated respectively in the polluted cultivation substrate of F. velutipes. And we chose 35 isolates of them to separate and identify the Trichoderma viride, measure its growth temperature, prevent and cure diseases chemically and screen the resistantce of F. velutipes. strains to them.The research results show that the pathogenic Trichoderma spp. consist of T. harziaum, T.longibrachiatum, T.viride and T.koningii in the substitue cultivation of F. velutipes in Sichuan. Among the total 35 Trichoderma spp. isolates, there are 26 isolates are T.harziaums, occupying 74.3%, which are the main Trichoderma sp. making F. velutipes infected. And there are respectively 4,3 and 2 isolates of T.longibrachiatum, T.viride and T.koningii, and their average separated rates are 11.4%,8.6% and 5.7% respectively. There is a definite relation between the species of the Trichoderma spp. And the collecting sites, such as, there are mainly T. harziaums separated in Hongyuan, and there are mainly T.virides separated in Daxian County.After measuring the growth temperature of the 35 isolates of the Trichoderma spp. The optimum growth temperature is 28℃. The optimum growth temperature for different sorts of Trichoderma sp. is various, and the best one for the T. harziaum and the T. koningii is 28℃,30℃for the T.longibrachiatum, and 26℃for the T.viride. The T. harziaum and the T. longibrachiatum with high separated rate were chosen to measure the drug susceptibility according to 9 common kinds of fungicides, and Carbendazim and Thiophanate-methyl were considered to have effects on preventing from the Trichoderma spp. when they are used properly. However, the more efficient and less toxic chemical or biological pesticides need further research.The infective ability of Trichoderma hyphae to the F. velutipes was investigated, referred to Wu Xiaoping (2008)’s research methods of the Trichoderma spp. infecting abilities towards edible fungi. And the research results showed that infecting abilities of different Trichoderma spp. towards F. velutipes were various, and the abilities divided into three types:the strong, the middle and the weak. Among the strong, the Trichoderma spp. can invade F. velutipes hyphae more rapidly. Among the 35 insolates of the Trichoderma spp., the rates of the strong, the middle and the weak according to the FS282 F. velutipes strain (with weak resistibility) were 45.7%, that showed the infecting abilities of the Trichoderma spp. towards FS282 were relatively strong general. 38 strains of F. velutipes were evaluated for the resistance to the pathogenic Trichoderma. in the culture medium of PDA plating, as well as the culture medium of Cotton Seed Hull.The resistibility got through the two methods conformed to great degree, and the results are reliable. After screening from 38 different strains of F. velutipes, we got F21, F33, F36, F37, F72 and F94 F. velutipes strains which resist against the Trichoderma spp. fiercely; we got F100, F103, F31, F32, F38, F40, F61, F71, F74 and F77 F. velutipes strains which resist against the Trichoderma spp. to a medium degree; and we got F4, F42, F9, F101, F111, F54, F70, FH281, FS282 F. velutipes strains which resist against the Trichoderma spp. to a medium degree to a slight degree. All the above results can be used to provide basis for choosing resources for F. velutipes resisting against diseases and breeding.

【关键词】 金针菇木霉病害侵染性抗性
【Key words】 Flammulina velutipesTrichodermaDiseaseInfectivityResistivity
  • 【分类号】S436.46
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】227

